*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Overheard this convo at my gym the other day...

"..... so you don't train back?"
"Nah mate I've only got 2 routines, bis and chest, and shoulders and tries...."

:rolleyes: Why does it wind me up so much? Don't get me wrong the guy has good arms and shoulders... but that's it. :/

What a ****ing loser.
Hahaha saw that on the chive today as well. Pretty good reactions; think I would have taken that square in the balls!

Finally got my squat back to 155 for a full set today, which puts me back where I was before getting fat and lazy at uni as well as twatting my knee:rolleyes: The entire meal I had for lunch was very nearly launched out my mouth at light speed on the last rep though:p No interest really in 1RM but hopefully aiming for 180 by the end of the year for a set.
It looks like a lot like some form of HIIT with weights.
Sure it'll work, but it probably would work faster if they added in leg training.

The Cosgrovian Complex is a form oh HIIT with a Barbbell.
Barbbell +20kg = 40kg

You start and do not stop until you do the last rep of the last exercise. Do not let go of the barbbell. Completing it all is only completing 1 set. There are 6 sets.

Deadlifts x6
Stifflegged Deadlifts x6
Bent over Rows x6
Half Cleans x6
Front Squat x6
Standing Press x6
Back Squat x6
Good Morning x6

That's 1 set done.
Do 5 more times with only a 1min break in each set.

It's brutally effiencent though and gives your lungs a good burning.

going to try this out tonight, is there any harm in doing it 2 times or even 3 times a day?

finally starting my cut
Decent session for me tonight. 20 mins cardio then


AND 3X100KG :D I know, I know, it's not that much but it's a first for me :o
then 2X8X60kG to finish.

3X100kG couldn't keep a grip on the bar, hands were too sweaty


Then a couple sets of assisted dips to finish.
going to try this out tonight, is there any harm in doing it 2 times or even 3 times a day?

finally starting my cut

I don't see why not, it's just a form of cardio really.

40kg's is a lot with it though.
You work as fast as possible so no slow reps.

Blast them out as fast as possible with good form
Bench press days numbered. I posted sometime ago in show us youre pics i was trying for the bench press world record of 200kg at 14 odd stone and was doing well getting up to 180kg. In september 2009 i got a roto cuff injury which hampered but still was getting 180kg ok.

In March 2010 i had a left sub acromial decomression and a large impinging lesion excised back, followed by two seperate left shoulder MUA and injections, which left me out of serous training for 6 months.

Today have no change and waiting to have:- release the coracohumeral ligament and the rotator interval, do some capsular release anteriorally and do some biceps tenotomy and tenodesis. Anyone had anything like this, in a nutshell taking off the main Bicep tendon at the top of the shoulder and moveing it down a bit to lesson the stress on it, something like that.

I can weirdly still dumbbell press 120lb dumbbells (each) quite easy but tryed flat bench and did 120kg 6 times when i normally did 5 sets of 10 with that weight, cannot work that one out, must have something to do with small differance on shoulder postion.

If this next operation does not fix it, then my days of heavy training are over it sucks.
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Overheard this convo at my gym the other day...

"..... so you don't train back?"
"Nah mate I've only got 2 routines, bis and chest, and shoulders and tries...."

:rolleyes: Why does it wind me up so much? Don't get me wrong the guy has good arms and shoulders... but that's it. :/

What a ****ing loser.

Pointless, I am not massive......yet but lifting to me is about strength, so working every muscle group is going to make you stronger, a lot stronger than just working arms and chest.

Plus its burning more cals and working all your muscles/joints/arteries full body workout
I don't see why not, it's just a form of cardio really.

40kg's is a lot with it though.
You work as fast as possible so no slow reps.

Blast them out as fast as possible with good form

damn, im knackered and i only used 20kg (bar only), i will slowly build up my stamina, i havent been able to do cardio in a long time due to my knee (currently undergoing physio). but im gonna start skipping in the morning and this complex in the evening. both of them combined should increase my stamina, the weight wasnt a problem, but i was gassing 3/4 the way through a set.
today there were 3 guys doing bicep curlz in each of the 3 racks in our gym, just when I got in and wanted to start squatting.

Felt like throwing a 25kg plate in their face.

On a better note I should be able to bump all my big 3s in the nearby future, HST has done me well in terms of strength gains even though size wise it's been useless. :(
today there were 3 guys doing bicep curlz in each of the 3 racks in our gym, just when I got in and wanted to start squatting.

Felt like throwing a 25kg plate in their face.

On a better note I should be able to bump all my big 3s in the nearby future, HST has done me well in terms of strength gains even though size wise it's been useless. :(

i dont understand why they would do this, dont noobies normally use dumbells?
nah, apparently a barbell with a wopping 5-10kg on each side while wearing a belt and swinging like there's no tomorrow is the norm.

have you tried complaining to management/staff? dont the staff tell them theres no need for them to be using equipment others could be using doing something which doesnt require it?
damn, im knackered and i only used 20kg (bar only), i will slowly build up my stamina, i havent been able to do cardio in a long time due to my knee (currently undergoing physio). but im gonna start skipping in the morning and this complex in the evening. both of them combined should increase my stamina, the weight wasnt a problem, but i was gassing 3/4 the way through a set.

It's tough alright.

I love doing this, and it's my main form of cardio.

Later on you can time each set and try and beat that time, to make it even harder.

People look at me like I'm stupid or just super weak from how little is on the bar and how it makes to sweat and gasp for breath. Yet I can safely bet non of those people could probably do it.

When I still had access to the college gym, I did complexes first in the morning before breakfast. 1 scoop of whey if I had any and bam straight in. if not i'd have a glass of milk.

Now that makes it much harder even. The fat melts off you though if you can manage to do it once or twice while doing heavy weight training.
It's tough alright.

I love doing this, and it's my main form of cardio.

Later on you can time each set and try and beat that time, to make it even harder.

People look at me like I'm stupid or just super weak from how little is on the bar and how it makes to sweat and gasp for breath. Yet I can safely bet non of those people could probably do it.

When I still had access to the college gym, I did complexes first in the morning before breakfast. 1 scoop of whey if I had any and bam straight in. if not i'd have a glass of milk.

Now that makes it much harder even. The fat melts off you though if you can manage to do it once or twice while doing heavy weight training.

the only thing i didnt like was the power clean (never done them before and it was too light i think and form was terrible) and good mornings, how are you supposed to do them? the bar kept rolling onto my neck, i think its potentially a very dangerous exercise.

so im thinking of just skipping those 2 and adding more reps onto the rest

i also dont like push press, i just did normal standing shoulder press instead, which is the same thing but harder.
Bench press days numbered. I posted sometime ago in show us youre pics i was trying for the bench press world record of 200kg at 14 odd stone and was doing well getting up to 180kg. In september 2009 i got a roto cuff injury which hampered but still was getting 180kg ok.

In March 2010 i had a left sub acromial decomression and a large impinging lesion excised back, followed by two seperate left shoulder MUA and injections, which left me out of serous training for 6 months.

Today have no change and waiting to have:- release the coracohumeral ligament and the rotator interval, do some capsular release anteriorally and do some biceps tenotomy and tenodesis. Anyone had anything like this, in a nutshell taking off the main Bicep tendon at the top of the shoulder and moveing it down a bit to lesson the stress on it, something like that.

I can weirdly still dumbbell press 120lb dumbbells (each) quite easy but tryed flat bench and did 120kg 6 times when i normally did 5 sets of 10 with that weight, cannot work that one out, must have something to do with small differance on shoulder postion.

If this next operation does not fix it, then my days of heavy training are over it sucks.

That sucks fella, hope it goes ok.
good mornings, how are you supposed to do them? the bar kept rolling onto my neck

I tend to hold the bar 'between' my traps and rear delts. It kinda sits in the groove. I also keep my head back as I get lower (basically keep looking foward, not down) which helps stop the bar rolling.
Not touched any weights in a little while, had a little break.
Today I found myself free of the wife and kids for almost an hour so went into the garage.

100kg 2x10 powercleans
80kg 2x10 shoulder press
120kg 2x10 box squats
some feet lifted / supported chins
45kg 2x10 db bench

Quite surprised myself tbh, thought it would be harder than it was.

Went for a swim at 9, got in and the pool was empty - perfect.
Then 2 bloaters got in and took up the whole non lane area with their slow swimming. then people came in and used the lanes. GREAT! not.

Just when I thought the women would be a bit more considerate, 9.30 and a bloke comes in with 2 young girls. He goes into steam room, they go into main pool with those long tube floats and start jumping in and smacking each other with them.

Stupid bloke just let them **** around.
I did question the receptionist on children being in there after 9 as I tohught it was meant to be adults only.

Still did 62 lengths though in the hour I was in there.
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