*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Guys where would be the best place to start a training blog?

I think something like that might help me actually stick to a routine.

I joined up to muscletalk many moons ago and probably still have my log in details somewhere but I think that was more bodybuilding focused and I'm not really sure what I want to do at the moment, just getting in the gym and perfecting my diet is my starting point.
Going to the gym.

Doing concentration curls, dumbbell curls, barbell curls, hammer curls, spider curls, inclined curls, declined curls and reversed curls.

In the Squat rack :cool:

Don't forget to text everyone in your phonebook and drink an entire shaker of whey between each set:D
Going to the gym.

Doing concentration curls, dumbbell curls, barbell curls, hammer curls, spider curls, inclined curls, declined curls and reversed curls.

In the Squat rack :cool:
Oooo they sure do **** me off! There's only one rack in the gym and about 8 barbells yet they choose to come in the big boys room to curl. Gheys.
Okay I need some serious advice please, I'm kinda worried, I started going to the gym on Thursday so I've only been 3 times but the first day I developed this massive red lump which hurts between my neck and lats in the middle where the squat bar rests, I now know I'm suppose to trap it with my muscles but the first times I did it I was almost using my neck for support and this happened.

Does anyone know what I can do to get rid of this ? It's been a week and it hasn't gone away,.
"BUT DUDE! Everyone knows you only bring the bar down 3-4 inches!
Anymore and you risk hurting your joints! That's why squats are bad dude, they have hurt your knees!


Ugh, I hate bicep and chest boys with stick legs.

And the thing that narks me off the most... is the excuses. I've got a bad back...

Well maybe had you trained properly and exercised your back you wouldn't be having troubles!! :mad:

If you can't do at least 1.5x BW on both then GTFO of the gym and leave it to people who actually train properly!!!

/elitist rant mode...
And the thing that narks me off the most... is the excuses. I've got a bad back...

Well maybe had you trained properly and exercised your back you wouldn't be having troubles!! :mad:

If you can't do at least 1.5x BW on both then GTFO of the gym and leave it to people who actually train properly!!!

/elitist rant mode...

Do you have any idea how much effort it takes to train properly, some of us go to the gym to meet some people and work up a mildly warm feeling.
Bloody animals, the lot of you :mad:
Guess I'll need to stop going to the gym then... :p.

I've had a week or two off upper body work to let a shoulder injury heal, during which time I've also been eating a lot of crap! Only one more exam for me to go and the stricter dieting starts as of tommorow! (As I finish the ice cream, box of cookies and chocolates from today :p).
Do you have any idea how much effort it takes to train properly, some of us go to the gym to meet some people and work up a mildly warm feeling.
Bloody animals, the lot of you :mad:


<3 u

My fav is "I don't do legs because i play football"

Classic! :D

Guess I'll need to stop going to the gym then... :p.

I've had a week or two off upper body work to let a shoulder injury heal, during which time I've also been eating a lot of crap! Only one more exam for me to go and the stricter dieting starts as of tommorow! (As I finish the ice cream, box of cookies and chocolates from today :p).

<3 u too...

I'm kidding really. It's just the total lack of effort or want of trying. Ok so you've (by that I mean the gorilla with chop stick legs) got a bad back, do some light weights, get the form right, use the bar only - actually try doing some leg work, lunges won't hurt your back, hungarian/bulgarian split squats won't hurt your back. Heck even leg press is relatively mild on the lower back.

It's that total lack of commitment to doing any leg work or back exercise which isn't a cable row or a lat pull down. :/
My lordosis is basically a thing of the past since I start training my back.

The excuse I've a bad back is no excuse unless you've something very very serious.
Otherwise, get under that bar and SQUAT!

Something I see every day in my new gym is people wearing belts for everything.
Saw a guy on the treadmil with a belt, others sitting and doing bicep curls.
Even in the legpress and leg extentions, all with their belt on.

It's not even powerlifting belts, it's those 3-4mm thick ones. So they can't even say they're breaking them in either.

Speaking of lat pull down, there was a polish bloke in on Monday, leaning back nearly parallel with the floor on each rep of the lat pull down. Was bizzare!
I've been doing the starting strength routine for a few weeks now but notice that my butt tucks under just as I get towards parallel. I'm pretty sure it's to do with my poor hamstring flexibility since I can barely touch my toes with straight legs, so what do you guys do to improve flexibility for squating?
to be fair 1.5 BW on squats is not that easy I know it took me a while to hit 150kg even though I trained consistently. Heck my current max is 1.6BW and that's after more than 2years of training! will try 170 in the next few days do. :D
Didn't sleep a wink last night, not sure why. Went for a run at around half 6, lovely and quiet :) Shame i'm horribly unfit and only managed 10 minutes :( Not to mention my ankle starts to get pretty stiff by then aswell, fuuuuuu injuries.... Walked briskly for another 20-30 mins after so a nice bit of cardio.
I really need to start running again. Since the end of my football season I haven't had a proper run about for nearly 6 weeks.:(
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