The 2011 Chilli growing thread - it's scorching!

I have found these caterpillas on mine some are light green some are dark,with a yellow stripe munching on my leaves,anyone know what these are thanks.
I finally have some Dorset Nagas ready. Any good ideas what I can do with them? They are ridiculously hot, too hot for a curry really. I am thinking I should just make a couple of sauces.
Acid are you still watching this thread?
If so have you made any progress with your non pollenating nagas?

Ive some news, I got annoyed with mine and put them outside as they were on my windowsill and I wanted to open the window, and as they werent producing I figured sod them stick them outside. A week later they have pollen .... no idea why its not nice out there, not hot and very damp but its done the trick by the looks of it and shocked the plants

Aji Lemons ripening up.


Couple of Cherry Bombs.


Tabascooooo :D


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Your Tabascos look good! I can't even get mine to fruit! :(

Heres how mine are looking now..

Had my first crop of chillies this weekend..

My GFs peppers are doing OK too, got some big bell peppers..
After growing only cayennes last year, I've gone for allsorts this year. Fresno, Anaheim, Cayenne, Hungarian Hot Wax, Jalapeno, Pinnochio's Nose and Naga Morich (which has FINALLY produced a fruit!! Even if I get just the one from the two plants I managed to get from five seeds, I'll be happy!)..

Regardless, I picked a green fresno off last night to chop up and bung on a pizza, expecting something similar to a Jalapeno... but **** me, not even close! Whether it's to do with ripeness or freshness, I dunno, but this thing was a damn-sight hotter than any Jalapeno I've had before! Bloody brilliant :D

Will take some pictures of them in the greenhouse in a bit and upload them, got a fantastic crop so far, on the ones that have actually bothered to do anything![IMG]

Nice penis. Err, I mean your chilli. Similar to a Peter Pepper in it's phallic shape.

Harvested around 10 Cayennes this evening. Chopped them up and bunged them into the freezer for storage. Scotch bonnets are getting close now, exciting! :D
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I'm harvesting my Apache chillies tonight.

Unfortunately they are the SMALLEST chillies in the world. No more than 2cm each wtf!!

Anyways, I've tried one and they are hottttah! :)

Picked a few off today. Top left are Hungarian Hot Wax, top right are Anaheim. The bottom? No idea. They're the seed from a bag of 'finger chillies' from Sainsbury's, and they're all quite small and rather hot indeed. If anyone knows what they might be, I'd be interested to know!

The ones at the bottom, are only half the current crop, and all from one plant - it's more like a bush :p Oh, and it's just started flowering again too. So does anyone know a good sweet chilli sauce recipe? Gonna have millions of these.

Had a couple of fresnos and hot waxes sliced up on a pizza last night... nom! :D
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Mine have finally started to ripen

had a fair few off in the last week or so, and a piccy of tadays harvest

Fatalli, Naga's, Choc Hab, Antillias and some very small statch bonnets

One plant was almost alive when I got back, took the chill is of and dried them out.

Got another two plants that are still doing nicely, both full of ripe bumper crops, so need to do something with them soon as well.
Has anybody had a go at growing some bhut jolokias this year? If so, got any pictures?

I left it a bit late to grow them, and they're just growing flowerbuds now - If I'm lucky, I'll get some fruit before winter kicks in!
Yes, but I don't know which plant it is :P

I didn't label any of mine and only know what a couple are. Will be amusing find out which ones which :D
Some good crops here :D

I've not been so lucky - due to the new job and getting engaged, the plants and everything have taken a back seat. :( I'm vowing to get an crop next year as the place we're looking at has a garden \o\ |o| /o/

My nagas took an age to start setting fruit. They really shone in their next season.
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