The 2011 Chilli growing thread - it's scorching!

I'd repot them asap otherwise the roots are going to be a right mess to sort out and be all tangled with each others roots.

Edit - hmm are they in them self contained soil things as at first glance i just saw a white pot holding em all but 2nd glance i see they might not be.
Yeah they are in peat pellets, but they do need re-potting soon. Roots are starting to appear at the sides of the pellets. just waiting on some compost turning up.
Anyone know where I could get some cheap clear perspex for a greenhouse?

Been given a greenhouse by our next door neighbours, but it doesnt have any glass. I can probably get hold of some plate glass but I'd rather use plastic sheets for safety reasons and as there is no concrete base down so it needs to be as light as possible :D.
So far all I have used is a 40watt CFL grow light and home made reflector. Pretty pleased with the results. The stems are pretty thick and strong, much better then the spindly Cayennes I grew last year using daylight. And that was a month later that I started them.

I've also replaced all bulbs in the house with 21watt energy saving bulbs to offset the small cost of running this grow light :cool:.

its amazing how little stretching you get to, shows you how poor daylight is in this country lol
Roll on friday, payday to buy the last few things like capillary watering, compost and the likes. Just retrieved the "incubator" or what ever it is from the garden so that's drying out, hope it still works.
Can someone remind me of the ratio for compost: pearlite: vermicle

Just spent another £60 on pots, water wick matting and other such stuff. I think I'll stick with my rubbish rope this month.
3 hand fulls of soil per 1 of perlite and im not sure of vermicle as i've never needed it.

Acid, are you doing the chillies that require very warm conditions or something because if not then you probs dont need to worry too much with whatever your building for em.

Unless your going hydroponics.

Btw ordered some Apache and Early Jalapeños, I'll post some pics when i have somit to show. Also growing heirloom tomatoes pink brandywine and Cherokee purple. Duno how they will turn out but i wana try em. Might stick em in my grow room with the 250w red or just swap it with the 125w dual spec bulb. To give em a head start as ideally i should have sown them mid feb or somit i think.
Planted 3:1:1 ratio

3 x Moricha
3 X Hot Cherry
2 x curry
2 x hot Lemon
2 X Fatalli

I'm also growing tomatoes again this year. Went for Alicante, money maker and gardeners delight, as Wilko were doing them for 3 for 2 lol.

Last year I got loads of green tomatoes but they refused to ripen and ended up getting tomatoes blight, as i couldn't be bothered to keep bringing them inside when it rained.

Going to pot them in 5 litre final sized pots this time as last year I think having them in 10l tubs might have been one of the reasons they took so long to ripen as they were using too much energy bushing out and growing roots?
Would have been better off picking them when they were green (ideally let them be as much as u can before picking them) and let them ripen on ur sunniest window indoors.

I was in wilkos they had a lot of seeds but nothing very exotic to try. I knew id never see black tomatoes in there or any shops as its a import seed i think from america etc. I like to try things u cant buy or are uncommon in uk, least u can wow ur friends and family as they probs never seen owt like that before.

Wont do tigerellas again as they wernt that nice. Sweet million were canny tho for cherry toms.

Tom plants need a good pot size. 5 litre is too little imo. 10 would be ideal. Remember to pick of shoots and cut the top off the tom plants after say 5-7 trusses.


Acid yep that looks about right.
I have n't posted any photos as they are much the same as last year. I started germinating seeds earlier ( start of Feb ) this year and the plants are coming along nicely.

This year I am growing :

Naga Morich, well you have to eh ?

Chocolate Habs, which is a new one to me.

Ring of Fire, these did very well outside last year, with lots of fruit early and throughout the season.

Explosive Ember, which is more an ornamental plant and will be kept in doors.

Hot Cherry. I think the Hot Cherry is a small plant with reasonably hot chillies, web search suggests the fruits are good for stuffing with cheese and roasting. Has anyone grown this plant ?

The end of last year a few of us tried making chilli sherry, it is undrinkable, but it is excellent for cooking with. Some of the chocolate habs will be used for this.


Not sure what's going on with my little plants, planted them probably 5-6 weeks ago now, sowed 12 seeds, 3 started growing about 3 weeks ago and they're still really small.

I forgot to water them over the weekend, one died, I think I've rescued the other 2 but they're still very small. Thoughts?


Have I left it too late to start planting seeds now? I don't have a grow box, just going to be using natural sunlight.
Have I left it too late to start planting seeds now? I don't have a grow box, just going to be using natural sunlight.

No way, seeds I bought from say saw from Jan-Apr, heck last year I started growing in May or June, can't remember and managed to get a nice size crop.
Hey Guys, i need a bit of chilli advice. my chilli that was surviving the winter quite happily started going yellow and shrivelling on quite a few of the leaves, and the fruit started to shrivel too.

i realised that whilst I've been watering it appropriately (i think? i water it when the surface of the soil is dryish) i've not fed it at all since i repotted it back in late september and so the soil's probably run out of nutrients.
i dissolved a small amount (like a 1/6th of a teaspoon) of miracle-gro in the usual amount of water, and fed it last night. i also trimmed off all the drying foliage and shrivelled fruit.

this afternoon when i checked on it, some of the leaves have lost turgidity and are starting to curl at the edges.
when I was trimming it I used a halogen desklamp to look at it closely - did i cook it with the lamp by accident?
Yup, although this week the night temps are -1 which means if they're sat in a mailbox etc they may get killed off by frost. Give me a ping through trust and I'll try and get something out to coincide with the warm spell later this week.

Alternatively there's a seed swapping social group :)

I also have some left, let me know and if NickK runs out i'll help out

Completely forgot about this and probably far too late now, but is the offer still there?

Can I ask if mine have something wrong with them. I planted these beginning of January and they are still tiny. I can only give them them sun when its out otherwise they are on the north facing window away from drafts just above radiator for heat. I water them when they are a little dry but don't drench them.

Is it normal? as I have never grown them before thanks folks


I'd say its normal for natural light this time of the year. For comparison, I sowed my seeds on the 28-29th of January and they are now much bigger than in the pic I posted above. I'm only using a 40watt cfl bulb as well, highly rate them for getting the plants off to a good start, ready for the better weather to take over.
Man I wish my chilli's look like Mark A's, got about 8 seedling going onto their second pair of leaves. Yours look like their on steroids though, can't wait till mine look like that.

Also had a accident and lost half my crop, some plonker knocked it off my window sill when came home ****ed :(


There got a picture of my babies.
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