The 2011 Chilli growing thread - it's scorching!

Any other naga growers can you say where you grew them eg on window sill, in conservatory etc and if you were successful

My plants have some chillis but are dropping flowers again, I got the chillis whilt outside but they are back insdie now due to low night temps

Been reading around and a few have claimed the chinese sourced chilis need a humid atmosphere and I am wondering if mine are too day, and that maybe whilst outside they had better humidity
Some good crops here :D

I've not been so lucky - due to the new job and getting engaged, the plants and everything have taken a back seat. :( I'm vowing to get an crop next year as the place we're looking at has a garden \o\ |o| /o/

My nagas took an age to start setting fruit. They really shone in their next season.

I wondered why I hadn't seen you in the thread much, congrats :p.

I got loads of Pointed red peppers this year from my 3 plants. Have only just this week had to buy a pepper for the first time all summer.
My first Naga has FINALLY ripened. Got dozens more on the way in thier first stages, going to have to bring them back inside soon though so will see if they ever get as far as ripening!

My Chilli plant has lost most of its leaves and i dont know why :confused:, new flowers are appearing and small leaves which do turn into fruits and the leaves drop off but it just looks like twigs with chillies on the ends of them lol. I re-potted the plant into a larger pot yesterday hopefully it will grow some leaves!

** Great results all!
That's odd! Chillis but no leaves.

I did think my Cayenne's were coming to the end of their season, but noooo. They have started growing new branches, flowers and chillis. Crazy things.
I had a late start around end of may with a pot each of sweet california and cayenne from wilko's. I've got about a dozen fruits of each spread over 4 plants of each and they're still small and showing no signs of ripening, probably due to the side of the pond being a wind trap as much as it is a sun trap.

Aiming for an early start next year though with 4 varieties of sweets along with jalapenos, bishops crown, paper lantern and scotch bonnet with hopefully over-wintered cayennes. Plans to nick some space at pop's lotty are afoot, raised bed with poly tunnel should do the trick.
OK - need some advice. This is me now :

A little close up and we have chilies.


I am going away on Saturday morning for a week. If I water them will they be OK for a week without water?
I am going away on Saturday morning for a week. If I water them will they be OK for a week without water?

If you really heavily water them and keep them in as cool an environment away from sun as possible you will probably be ok.

Chilli plants seem very tolerant of dry conditions, but there are degrees with anything. Heavily overwatering them shouldnt harm for a few days, I mean like literally filling their buckets. Roots need to start rotting to be an issue and they dont do that that quickly.
They also seem to perk up quickly when they do get water after a dry period so not like plants that then seem to refuse the water, mine after being really dry and looking all "frazzled" can be looking completely perky and normal 30 mins after a good watering
Now the growing season is starting to come to an end, how has this year been for you? Success? Failure? Planning on growing next year? Will you do anything differently?

Quite a success for me. Had more fruit than I knew what to do with! Got some seeds which Acid sent to me for next year and I'm planning on growing some Jalapeños.
I grew far too many of these things, i've had to bin about 30 Cayenne peppers as I just had too many, it's been interesting growing them though. One of my plants is well over 5 feet tall :-)
I had an awesome crop of Jalapenos, Cherry Bombs and Ring of Fires. I've been using chillies with everything. Chillied scrambled egg and chillied omelettes are quite tasty! I've still got loads left over so I'm probably going to dry them and turn them into chilli powder or something.

Weirdly, my Tabasco plant has just started fruiting. I've got a few small ones growing on it now after having none all summer.
My chillies were absolute fail this year. Hardly any of them even grew to a decent size. I grew them from seed and they are all tiny still. They got to about 5cm high on most of them. I grew ring of fire, demon red, scotch bonnets, choc habs and tabasco. Only got a single chilli from the demon red, the rest barely grew :(

Also, I bought a banana chilli plant but the flowers all have greenfly on them. What's the best way of dealing with them?

Haha awesome I just got a text from my wife saying she has just found a ladybird outside so she's gonna put it on the banana chilli so it can eat all the greenfly's :)
My Jalapeno's didn't work too well this year :(

Had a good crop of Serrano's & Ring of Fire, but my Scotch Bonnet's were a grade A fail!
I still have Habeneros and Scotch Bonnets growing in the greenhouse, the Jalepenos seem to have about stopped. I'm really thinking about overwintering them as they have done so well this year. It would be great to get chills really early next year. I'd still have seeds for next year if overwintering didn't work out.

Om nom nom nom. Those habeneros are hot :D

Chilli crop by bcjamesmini, on Flickr

I have loads of jalapeños sat in a bowl waiting to be pickled (or whatever the el paso type ones come in) ready for use through the winter :D
I'm going to attempt to make some chili oil this week with my Ring of Fires and Tabascos, never going to use them otherwise!

I've been reading up how to make it and some say to leave the chillies in the bottles, others say not to.. Whats the general consensus on this?
I didn't grow any in 2011, but bottled up my 2010 and kept the chillies in the oil

Oil by Greg Kingston, on Flickr

I gave quite a few out - made well over 20 bottles in the end - and just recommended that they did not store the oil and used it within a couple of months. No problems at all. All with olive oil and varying amounts of dried black peppercorns, bay leaves and dried garlic.

A few more from 2010 here, documenting the journey -

Having taken a year off from growing as I moved house, I am now back in the game for next year. I tend to germinate mine very early, and let them get a good headstart into the summer. So in a couple of weeks time I shall be planting these bad boys - first time ever for me

Can't wait to see how much the citrus comes through!
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