You shouldn't really deplete your water unless you are 'not-natural'
as there is no real gain. IF you were to do it you simply drink less
Show on Sat, drink what 2galls mostly, then 16oz on Thurs, 8oz on Fri and then just sips or so on Sat.
With food it is simply carb depleting/loading and the same with sodium.
This really is not necessary though
Essentially correct, although that isn't the best water protocol. I only really know about this from a powerlifting point of view, but it's basically the same apart from the carb/salt loading (I think!). In the week preceding the event you would drink 2 gallons of water a day and reduce carbs and salt to as low a level as possible. Then 12 hours before the event stop drinking water completely. Because your body has had to cope with a lot of fluid intake it will be very efficient at expelling water, so those 12 hours will effectively drain you of fluids quite dramatically. Salt is reduced because it promotes water retention. After weigh in you go nuts and eat/drink as much as you can.
OT: respect for the iron man Clipsey!
Any plans to do another?
Well upto now everyone has always told me to drink loads of water but it sounds as if maybe if I was drinking less I'd look better.
For past year though I always have a pint of water in my hand at all times no matter where I am or where I go.
No, this is not the way to go about it. If you simply reduce your fluid intake your body will simple condition itself to expell less fluids, leaving you at square one.
If you're thinking of doing this personally to look better you're massively barking up the wrong tree. Bodybuilders do this to look good for literally about an hour, and they already have very low body fat so the effects can actually be seen. I suspect that what you need to do is reduce your body fat levels. Keep drinking lots of water, it's good for you.
On an entirely separate note, did my final "A" day of 15s of HST today:
Back Squats: 122.5kgx15x2 PB, was easy really
Stiff leg deadlift: 120kgx15x2 PB, again easy. Although I have 122.5kg on friday, but I might increase that
Incline DB press: 35kgx15x2 PB, not so easy but not a problem, was the right weight
Pulldown: 80kgx15x2 first set was easy, second was a struggle. Think lats were fatigued slightly from SLDL
Dips: 22.5kg started these but skipped them because my shoulder was niggling, forgot to do rotator cuff warmups!
HC2PP: 47.5kgx15x2 PB, my god these were horrible, glad I didn't try 50kg. I find these the most aerobically challenging of all the exercises and I'm REALLY unfit at the moment. Was running out of time as well so had to rush my rest, kind of ended up being a big set of 30 with several pauses
Calfs: ran out of time
Feel pretty good, disappointed with dips but I might do a couple of sets with a light weight on friday to compensate. I really don't want to aggrevate my shoulder for the rest of the program! Fitness has improved dramatically over the last few weeks, starting to actually feel like a bit of an athlete again. Also, I'll tell you what isn't ideal, is realising you need a poo just as you start squatting and not having enough time to take care of business
Felt like every rep was a danger rep! Not cool.