*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

Bit of a odd one - Yes i know medical threads are not allowed that is why im going to pop to the doctor in the morning.

For the last two / three weeks every time i go on the cross trainer within 2 - 3 minutes the machine tells me to stop as my heart is 255 and i need to stop. This has been happening on more than one occasion and on different machines. I know these are not 100% accurate but i suffer from sweaty palms - will this effect the result?

Last week after the gym i had someone test my heart rate resting and it was perfect. :)

This will be the second cross-trainer I have come across that is giving eroneous readings? The wife had exactly the same problem which caused her to visit the GP and put any concerns to rest. :) I'm hopefully sure you'll be the same.
255 is the highest number it goes to (magical hexdec number I think), so it's more likely malfunctioning than your heart beating that fast... which if true would be on the verge of exploding I'd imagine.
Update: I had been thinking, this has only been happening fairly recently. I decide to try something - don't use my Iphone to listen to music while on the cross-trainer. Problem Solved.... spent 25 minutes on the cross trainer yesterday with no problem at all - Heart raise did not rise beyond 160. So i decide to speak to one of the gym staff members, who said he had experienced similar problems when using his Iphone. There must be some sort of interference that causes the heart rate monitor to malfunction.
Update: I had been thinking, this has only been happening fairly recently. I decide to try something - don't use my Iphone to listen to music while on the cross-trainer. Problem Solved.... spent 25 minutes on the cross trainer yesterday with no problem at all - Heart raise did not rise beyond 160. So i decide to speak to one of the gym staff members, who said he had experienced similar problems when using his Iphone. There must be some sort of interference that causes the heart rate monitor to malfunction.

Tried setting the iphone to flight mode if there is one?

I'm looking for a new blender (to blend oats/whey/bananas for breakfast), anyone got any reccomendations?
Whilst buying all my usual food for the week today I picked up some canned mackerel fillets (had already brought a load of regular fillets too but a friends discount card got the better of me!).

Amazing stuff for 79p a can. Brilliant snack to take with you on the go. Got some in a tomato sauce, which in itself isn't amazing but not bad.

Anybody got any suggestions for flavouring some plain couscous? Can't use anything with chilli in as a flatmate has an alergy unfortunatley!
Whilst buying all my usual food for the week today I picked up some canned mackerel fillets (had already brought a load of regular fillets too but a friends discount card got the better of me!).

Amazing stuff for 79p a can. Brilliant snack to take with you on the go. Got some in a tomato sauce, which in itself isn't amazing but not bad.

Anybody got any suggestions for flavouring some plain couscous? Can't use anything with chilli in as a flatmate has an alergy unfortunatley!

When cooking rice I usually just throw in a chicken stock cube and boil it in that. Not a major difference but a lot more palatable than plain rice.
Isn't an oxo cube basically just a block of salt?

Edit: also, look what someone just linked me:

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:|. What has been seen cannot be unseen. That's horrible and looks shopped too because his forearm looks far bigger than his bicep =/
If that's real then it looks like someones vacuum packed his arm, sucked all the liquids out and left it like that.

And for some more constructive input - tried skipping again last night and damn it's a hard thing to do. I'm sure I'll slowly get better and my calf muscles don't hurt anywhere near as much as they did after the first time but I don't think it's going to be a fast process to get decent at it.
tried skipping again last night and damn it's a hard thing to do. I'm sure I'll slowly get better and my calf muscles don't hurt anywhere near as much as they did after the first time but I don't think it's going to be a fast process to get decent at it.

Took me a couple of goes to work up to getting the technique correct and manage not to catch it on my heels. Try moving your hands closer/further away from your hips and also move your wrist position (pointing to the side, 45degrees or infront)to find which is most comfortable for you. Also only little jumps are needed :) otherwise you find you fatigue super quick!

Trying a crossover before you're ready just results in clipping yourself round the head and face :(:p
Hi all. After a bit of advice...

I got back from travelling about 6 months ago now. Before I left I was around 85kg, when I got back I was down to 75kg (I'm 6'2"). I got back in the gym sharpish and sorted my diet out. After a few months I was up to about 78/79. And now I'm back up to 80kg and have been here for quite a while (~2 months).

Now the confusing bit is that I'm stuck at this weight. I'm not putting any more weight, BUT I am building up a nasty bit of fat around my hips. My diet hasn't changed and neither has my workout. I don't really understand how I can be building up fat yet not putting on weight. I'd be fairly happy putting on a bit of fat as long as there is muscle to go with it...but there doesn't seem to be. I just seem to be stuck in a rut.

My diet is as follows:

6:30am - Awake

7am: 3 poached eggs on 2 pieces of brown bread. Maybe another piece of peanut butter on toast if I'm hungry.

10:30am: Shake; 30g whey, 50g oats, 250ml semi-skimmed milk, splash of cinnamon

12:30pm: Salad; Chicken breast, half can of beans (usually chick or harricot), olive oil, yoghurt, and various veggies depending on what's in the fridge, cucumber peppers carrots etc

3pm: Handful of brazil nuts and sultanas and a banana

6pm: Dinner. Varies a fair bit, but nearly always a nice bit of chicken/mince with either brown rice/pasta, potatoes and some veggies

7pm: Gym

8:30pm: Shake; 30g whey, 50g oats, 250ml semi-skimmed milk, splash of cinnamon

11pm: Bed

Could be better but I think it could be a lot worse as well. Depending on the portion sizings that works out at around 3500 calories and around a 30/40/30 protein/carb/fat split. Again this can vary a little bit.

My training is, and always has been, a 4 day split back, chest, legs, shoulders. I think one of my problems is that I don't do very much cardio. I only do 10mins on the x-trainer or rower after each weights session. I sometimes go for a bike ride one the weekend s but lately the weather has been naff and my knee is giving me some jip. Main reason for this is that I don't like cardio, I prefer weights or riding my bike. Really don't have the motivation to do cardio at the gym.

Any pointers as to things to change that might help me add a bit more lean mass and cut down on the fat gain?

Whats your training like? Honestly what were you like at 85k and how long did it take to get there?
If you were a good lean 85k before then Id suggest you aren't training hard enough.
Diet doesn't look too bad. You could ditch the milk as you might find it *could* be aiding your love handles.

The fact you haven't changed your training in a while is probaly the biggest factor that you're stuck at a plateau.

I've just drawn up (awaiting some C&C on another forum) a fullbody, well 2 full body routines push/pull.

Advantages of a fullbody are that you get a much higher frequency and stimulation. You just need to make sure you're doing enough to encourage growth, but not too much as to over train.

Full body programs also require more energy due to working multiple groups which means greater calorie expenditature. Which means you can either eat more and gain less fat/weight. Or managed to drop a little fat along the way.

Review you're training and try dropping milk and some carbs form you diet. In order to loose weight you need less calories in and more burned. As you're unwilling to perform CV you'll need to do this wholy through your diet.

I'd recommend some HIIT to target fat burn and keep an excess at bay. 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a week is painless. Well it isn't at the time but is short and you're finished before you know it.

Edit: You could try really shocking your body by doing the opposite of what it's used to. So lift heavier for shorter sets, but more of them. Or go lighter and slower for a couple more reps with less weight. Slow negatives will help to build mass.
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Semi Skimmed milk?

You need to hit up the fully skimmed milk dawg. Milk is very good for you and is a great source of protein, but the green and blue milk can add quite a lot to your fat levels if you drink a lot of it.
Figured some C&C on the full body split would be good to have from here too. Currently 'cutting'. Haven't been as low on the calorie intake as I could have been but have seen some reasonable progress despite this. Last month before heading home for Easter is the final push. Strict diet and a new routine to complement.

Having had a quick read around this is initially what I've peiced together. Two alternating fullbody routines. One push & one pull. Seperated by a days HIIT. I'm not quite sure if some of the exercises are in the correct places but obviously it's open for ammendments:


CHEST - Flat Bench - 3 x 10 (Alternated with incline press each rotation)
SHOULDERS - Military Press or Alternating DB O/H Press - 3 x 10
LEGS - Back Squats & Leg Extensions - 3 x 10, 3 x 10
TRICEPS - Dips, SkullCrushers, Pushdowns, CGBP (2 of 4) 3 x 10, 3 x 10

Sets - 18


BACK: Pull Ups & B.O.R's - 3 x 10, 3 x 10
LEGS: Deadlift &/or SLDL (probaly rotate each cycle) - 3 x 10, 3 x 10
SHOULDERS/TRAPS: Facepulls, Raises, Shrugs (2 of 3) 3 x 10, 3 x 10
CHEST: Low to High Flyes - 3 x 10 (Alternated with decline flyes each rotation)
BICEPS: Preacher Curls, Hi Cable Curls + other (2 of 3) 3 x 10, 3 x 10

Sets: 24 to 27

Mon- A
Tues - CV/HIIT
Weds - B
Thurs - CV/HIIT
Fri - A
Sun - B
Mon - Rest Day

Not sure if Flyes are a pushing or pulling exercise? Figured you're pulling your arms together so popped them into the pull cycle.

I'm aware Deadlifting is pritty much a back and leg exercise but placed it under the legs heading to make things cleaerer. Thinking shrugs might not be necesary after Deadlifting. Raises aren't something I'm too keen on leaving out.

For arm isolation I'd use two exercises, obviously there are quite a few so just named the main ones. Thinking GCBP could become a staple and then cycle 1 other tricep exercise.

Would probaly perform some core work on the Push split.

Trying to get as much stimulation as possible without over training.

A rest day could have course be introduced every 5th day, depending on how I cope with the routine in regards to diet restrictions.
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