Yeah it's a bit dear, but is so so much better for you IMO and it's much more alkaline and much less stress to digest than the bloaty lactose based whey. V.glad I've changed.
Benny, there's lots of reasons for insulin levels (highly anabolic), cortisol levels (highly catabolic), and optimising GH and test levels in your body. So whilst I'm not planning on experimenting with diet whilst on AGVT, I'm trying to modify it in such a way as to boost, GH, Test and Insulin when I need them, and minimise negative hormones hanging around too long. I've almost got it sussed, but it just need a bit of a fine tuning. I'll be cycling with EEAs, BCAAs, OKG and Creatine and probably fiddling with the superstack somehow - with lots of antioxidants (green veg, vit c etc...).
I'm just going to try to optimise my body's natural cycles to coincide with the strain and toughness of agvt. Last time I put on over 12lbs (but that was a lot of water weight, and excessive cortisol and insulin resistance) of which I'd say only about 4-5lbs was actual lean tissue. However I've learnt a LOT since then, and whilst I've put on weight since, I've leaned down to 96kg at the moment (I'll take pre-post pics of course) ready for the onslaught. Including water weight I'm likely to hit a similar weight, but if I keep my body cycle in check i reckon I'll have more lean tissue. As a result.
Well if my workings and machinations are correct at any rate!