The 2010 Chilli growing thread - it's scorching!

Or, put them in grow bags outside and let fate / our climate decide. :D

I grew 6 cucumber plants in 2 grobags this year, have just harvested the last fruits and my god I must have had atleast 20-25 cucumbers off them.

They were fine out on the patio trailing on the paving slabs so i'm sure they would be fine. I mean, ofcourse I think they need to be in the greenhouse from seed but once they are established plants they should be fine outside.
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I was thinking maybe the Lemon Crystal could be a Bonsai project ;)

I am now a few days away from a fully ripe Trinidad Scorpion, just a small one, but this is one pod I am really looking forward to tasting.
dried some chillis on a metal tray placed on top of a cable tv box which gets fairly warm (took about a weak) and :eek: they are certainly much hotter when dry lol almost burnt my lips off

Second harvest of my Cayenne chillies. Ive used about this many in chillies and a few curries and got about 3 times as many as this that are still green on the plants.

Got to say, I'm a bit dissapointed with the heat. I can eat one raw quite easily. Hope this Naga fruits next year as that wont disspoint in the heat department :D.
I'm really worried, all the leaves are starting to wilt and fall off of the plant. A few weeks ago, I sprayed the plants with some antibug spray to get rid of the aphids etc other than that they've been fine. Now all the leaves, except the ones towards the top of the plant are falling off. I've not changed my watering pattern @ all... any ideas?
how much did you spray? were the plants well watered before you sprayed?

they are suposed to be well watered so any spray that goes on the soil isnt concentrated when it finds it way near a root
Mwahaha.. I've just dropped off two Nagas to a friend and his girlfriend that "love hot food" although I did warn them that they should not leave them near small children or pets (they have neither)..

I shall now wait for the tales of tears and heat :D
just made sure I covered both sides of the leaves, that was a few weeks ago, only started wilting the past 3-4 days or so. I do water them pretty regularly, depending on how hot it is. Don't let the soil go dry and crumbly ever. Its really annoying cause I've had about 15-20 chilli's off 4 plants, and there's still some growing on them, but the leaves underneath just keep falling off!
are they outside? The night temps are verging on 10degC which some chilli plants (nagas) will start thinking of stopping flowering and dropping leaves.
Mwahaha.. I've just dropped off two Nagas to a friend and his girlfriend that "love hot food" although I did warn them that they should not leave them near small children or pets (they have neither)..

I shall now wait for the tales of tears and heat :D


I have an apple tree in my garden, and about 30 ring of fire chillis, so I googled recipes for these ingredients. Chilli jelly ! Strongly recommended, I'll do a habenero version when they ripen.
quick question, when ready to pick do they just come off really easily? mine have gone from green to yellow/red which is the colour they go when ripe, but they aint coming off easily!
quick question, when ready to pick do they just come off really easily? mine have gone from green to yellow/red which is the colour they go when ripe, but they aint coming off easily!

No.. you'll need to cut/snip them off :D

@Spammeh - mine have a few leaves that it's dropped with yellowing but plants do that if there's little sunlight hitting them.
ah right cheers, they have gone from yellow to red now, not sure thats a good sign, will eat one and report back! (hot wax chillies for reference)

forgive me for being a dunce, why does it have no seeds in it! (does it need to have been germinated?) its not as hot as I was expecting:(
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Not sure about the seeds, however the heat can depend on the environment. Usually a plant doesn't bother with fruit if the seeds have not been germinated.

My Jalapenos last year weren't that hot but I left them on longer and they did heat up a bit more.
One of the scotch bonnets (i think) is turning red after about a week from being picked when deep green. Its almost all yellowy green now should turn red by end of the week.

Nickk put the seeds in the curry you wimp. :p
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