*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Ah crap i now have jumpers knee, it hurts whenever i do squats or extensions.

Anyone with good advice?

Im loading up on glucosamine/msn and cissus, also have epharm joint force on the way, as it's meant to be very good.

Im assuming it's go light and warm up properly until it's sorted?

I fairly sure www.mobilitywod.com has something for this
Just had a nose that is excellent a lot of the stretches are what im doing already. They mention about stretching the patellar sac and i do admit after a few minutes of this i feel a sight better.

Ok the pain is there but markedly less, it's also throbbing which is a good sign that blood flow is getting in there.

Fingers crossed.
far too much eating sweet food for me during my revision period, also not done any upper body work/cardio last week and prob. this forthcoming week with exams :o. Gonna need to get back on it soon, think I'll have a quick 5x5 of squats tomorrow!
I need some help!

I've been doing the 5x5 stronglift routine for a while now, around 2 months, yet I have had NO gains in size. I am stronger, not massively, but I am stronger.

I am 6ft1 and around 70/72KG, as you can imagine - skinny!! My goal is to not be skinny anymore! I don't want to be mahoosive, like a tank. I'd just like to have some kind of definition like this: here, instead of looking like the pepperarmi man!

I've read loads of guides, inc the one of this forum, and tried loads, yet nothing seems to happen?

I'm also worried about bulking and just getting fat! Out here in the desert it is really hard to eat perfect - i'll just have to accept that for now.

Should i be doing 3x8/3x10??? Should I be stuffing as much food as humanly possible down my neck, wether it be good or bad foods, what type of exercises should I be doing, should I do chest/tri then bi/shoulders the next day? I r so confuzzled :(

So OcUK, you brain of all brains, whats your advice?
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Eat more.

Add 500kcal a day to your intake and see how it goes. If still not growing, add another 500kcal.
2 months is a lot if he isn't growing.

Very true.

I start weight training and then powerlifting when I weight around 62kg.
I quickly started gaining weight till I hit 67kg, then it's been a slow growth since then.

Mostly because I have NOT BEEN EATING ENOUGH!

As Morba stated add 500 more calories.
Can anyone tell me how high the step should be for doing step ups? or what sort of step I need.

Might try and make one if I can get the height right.
Can anyone tell me how high the step should be for doing step ups? or what sort of step I need.

Might try and make one if I can get the height right.

It might depend slightly on what you're aiming for but a height where your leading knee was describing a right angle at the point of stepping on or just below that sort of level is probably about right.
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