*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

I forgot you did it, I'll see if I can dig out your posts if not would you mind giving me a quick recap?

Well I'm at the "heavy" phase of it now, but still pushing out lots of reps as I love my volume! :o Though the progessive loading is working REALLY well.

This is what I did:

Day 1:
Ham curls
DB side raises
DB shrugs

Day 2:
Leg press
Cable raises
BB shrugs

Day 3:
Decline BB chest
Push Press
DB side raises

Sometimes I'll add in a superset to the last set of each movement with a machine - actually most of the time!

I did 2 weeks @ 2x15 reps + 1x superset on each
2 weeks @ 2x10 reps + 1x superset on each
Currently doing 2x5 reps + 1x high volume superset
Then 3x5 reps + high volume dropset

Not conventional HST by any means, but the principles are there, and I was finding it challenging, but not quite challenging enough! :o

I'd throw in some power days too like powercleans, hc2pp, and some 1RM days too. Just to make things challenging. I like to break convention! :D
Thanks for that FF. There's lots of different variations around which makes things quite confusing.

As long as I use the main principles of progressive load and frequency then it should be fine.

Thinking that I'll just have one workout performed 3 times each week. And change this with each cycle of HST to work different angles, to keep things simple for now. It'll probaly be a little boring come the end but will allow me to focus on technique which I should be good at come the end having performed each 18-24 times in 6-8 weeks!

Will sort my squat form out which I think I have finally pinpointed my problem of sitting too far back into them, despite sitting my knees out, squeezing my glutes everything under the sun to stop my back pumps. Logically big spinal errecotr pumps from leaning too far foward which is what I have been doing by sticking my ass out too far and not having my knees come over my toes (not that they should stick out over but just be above) Hopefully this week will be the week I sort it out and can get back to squatting properly.

Having said that Tabata front squats gave me some beastly DOMS for what was 4 minutes worth of work!
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I liked to vary the exercises and keep the regularity of the sessions so as to get full benefits. I haven't had this bad DOMS since starting the program than when I did AGVT the first time!
Did you get the chance to read CT's article on High Performance training? Highlights 'eccentricless' leg work, neural ramping and wave loading. Was quite an interesting read and also reasonably low volume but high frequency optimising the maximum training weight. Though a friend and I have had a hard time making heads and tails of what the routine should look like at the end!
Yeah heard of it, but not looked into it thoroughly. I like a lot of CT's articles before he sold out and went mad with all that anaconda crap.

Yeah, the iBodybuilder anaconda plugging is a bit :rolleyes:

He doesn't plug anything in this one (posted it above yesterday) appart from some pwo neural recharge supplements which obviously aren't essential and there is no emphasis on these.

I would deffinatley give principles of that article a try but just don't have the facilities unfortunatley :(
Cheers bro, I was going to ask you if you could list the exercises for me. I was a little worried about HST being too complicated to remember all my weights and I didn't want to flaff around with having a note pad or something with them on but thankfully I can have the spreadsheet on my phone (got to love Windows mobile). It's actually not that bad I've realised its just the way its initially presented was a little daunting.

I've got my first B day today so that should be fun :).

Bro did you manage to finish your workout yesterday?
Shoulders bag again today :(

Must have been the 5 shirts I ironed last night :p

Did you perform the neural ramp correctly before picking up the iron? Did you do any activation exercises? Did you correctly wave load? :p

Feel your pain, even though it was 3/4 years ago now. My neck strain hasn't stopped me training and is healing but it's still frustrating.
Did you perform the neural ramp correctly before picking up the iron? Did you do any activation exercises? Did you correctly wave load? :p

Feel your pain, even though it was 3/4 years ago now. My neck strain hasn't stopped me training and is healing but it's still frustrating.

No :(

It sucks...I don't think I could train on it atm...I need to let it do some self healing, then light train on it in the new year.

This is exactly what my ankle was like when I screwed the ligament up in that :(
Would deffinatley recommend 'Dumbell Thrusters' to anybody looking to give themselves a shock 'tabata' style.

Basically a DB front squat straight into a DB push press. Nice and light.

I'd done a Tabata row before hand had 4-5 minutes recovery/setup/warm up for the thrusters. I was using 10KG DB's (I trained shoulders yesterday) but this felt like a good weight.

Second set in and my heart rate went absolutley mental, can't describe it. Give it a go if you're currently doing any HIIT/circuit work.
Finally can do pull-ups again, been able to do chins and dips for a few weeks, but pull-ups have been painfully hard, gonna wait till I drop a little more weight, then lats errrryday.

Down from 15st7 to 13st12 now, haven't lost too much lean mass, so pretty happy.

Also my elbow fully healed, I can get on with skull crushers now, the most painful, yet satisfying exercise when super setted with close grip bench, I love them.

Brrr. Going to need plenty of warmup before tonight's back session. I hope everyone else is not doing any heavy lifting whilst cold. :)

Snowed a **** load last night so had to contend with a frosted/snow covered conservatory this morning :/

Had three layers on for my warm ups, but by the time I started squatting I was bare footed in my shorts and t shirt :p

Stalled for the second time on OHP today:

Me left shoulder/arm seemed to decide it didn't want to finish the 4th set :confused:
Completely threw me off :(
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