*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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thanks Mansize - very good info - I'll try and increase protein and reduce carbs

the Pitta bread for what its worth is wholegrain brown organic:)

that said lots of carbs - 28.5g - sugars 1.8,fat 0.1g, protein 3.8g (this is each one)
Those are similar 'stats' to the pittas I usually have. Might be worth having a read of this regarding carbs and general diet information. I read it the other day and found it very informative.

great link thanks - will have a careful read through

re pullups etc etc - I do like doing pull-ups in gym - you don't see many people doing them

they don't half use a lot of your whole body though - as they reallymake me feel tired all over

I'm currently doing per set now 7-8 palm forward ones for my lats and back- and then about 6 very very slow palm backward ones for upper body/biceps

on the "down" I take about 30 seconds or so - right down to hanging at the bottom, then pause and very slowly go up- 6 of those - and I'm shattered - until next set

it helps only being 61kg though :) power to weight and all that
Most of the black guys look like the lift (strong genetics? :p) but some people especially the one at the start dont. Its just insane though how controlled it all is. Time to get doing more pullups i think.
I've lost the weight I need to/want to - I'm now just trying to maintain or thereabouts my weight whilst putting on further muscle mass

this is my normal intake on a full exercise day - I'm guessing its around 2800 calories or so - I weigh around 61kg or so

Normal breakfast

2 x Pita Bread - with honey to dip into
Pint of a Mix of Orange/Mango Smoothie (pure fruit no added sugar) 1/2 with other 1/2 water

Snack 1hr before lunchtime workout
1 banana + 1/2 a nutri-grain bar


2 brown rolls with 1 pack of lean ham (occasionally cheese)

After work snack (before run)

1 yoghurt
1 piece of fruit
Orange/mango smoothie + water mix


Fresh fish (salmon or cod)
lots of veg - normally:
Sweet Potatoes
Green beans
Fresh sweetcorn

After Dinner Snack

2 apples or a yoghurt

Your diet is not very ideal if you want to put on muscle mass but maintain a steady body weight. Your diet is mainly carbs which comes from grain food which you don't want. You need a lot of protein & fat in your diet so restructure your entire diet in my opinion! Try and have as little carbs as you can (potatoes/pasta/bread/rice).

Do you have protein shakes at all? I recommend buying some whey protein. a 50g protein shake is an easy way to get a good boost of protein in your every day diet.

For breakast you're having way too much sugar and carbs. So I suggest having some 3/4 scrambled eggs with some ham and a protein shake, maybe a piece of fruits or nut aswell.

For a snack either have nuts or a banana.

For lunch have 150-250g of chicken breast or a can of tuna with salad and a protein shake.

For dinner have chicken breast again with a low carb sauce/vegetables.

That's what my diet is like and it's working out pretty good, I'm having around 150g of protein a day with up to 1300 calories, around 50-80g of carbs. I also have a multivitamin and a green tea tablet in the morning.

You weigh about 134 lbs and I'm around 140 lbs so we're similiar in size but you're having more than twice the calories than me with a lot of carbs :p

But it depends on you as a person at the end of the day, our bodies use energy at different rates so you might require a different diet ect.

Here is a good article about carbs - http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-primal-carbohydrate-continuum/
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Your diet is not very ideal if you want to put on muscle mass but maintain a steady body weight. Your diet is mainly carbs which comes from grain food which you don't want. You need a lot of protein & fat in your diet so restructure your entire diet in my opinion!

Do you have protein shakes at all? I recommend buying some whey protein. a 50g protein shake is an easy way to get a good boost of protein in your every day diet.

For breakast you're having way too much sugar and carbs. So I suggest having some 3/4 scrambled eggs with some ham and a protein shake, maybe a piece of fruits or nut aswell.

For a snack either have nuts or a banana.

For lunch have 150-250g of chicken breast or a can of tuna with salad and a protein shake.

For dinner have chicken breast again with a low carb sauce/vegetables.

That's what my diet is like and it's working out pretty good, I'm having around 150g of protein a day with up to 1300 calories, around 50-80g of carbs. I also have a multivitamin and a green tea tablet in the morning.

You weigh about 134 lbs and I'm around 140 lbs so we're similiar in size but you're having more than twice the calories than me with a lot of carbs :p

But it depends on you as a person at the end of the day, our bodies use energy at different rates so you might require a different diet ect.

thanks very much - I will try and reduce carbs and increase protein and fat :) - that seems to be the message

you're only eating half the calories - that'd only be about 1400 a day? I don't think I could cope on that little calories

on this diet of mine - I've lost around 4 stone in 15 months

I guess I'm burning a lot of those calories off
thanks very much - I will try and reduce carbs and increase protein and fat :) - that seems to be the message

you're only eating half the calories - that'd only be about 1400 a day? I don't think I could cope on that little calories

on this diet of mine - I've lost around 4 stone in 15 months

I guess I'm burning a lot of those calories off

Well it depends how active you are. I don't do a lot of cardio at the moment so I don't need as many calories as you, but I'm going to start cycling this week hopefully!

I actually want to lose a few lbs anyway so I'm going to have less calories than I normally do.
ah ok fair enough - I'm doing 3-4 runs of 1hr plus duration - a week - so I suppose thats whats been burning off the calories

seems formore progress in gym though I really need to up my protein and fat - I don't like eggs - which isn't a good start!! :(

I have to admit my progress in gym has been quite slow - although this week I finally managed to get my incline benchpress (machine though) - up to 2xreps of 90kg - and arms wise - 10 reps of 3x20kg (concentrated curls)
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You don't like eggs!? If that's the case then definitely buy some whey protein. You can buy 2.5kg from Myprotein for £27, have 60g of that powder which will give you 50g of protein. That gives you 41 servings (I bought 5kg of it which is better value).

You say you lost 4 stone in 15 months on the diet you were on? that's quite good, I'm trying to lose the belly fat I have at the moment which probably means I'll need to lose around 5-7lbs I reckon?

How tall are you?
You don't like eggs!? If that's the case then definitely buy some whey protein. You can buy 2.5kg from Myprotein for £27, have 60g of that powder which will give you 50g of protein. That gives you 41 servings (I bought 5kg of it which is better value).

You say you lost 4 stone in 15 months on the diet you were on? that's quite good, I'm trying to lose the belly fat I have at the moment which probably means I'll need to lose around 5-7lbs I reckon?

How tall are you?

Rossuk - I'm around 5'4 - I was 13 stone 8 ish - and now around 9 stone 9 ish - waist gone from a very tight 36 (38 really needed) to 28 being fairly loose

how tall are you ?

will defintely look into Whey powder-yes eggs -even the smell of them - make me feel physically sick - very much on the verge of being sick thats for sure - just can't stand the smell
I'm about 5'6 and 10 stone 3 lbs - 65kg - 144lbs - 12.7% body fat. My trousers/jeans are 30" at the moment.

I'm trying to get a flat stomach again, I want to lose 2/3 inches from my belly :(

Edit: I've found this perfect article about different diets for different people - http://www.criticalbench.com/samplediets.htm#Lean

According to that the diet we need to follow is the Lean Gain/Fat Burning Diet.

Lean Gain/Fat Burning Diets

Moderate carbohydrate and fat diets. A ratio of 50% protein, 20% carbohydrate and 30% fat works very well.
Goal: Controlled fat loss while increasing lean body mass.

Sample Lean Gain / Fat Burning Diet - Male

Meal #1

I whole egg + 5 egg whites
5 oz. 93% lean beef
1/2 cup oatmeal before cooking
I TBS Flax Oil

(Or if you are in a hurry in the morning and do not have time to prepare a meal mix the following in a blender and get all the nutrients in 1/10 the time)

2 scoops MRP, 3 TBS heavy whipping cream, 18 oz water and 1/3 cup quick oats

Meal #2

2 Scoops MRP, 4 to 6 TBS whipping cream (2 oz.), and 12 to 18 oz. water

Meal #3

8 oz. chicken (before cooking)
6 oz. sweet potato or 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
1.5 cup vegetables (broccoli, etc.) or salad with 2 TBS. Low Cal Dressing
Or 6 oz chicken or beef, 1 cup cottage cheese, ½ cup pineapple (fresh or packed in its own juice)

Meal #4

2 Scoops MRP, 2 to 3 TBS whipping cream, and 12 to 18 oz. water

Meal #5

8 oz. 93% lean beef, chicken, turkey, fish sirloin steak
2 cups vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, spinach or zucchini)
1 TBS Flax Oil

Meal #6

2 whole eggs + 4 egg whites, 4 oz. 93% lean beef, 1 cup vegetables
Or: 8 oz. chicken breast, 1 apple
Or: any of the MRP recipes for Anabolic Lean Mass Gain
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Had a shortish session in the gym, I was trying to source a Starter Motor and it was already quarter to 8 before I started!

Dead Lift, 8 reps @80kg, 8 reps @ 90kg, 8 reps @ 100kg. My hands were hurting from gripping the bar on my last set, so I reversed my grip round and it allowed me to complete it; I don't know if it's correct, but I allow the bar to go to the floor let go and lift again.

Bent Over Rows - 8x3 @ 45kg;

Lat Pull Down - 8x3 @ 47kg

Preacher Curl - 8x3 @ 17.5kg

I really really felt the pump all down my forearms and biceps after I did the dead lifts, and even more so on my Biceps after I did the Preacher Curls.

I was going to do some chin-ups, but I didn't eat anything since around half 12 this afternoon, so I struggled to get even 1 rep, might have also tired myself out with the other exercises.

I finished up with 10 minutes on the rowing machine - I think I covered roughly 1800 metres as I was pretty exhausted by then!
@rossuk, only 1300 calories :o? Do you put weight(read:muscle mass) on with that amount? Sucks to need over 3000 and its only getting higher :mad: Although i had a crazy appetite today and have eaten almost 3500, makes up for yesterday i guess.
Skillmister, yeah I do put muscle mass on, the reason why my calorie intake is so low is because the foods I eat have a high ratio of protein/fat per calorie (lean meats/fish/vegetables/protein shakes). This is based on 0.8 grams of protein per lbs of body weight, I'm 144 lbs so I would need about 112g of protein (that's what I've been told anyway).

On average I have between 1200 - 1500 calories a day, which breaks down into roughly 150g of protein and 50g - 75g of carbs.

But to be honest, I'm not 100% sure I'm having enough protein, I can't remember where I read that to work out how much protein you need its 0.8 x weight in lbs. Anyone know if this is reliable?

This is what I had today, although I missed lunch because I was in an interview and had to travel there.

Normally for lunch I have a can of tuna or chicken breast with salad and a protein shake which would add about another 70g of protein.

I'm actually trying to lose a few lbs but increasing lean body mass which I've literally started today lol, I weigh 144 lbs (I just weighed myself) and I want to lose my belly fat, any tips for me? :p
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I've read everything between 0.5 and 1.5 being 'best' :p I think a common one is 1.5g/lb lean body mass, so that would come to around 1.25g/lb total body weight for me, which is what i get on average. I eat a ton of carbs though, but so long as i get my protein and fats on target i dont think that matters. Doesnt seem to anyway as ive only really gained lean mass and ive been eating the same since october.
This is what im on today: Cals-3500 Protein-260g Fat-125g Carbs-320g
Still hungry and all ive done today is sit at my desk :o Whereas yesterday i did a huge workout and could barely get 2500cals down me...

I'm the wrong guy to ask for tips, im a novice :D
Rossuk89 have you considered/tried intermittent fasting? A lot of people have found it to improve their body composition without actually decreasing the amount of food they eat. Also Mark's Daily Apple is great isn't it? I've been reading a lot of it lately, some really good information there.
Increasing the weight on squats and going deeper than before = :D

Not realising your legs have outgrown the shorts and completely ripping them all down the back on the final set.....

Priceless :D
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