*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Gentlemen, I have found our new God....


Worse than that implant/synthol guy from the other day?
Mainly busy but didn't really have a routine and just lost motivation for it. Moved house and generally just couldn't get myself into a routine and regimented lifestyle as I used to!
Metabolism is just stupid right now. Quick break down what I had so far today.

7am: 6 eggs scrambled with lowfat cheese cut in. A load of oats directly after that with a glass of orange juice.

10am - 2 chicken breasts with 2 sachets of Uncle Ben's rice.

12:30pm 2 chicken breasts with a load of vegetables.

Next time I was going to eat was 3pm but by 2:15pm I was weak with hunger. Had two cans of tuna and a protein shake.

It's now an hour later and would you believe it, I'm feeling hungry again.

Just chucked 3 pork chops on the BBQ outside along with some corn. Should last me until, oh I don't know, 5:30pm

This powerlifting thing takes a lot of involvement.
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