*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I know I know!

I don't know what's gotten into me, it's the same on all my big compound lifts.
I get started, do the working set, then suddenly do more and more.

I even did some strips sets after Monday's 205kg deadlift, simply because I felt I had more in me.
Here's what my bench press looked like on Wednesday.

2 sets with just bar for warmup

60 x 8
80 x 6
100 x 6
120 x 6
140 x 2
60 x 10

bare in mind this for strength.
I know I know!

I don't know what's gotten into me, it's the same on all my big compound lifts.
I get started, do the working set, then suddenly do more and more.

I even did some strips sets after Monday's 205kg deadlift, simply because I felt I had more in me.

Strangely I'm the same with strength. Doing 1 rep very heavy leaves me feeling ok and not too tired, but doing 10 reps of something moderately heavy nukes me.
I don't know what's gotten into me lately, I start doing my training. Then before I know I've done far far too much and still have plenty left in the tank somehow.

Hmm, not going heavy enough I think then.

What's your intensity like? tempo?

1 warm up and 2 working sets every other day :) HST rocks. Worked out each workout is 330 reps for the 15's split over 11 exercises and 2 working sets for each.

I see no problem with doing 5 or 6 sets if that's all you're going to do for that group.

20kg x10warmupGet rid.
40kg x10
50kg x5Get rid.
60kg x5Get rid.
70kg x5Get rid.
80kg x6
80kg x6
80kg x6
80KG x 6
70kg x5Get rid.
60kg x5Get rid.
50kg x5Get rid.
50kg x5Get rid.

Excessive warm ups are pointless. One 'feeler' set of 6-8 reps to familiarise recruitment and ROM is all that's needed if you've warmed up properly before. If you don't feel 'safe' going up to your working weight after just one previous set then you need to take some 'man up' pills and just get on with it :p Neural ramping doesn't have to be extensive. Just progressively increased load. For example when finishing my 5's squats looked like:

60KG x 8
80KG x 3
100KG x 2
120KG x 1
140KG x 5 x 3

Buggering around doing 8 reps adding 10KG each time would be counter productive.
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This is what my normal bench sets would look like


Or something of that fashion. Anything i should think about changing before i head off in 20 mins?
Intensity is very good, I've very little vascularity.

Except around my neck and forhead. When I do my working sets it looks like my head is going to explode sometimes.

I do my set then take a 30-50 second break between each set.
Longer if I'm doing 1rm's for a new max.

Yesterday I did so many squats I actually worked myself to failure for the first time on them.

I probably just need to increase the weight for my working sets and call it quits on that exercise afterwards.
Go for 210kg as well ;)

Sometimes it's worth leaving the gym BEFORE you're tired.

I would have, if my grip didn't fail me when I was bringing the 205 down. Took a good bit of skin off. First time since last year my grip failed on or after a deadlift.

Looking back I should probably just have grabbed my straps and gone for the 210.
To be fair, warm ups for max effort work is very important. For my triple squats with 205kg I warmed up something like this:

160x1-3 (I forget)

Skillmister, what are your training goals with that?
I hardly have any vascularity, unless I'm actually doing high reps and take a picture immediately! :p

I'm the opposite, veins pop out everywhere, even when I'm not training. Probably the reason everyone accuses me of being on the juice. No idea what relevance that has, tbh but people will be stupid!
Just progressively increased load. For example when finishing my 5's squats looked like:

60KG x 8
80KG x 3
100KG x 2
120KG x 1
140KG x 5 x 3

Buggering around doing 8 reps adding 10KG each time would be counter productive.

The thing is that is 100% the way I use to train.
it's only the passed two months I've been doing all the volume suddenly.

I think I just need to get back into the swing of things and say bugger all the extra crap.

Maybe I'm just subconsciously trying to show my metal to all those massive meat tanks in my new gym haha.
Bit disappointed really, I ordered a pair of Fat Gripz back on the 13th of March, first they said a delay of 2-4 weeks, then after 4 weeks another delay of 2-4 weeks, then after 4 weeks I emailed and got no response... emailed again and "Franco" replies saying "I'm very sorry for all the delay. I have refunded you order."

Erm, so now if I want them I have to order AGAIN?!
Bit disappointed really, I ordered a pair of Fat Gripz back on the 13th of March, first they said a delay of 2-4 weeks, then after 4 weeks another delay of 2-4 weeks, then after 4 weeks I emailed and got no response... emailed again and "Franco" replies saying "I'm very sorry for all the delay. I have refunded you order."

Erm, so now if I want them I have to order AGAIN?!

i got 2 sets from the official site with no problems
I have a question folks.

I train 4 times per week, it involves a lower and upper body split with 3x 3 minute intervals of jump rope near the end of the session, and it's exactly an hour per session. I like Friday's to be my cheat day, unless my friends ask me to go out on Saturday, but i was wondering whether it would be okay to use my punch bag after my cheat day for around 15-30 minutes of gradual conditioning and maintaining mobility throughout the course of the weekend, rather than sitting on my computer over the course of the weekend due to the fact the weekend is my time of rest.

Reason: I've read that you should at least do some light moderate exercise on your rest days to remain active.
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So i managed;

on bench
Wasnt gonna do the last set of 50 but because i didnt have a spotter i couldnt push as hard on the heavier ones. Almost got stuck with the 70 on my chest was aboutt o shout for help :D
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