60kg is 2x20 plates, from now on setting your BB up will be easier![]()
Keep feasting!
Stay away from my weight group damn it! I don't want to start cutting all my fat!
I like toffee popcorn and relentless energy drinks too much, same for eating a big ole meal every 2 hours!
Keep eating!
I feel so much more comfortable benching with smaller plates like 10kg than I do with 20kg, it's bizarre. I always set PBs with smaller plates on, I guess it's a pschological thing.
Was at a different gym today with some interesting characters. Got some bewildered looks when doing mobility work (standard), and apparently I'm clearly on steroids because of my squat and my bench form was cheating to the point of being funny (none of this said to me but overheard by my friends). Ok chaps![]()
Interestingly some of the bigger guys seem quite nice, they've come over to talk training in the past.