*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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No gyms were open yesterday or today.

I also heard my college gym is no shut for good, bloody knocked the walls down to redo the building.

Going to have to find one in the town to join, the commercial ones don't like chalk though.

Also spent yesterday and today lounging in the sun, and then eating cured meats and fancy cheeses after.
Well got the one game of rugby that I play a year later. For some reason decided that yesterday was a good day to do some high volume squatting. Legs appear to have the consistency of something that only just qualifies as a solid. Should be interesting.
You just need to double up on the filling :D

Steak, **** loads of cheese and lettuce finishes a night of nicely!

my cousin actually does this, he had a steak and cheese with meatballs in it and pays the extra, like £7 for a footlong.

personally i think the steak in the steak in cheese it cardboard.

meatballs or italian bmt for me, people think its healthy but subway is just as bad as mc donalds. so i have it on very rare occasions.
oh, the swimming made me hungry, so i had a huge steak sandwich (white baguette) and a big bowl of ice cream when I got home! woo :D

White bread for the taste trophy :D

Had a nice day eating roast, chocolate and currently having a few San Miguels Back to the grindstone tomorrow and might shock myself into it with a heavy legs+shoulders session.

Brother was at the gym most of the day, had 1 client in and otherwise sat around, ate and trained :D:D
Had some treats today. Some peanut butter on white :eek: toast and a bottle of Pepsi Max (gave up for Lent). Yup i'm taking this cut very seriously.

Today's weigh in has me just over 5kilos down, and an inch off the waist from when i started a month ago.
not great compared to others on here- but was quite pleased (I've started using a straight bar at gym for pull-ups - better than the assisted pull-up maching as more space)

managed 6 sets of

6 un-assisted pull-ups narrow grip- palms backward (full extension)
3 un-assisted pull-ups - palms forward (full extension)
3 reps of "max possible for me" - incline benchpress (80kg)

after the 6 sets - my whole upper boddy felt pretty pumped, then went onto arms etc

nothing more rewarding than dropping very slow on pull-ups right down to the bottom of extension, pausing and slowly pulling up - good power to weight ratio ... (helps I've lost 4 stone.....)

last night was a 15k run - gym sessions feel like a walk in a park effort wise compared to that and are more enjoyable - but I'm training for a race, and they don't half burn off a lot of calories
Had some treats today. Some peanut butter on white :eek: toast and a bottle of Pepsi Max (gave up for Lent). Yup i'm taking this cut very seriously.

Today's weigh in has me just over 5kilos down, and an inch off the waist from when i started a month ago.

good work! i really need to think about my weight, put another 3kg on, mostly fat imo. sitting at 133 atm, not good for my ankles!
Home made Banoffee Pie last night (BIG piece)...and today...full tub of cookies and cream Hagen Dasz.... feel soooo guilty.... had a great food and workout week otherwise...:D
Had some treats today. Some peanut butter on white :eek: toast and a bottle of Pepsi Max (gave up for Lent). Yup i'm taking this cut very seriously.

Today's weigh in has me just over 5kilos down, and an inch off the waist from when i started a month ago.

Keep feasting!
Stay away from my weight group damn it! I don't want to start cutting all my fat!

I like toffee popcorn and relentless energy drinks too much, same for eating a big ole meal every 2 hours!

Keep eating!
I managed a PB at benching yesterday, managed to do 60KG..... stop laughing :o

Not laughing here at all mate.

Should have seen me when I starting last September 09, was a mess. benching 30kg like a champ. Getting serious back DOMS from 40kg deadlifts and squatting an amazing 40kg as well.

Took me a while to get started and find what worked for me.
Not laughing here at all mate.

Should have seen me when I starting last September 09, was a mess. benching 30kg like a champ. Getting serious back DOMS from 40kg deadlifts and squatting an amazing 40kg as well.

Took me a while to get started and find what worked for me.


Everyone has their own pace and starting point, and anybody who says different or goes round boasting "pfff 60kg, what are you a girl?" is just an insecure twit with a small...

Be proud of the 60kg, you basically just bench pressed an average sized human being.
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