*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Ugh, was even worse a few weeks a go a guy knocked over his shake. The gym doesn't have rubber padding, it's a thin carpet and that stuff was everywhere!
Next time the gyms empty im gonna curl in the squat rack

Come on, there's nothing wrong if the place is empty as I'm sure most people do. It's easier to stick the weights on when it's sitting at the edge of the rack. After it's filled take a step back and do the curls outside the rack.

Hate it when folk act as if they're above curling, yes the bicep monkeys and protein drinkers do it but it's a good finishing off exercise for back workouts.
Above curling? Nobody is saying curling is bad, but lets be honest, there is no need to do it in a squat rack. The loading argument is pointless also as such little weight is used tbh.
Above curling? Nobody is saying curling is bad, but lets be honest, there is no need to do it in a squat rack. The loading argument is pointless also as such little weight is used tbh.

I'm not a fan of curling at all!

I have to try and force myself to do it since my biceps are so weak compared to my triceps.

Also no loading needed at my current gym, as they have those mini barbbells with the weight attacthed to the sides.


There's a specialised rack just for these. So when people curl in our only squat rack it's rather annoying.

Although I've not problem with the giants there doing shrugs or rack pulls haha.
I used to before i went off course for a year and lost it all, i actually liked seeing my veins popping out my arms, other people hated it and basically thought it was due to steroids.
Genetics and a low bodyfat

I know guys who don't work out and are scrawny as anything yet have the sort of vascularity guys who work out for years and are in good shape can dream of

I get some across my shoulders and on my forearms, but don't have the hosepipes on my biceps yet. Hopefully as I lose more bodyfat I will, but then I may not :(
The main guy in my current gym is an old Irish body builder, he's in his 50's I heard.

He has some amazing vascularity. He's got a vein nearly the size of my little finger running up both his arms, starting at his wrist.

A beast of a man, and the politest person there next to the owner.
Guy at my gym has a little finger thick vein going up from wrist to shoulder :o Hes not that big but hes not got an ouce of fat on him. Only place ive got good vascularity is forearms.
Got a similar vein running up my wrist into my shoulder, not quite to the same size though as you lie :o Good effort :p. Oddly my right arm is more vascular than my left. Once I cut bodyfat more/gain more muscle Ill get more vascular though :p, after all to quote steroid stewie:
The people you know who have good vascularity and don't work out have been fapping too much clearly!
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