Stupid question of the day:
If you're right handed, is it normal for your left arm to be weaker? Anyone else have this?
(in before masturbation jokes)
I'm not a lefty though, I have a soul.
my left is simply stronger, could be due to my injury in my right. But Who knows
Stupid question of the day:
If you're right handed, is it normal for your left arm to be weaker? Anyone else have this?
Stupid question of the day:
If you're right handed, is it normal for your left arm to be weaker? Anyone else have this?
(in before masturbation jokes)
Been doing this exercise, not sure if its worth it or not, some of the comments seem silly.
Was in the gym today and i could have sworn this 1 bloke was having sex with the machines from the noises he was making, quite off putting
I personally don't think his body is that impressive, very achievable.
May be a twit but he's built alright