*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I went to harvester yesterday, didn't have a honeycomb explosion pudding. I told myself id get an ice-cream from tesco instead.... crunchie ice cream tub, I had half of it! Only about 400kcals! The honeycomb explosion would have been over 700! Aren't I good lol

Ben and jerrys has been on offer so ive bought loads, dont normally (poor student :o) Asdas own stuff is pretty nice aswell though. Also had some lamb loin cuts last night, reduced from £7.50 to £2 :) Absolute bargain and they were delicious. Makes a nice change from chicken breast and mince haha
I got lucky and found some reduced salmon and pork chops (2/3rds off).
Pity I had to eat them all within a day.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

And yeh Skillmister, I'm a poor student too, but Crunchie Blast icecreams were on offer, they were my treat for the next week or two. Yum!
Hayfever is nasty.

Makes training that much harder since breathing through a constant blocked nose, and having a post-nasal drip.

My grip is getting better though, 50kg dumbbell rows are posing far less trouble after deadlifting.
Hayfever is nasty.

Makes training that much harder since breathing through a constant blocked nose, and having a post-nasal drip.

My grip is getting better though, 50kg dumbbell rows are posing far less trouble after deadlifting.

What drugs are you taking? Tablets, beconase nasal spray and eyedrops?
What drugs are you taking? Tablets, beconase nasal spray and eyedrops?

I'm on Cetrine, it's for all my symptoms. Athlough it doesn't help much for my nose at the moment.

They said after a few days of taking it, it should start clearing up everything better as my system builds up a better resistance to the pollen.
I used to take nasal spray , tablets and eye drops all perscribed (strongestavailable)

until I started sersiously exercising last year-which seems to have subdued most of the symptoms (apparently testosterone levels can do that)

but when I do get any - I take the Benadyrl 15min ones based on Acrivisine or whatever is (15mins to work, then last 8 hrs) - I find them far more effective than both the perscription ones I've tried and others

last year I managed without a single tablet or nasal spray - this year - took one tablet today -my 1st ofyear -I'm sure my exercise regime is subduing the symptoms
Ughhhh. Back felt weak as hell today no idea why. Had to do deadlifts last in my routine because the bars were being used the whole time and even 80kg felt tough as..
Only managed;

Also got a really funny pain on the 2nd set for a rep or two, right at the bottom of my abs on the adonis belt line. Just a sharp pain for a second at the start of a rep. Strange....

@ConTRo13R, its not really bad "if it fits your macros" i guess. But done reguarly i doubt 1000cals worth of ice cream would do me any good.
thats for people who dont want any excess weight on them yea?

Or does it go deeper and the insulin spike u get from it prevent the release of GH?
Started weak on the pecs tonight and finished with 110kg x 4 on the incline bench. This was after my chest and front delts were fried so I felt pretty pleased with that result. Blitzed triceps and biceps and the feeling in my arms and only just starting to come back. Next sesh would be legs on Wednesday.
thats for people who dont want any excess weight on them yea?

Or does it go deeper and the insulin spike u get from it prevent the release of GH?

I honestly have no idea :p All i know is i need 3000+ calories to gain weight and should get around 250g protein, 80-90g fat. Where the rest comes from doesnt matter (or it doesnt appear to anyway).

http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=133634471 has been very useful to me

Of course someone like FF may come along later and inform you that everything ive just written is bs, but hopefully not :p
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