*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I feel so much more comfortable benching with smaller plates like 10kg than I do with 20kg, it's bizarre. I always set PBs with smaller plates on, I guess it's a psychological thing.
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Keep feasting!
Stay away from my weight group damn it! I don't want to start cutting all my fat!

I like toffee popcorn and relentless energy drinks too much, same for eating a big ole meal every 2 hours!

Keep eating!

Don't worry... i think amputation is the only way i will get down to your weight class (still at around 95kg). Even at my current bodyweight i'd struggle to beat you on anything but bench. Also I very much doubt i'll ever max out again as i injure too easily these days :(
I feel so much more comfortable benching with smaller plates like 10kg than I do with 20kg, it's bizarre. I always set PBs with smaller plates on, I guess it's a pschological thing.

How odd :confused: I don't even notice the plates when I bench. It's outside my vision as I'm usually focusing on the bar or the ceiling.
Going to one of the few gyms that is open around me today to grab a few pb's :). On Friday I had my squat day in an alien gym in which the only saving grace for me was the 10ft tall power rack with something that resembles a standard oly bar which allowed me to get on with dem squatz.

155x3x3 :), pretty chuffed with that, especially as I've been a little worried about my squats recently. It was quite funny to see people watching me as they don't get that kind of thing in that gym cause it's all MMA in there so most people are high rep stuff. I had a few people saying that my Olympic weights looked really good :o.

On the way out we met a guy who said he was a personal trainer but didn't know what oly lifts were :rolleyes:. He said he was going to uni to study strength and conditioning but not for a year, he was going on a 6 day course :confused:.

Today is bench and I've got 100x2x2 which will be another pb :). I love this game :), its just sad times that I have to use pooey benches for it :(. Also going to try to formulate some sort of box squat if there are enough plates :).

Laterz beetches :p
Decided to add in weighted chins for today's HST 5s, so did a few sets of 5xBW+20kg which was fairly easy.

Some may remember I injured my left shoulder last year around June and it's been healing very slowly and preventing me from doing dips, but I had a go at dips today and it was OK. Since I had my awesome dipping belt with me from the chins I did:


(BW = around 89kg)

and it felt good! Not bad for the first dips in about 8 months either. Will keep these around.
lol Skull :D

Good session just now.

Squats: warmups then 4x4x192.5kg. Felt good, form peaked on the second set and I felt like I could have done a few more. I've got a vid of the last set which I'll post when I've got time to trim it down, I've not really looked at it yet but the last rep was a grind!

Speed bench: 5x80kg, 3x3x95kg. Really pleased, shoulder was completely fine. God bless you mobility work.

Deficit deads: 3x140kg, 3x160kg, 3x180kg (all double overhand for a bit of grip training). Nice again, I think I'm going to peak at 200 for a triple maybe as it's meant to be speed work. Hamstrings need a rest now!

Was at a different gym today with some interesting characters. Got some bewildered looks when doing mobility work (standard), and apparently I'm clearly on steroids because of my squat and my bench form was cheating to the point of being funny (none of this said to me but overheard by my friends). Ok chaps :)
Was at a different gym today with some interesting characters. Got some bewildered looks when doing mobility work (standard), and apparently I'm clearly on steroids because of my squat and my bench form was cheating to the point of being funny (none of this said to me but overheard by my friends). Ok chaps :)

That happens quite often I find, I'm very small and the amount of snarky comments going around if you're in a strange gym is a joke sometimes.

It seems bicep and chest monkeys just can't comprehend how amazing the squat and deadlift are for mass and strength building.

So if they see anyone with a smaller chest or arms, or just smaller in general, or far larger; they just have to be on steroids suddenly.
Meh, rubbish morning in the gym. Couldn't lift a ****ing tin of Fanta if my life depended on it. Probably still suffering from that leg work out I had on Sunday. Anyway, 105kg on the bench press instead of the usual 130kg. Discouraging :(
ice, could you point me in the direction of some good beginner mobility exercises for my shoulder. I get pains when doing bench press at the moment.
Thought I'd update this incase it 'inspires' anyone.

So 4 weeks ago, I tried out the CKD diet, generally eating 5g ish carbs a day. My starting weight was 206 lbs on the 28th March.

I stook religiously to the diet, allowed one cheat day a week (as you should). My last weigh-in last week was 188.8 lbs, so lost around 17.2 lbs since starting.

Two important things for me: the first was physically seeing the weight loss -- which I can and friends have commented on it which is a booster for me! The second was muscle loss. I was seeing the weight drop off so I was a little worried it was muscle being used up as well. Thankfully I keep logs of all my weight sessions and all my weights have increased which is fantastic.

An incredibly hard diet though, I never thought I'd get bored of meat, but I've managed it! :D

Big thanks to icecold for guiding me when starting out all those weeks ago!

Going to keep at it for another month, but not so extreme of eating <5g carbs a day. Need a little more variety in my meals so this should allow it.
Those reactions don't bother me, I've never been confronted in any way and even if they did their argument wouldn't exactly hold much water. In this situation I think it was a fairly typical case of a "larger" (kind of fat) guy in a training group who's ego is a little reliant on his relative strength being a little upset that me and my training buddies were stronger and lighter. Being a powerlifting club I'm not sure what you'd expect, but I'm sure messing about on the floor mobilising for a while doesn't help :p

Interestingly some of the bigger guys seem quite nice, they've come over to talk training in the past.
Interestingly some of the bigger guys seem quite nice, they've come over to talk training in the past.

I've noticed this, more people are open to asking what the hell some of the strong smaller guys are doing. This can only be a good thing, as the smaller people are the strongest you will find imo (it still amazes me the strength of the members on this forum!).
Shame its not happening the other way around, with smaller guys asking the bigger guys. We can all learn from each other after all :)
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