*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

TheCenturion - you're far far too kind, I don't know how much of that is true, but thank you very much for the kind words. :)

No mate, you've actually helped me so much. So have the other members, I'd have to dig up posts to find some names but people like Benny C and Morba come to mind, but your name sticks out. Maybe it's the fact that you're a mod which means that I pay more attention to your posts :p

(It's Anant btw, not sure if you realised. I had a name change :o )
Just came a cross this image and thought to myself what a cracking sig it would make for someone! Its Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman, Arnold Schwarzenegger from left to right! :)


Ah Dorian. Legend :D
Thats some nice back cleavage right there :p.

One of the olympic bars (of 3, makes a big difference in waiting, plus majority of the time bicep boys use one of them to bench lol) in my uni gym broke apparently, wonder how long a replacement will take...
A2G squat of 90kg for 5x5 today, knees feeling a bit better and supplementing with a lot of fish oil may be helping.

Shoulders and bicep workout tommorow :p
Dorian looks amazing in that photo :eek: like someone have glue a tonne of steaks to his back.

The Craig said:
One of the olympic bars (of 3, makes a big difference in waiting, plus majority of the time bicep boys use one of them to bench lol) in my uni gym broke apparently, wonder how long a replacement will take...

Yeah this is SO annoying. I don't even know how they get broken, I'm definitely one of the strongest guys in my uni gym and I've never had any trouble. I can only assume that someone is mistreating them, but I have no idea what that would entail...:confused:

Also, it means that we now only have one "normal" bar. We also have a short bar which no one uses, and two 22.5 kg extra thick bars, which are not only harder to hold onto but a pain when working out weights.

FF it is great to have you on here, in fact the vast majority in SA are an awesome bunch. If you're awesome, that means you :cool: *SA group hug*

/gay ;)

I didn't manage to finish my HST session because I ran out of time, but I'll do the rest early tomorrow. Completely forgot how horrible the 15s are! Completely killed me. I powered through my squats (115kg) and SLDL (110kg) with ~90 seconds rest because I knew I didn't have much time...then I needed to stop for what was probably a long time as I was almost sick. I was hanging off the bar after my squats which I probably should have paid attention to. Managed to grind through dumbbell presses and pulldowns but then realised I only had 5 mins left. It didn't help that the water fountain was broken and was only dribbling :rolleyes:

So a brutal workout, but I wouldn't have it any other way :D
Since my arm is fine, I think. I'll be going heavy and hard again on everything I can. Will have to stay stick with my heavy week followed by light though. My rubbish diet lately has kept me from working as hard as I use to.

My breakfast is usually 5-6 eggs and a bowl of oats, But lately I've been so busy with college I've skipped breaky far to many times.

I usually only eat my first meal of the day around 1pm now. :mad:

Not nearly good enough, I'm making progress but I know I'd be able to do a lot more if I actually ate more again.

I might not gain on the deadlift and squat at the moment because of that. But the smaller muscle groups aren't too bad. Although my Triceps are still hurting today from Thursday's pounding. :(
Don't worry about it, I went through that phase of my final year at Uni and this was the time I was smashing records.

155KG - 5 Reps
155KG - 5 Reps
155KG - 5 Reps
155KG - 5 Reps
155KG - 10 Reps (Think I got a bit excited and carried away)

I'm well on my way to smashing my record. 3 weeks to go.
How much progress would you expect to have on your body if lets just say you were on the right diet with a bodybuilding perfect routine...each year would you expect to add an inch to your arms?

So like if you had 20 inch arms, in that same scenario, and then a year later your arms were still 20" then would that mean something is wrong?

This question applies to all parts of your body, even legs, back, chest, whatever.

The reason I'm asking this question, is because if everything gradually gets bigger then theres no reason to monitor fat or weight or muscle weight is there, if your measurements get bigger year by year then surely everything is working?

EDIT: Also if thats true, and I'm not missing anything....then also surely another way of measuring progress would be how much you lift, because lets say your squatting 160kg for 5x5 and then in a years time your squatting 200kg for 5x5 then surely that probably more then likely means your legs have increased in size and therefore because the muscles in your legs are bigger thats why you can squat more?
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How much progress would you expect to have on your body if lets just say you were on the right diet with a bodybuilding perfect routine...each year would you expect to add an inch to your arms?

Have a read of the article FF posted above. You can't add an inch to your arms every year, or legs or chest. There's a limit the body has even on gear. It's not quite so black and white.

The Centurion also did some maths with the sums from the article above.

So like if you had 20 inch arms, in that same scenario, and then a year later your arms were still 20" then would that mean something is wrong?

Not necesarily. Measuring circumference alone doesn't account for (or lack of) fat. You could have 20" arms at 25% bf. Then a few years down the line still have 20" arms at 10% bf. Your conditioning has improved, body fat is down but muscle is up yet they're still the same size despite there being more muscle.

This question applies to all parts of your body, even legs, back, chest, whatever.
The reason I'm asking this question, is because if everything gradually gets bigger then theres no reason to monitor fat or weight or muscle weight is there, if your measurements get bigger year by year then surely everything is working?

Monoitoring fat gain, waist increase etc.

EDIT: Also if thats true, and I'm not missing anything....then also surely another way of measuring progress would be how much you lift, because lets say your squatting 160kg for 5x5 and then in a years time your squatting 200kg for 5x5 then surely that probably more then likely means your legs have increased in size and therefore because the muscles in your legs are bigger thats why you can squat more?

Strength doesn't always mean increases in size. For example when on a strength routine your target muscle may become slightly larger, too small to notice in that short a time period but your lifts will go up.

Another example is DarkShadow still at 70KG or there abouts but has increased his lifts massively. Sure he has most likely increased his measurements but you don't always have to be getting bigger to be getting stronger.
Had another epic night last night. Legs and Shoulders; which thanks to Benny's shoulder work out means it's a night of massive volume. Absolutely brilliant to get you back in the mood for the gym after the weekend (depsite the fact I went on Saturday)

20kg @ 15
40kg @ 12
60kg @ 8
70kg @ 6
80kg @ 5
90kg @ 5
95kg @ 3 = New PB
60kg @ 10
40kg @ 12
20kg @ 15

Leg Press
80kg @ 15
120kg @ 12
160kg @ 10
160kg @ 10
120kg @ 12
80kg @ 15

I actually tried 200kg, but my legs were so dead I couldn't even manage to lift it off the safety! :D Did the usual leg curls and extensions afterwards, felt great.

For shoulders, I did military press but with the bar behind my head for a change. I actually wanted to use barbells, but the right weights weren't available (or even anywhere to be seen actually), so had to settle for using the Smith machine. Now I know this doesn't utilise the stabilisers you'd normally use, but is it as much of a sin when doing military press as it is when doing for example bench press?
Looks like some nice volume and congrats on the PB!

I've used smith for high incline/shoulder work before. I don't realy see a problem with it though I know it's an unnatural range of movement for the shoulders it being fixed on rails and some peoples RC's can throw a fit. I know when I fatigue on a smith I can feel my shoulder being stressed.

However on the whole using it every now and then shouldn't be a problem provided you're doing some other regular free weight overhead pressing to keep the stabilisers up.
A friend recommended I read this:


Having done so (albiet, in the courner of my screen at work) it seems like an interesting principle and ties in with lots of other articles I've read about training methods. It also isn't plugging any special supplements (recommends good pwo recovery nutrition) but doesn't rely on anything in particular other than your own hard work.

It's quite a long read at 4 pages long and I was a little lost come the end of page 3 but page 4 clears a lot up.

If anyone can be bothered to read it I'm up for some stimulating discussion :p As it appears to be quite an advanced and un-authodox method for most if not all users here I won't start discussing it in great detail here as I don't want to confuse our novice lifters but will happily start another thread if people want to discuss it.

Edit: Upper & Lower pressing articles:


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I did manage to finish my HST workout yesterday although I did almost pass out several times. It's definately fair to say my fitness is miserably low :(. I did have fun though...

...I love HC2PP :)
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