Sounds delicious Morba.
*eyes the empty can of Fanta he had last Friday as the only treat the past 2 months*
Lol, you keeping it there to remind yourself?!
I went to harvester yesterday, didn't have a honeycomb explosion pudding. I told myself id get an ice-cream from tesco instead.... crunchie ice cream tub, I had half of it! Only about 400kcals! The honeycomb explosion would have been over 700! Aren't I good lol
Hayfever is nasty.
Makes training that much harder since breathing through a constant blocked nose, and having a post-nasal drip.
My grip is getting better though, 50kg dumbbell rows are posing far less trouble after deadlifting.
What drugs are you taking? Tablets, beconase nasal spray and eyedrops?
thats for people who dont want any excess weight on them yea?
Or does it go deeper and the insulin spike u get from it prevent the release of GH?