Had a great shoulder training session today.
Clean and Press
Bar x10
40kg x5
50kg x5
60kg x5
70kg x2
80kg fail, x1
80kg x3
60kg x5
It was really odd, I failed my first rep on 80kg. Only got it halfway up and it came straight down back to my chest. Paused a few seconds, took a breath and BAM, got it up. I probably tried to rush into the press to quickly after cleaning it up.
Took a break, then managed 3 more reps at 80kg.
It was brutal, and hayfever does not help breathing haha.
One of the HUGE tanks, was done training and on the treadmil, the huge man gave me an approving nod as I walked by him after I finished the clean and presses.
Was pretty awesome to say the least.
I noticed during the warmup though when I tightened my grip a lot in my right hand I'd get a little sting in my tricep tendon, the one connecting to the elbow. It's rather odd, not painful really just the odd sting.
It feels similar to a bit of whiplash from boxing on that area. So as a precaution I applied some friction and ice when I got home and took 2 neurofen.
About to pop off to bed and spent a while applying some light friction and ice again.
Hopefully it's nothing, I did notice it first on sunday after I woke up.
Knowing me, I probably slept on my arm while having it twisted weirdly.
I tend to sleep all over the place.