*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I did a couple of weeks of strength gauging - haven't lost a huge amount of strengths anything between 5-10% max. So I've set it to 10% for all, and can always tweak accordingly.

It's going to be bloody insane - but I can't wait! :D
It really sparks my interest FF.

If I had more time with free weights and a squat rack I'd certinly give it a bash. Sadly once the summer hits I'm stuck with a smith's machine again for squats, even for the bench. Ugh.

Who knows maybe my little town's gyms suddenly get proper equipment.

It's the deadlifts that are harder 140kg for reps is never easy! However, at least I drop back down next week, so I build myself back up to 60%, and then it's scary time! :eek:

Those are easy though. I find deadlifts and cleans+presses far easier then squatting or benching.
It really sparks my interest FF.

If I had more time with free weights and a squat rack I'd certinly give it a bash. Sadly once the summer hits I'm stuck with a smith's machine again for squats, even for the bench. Ugh.

Who knows maybe my little town's gyms suddenly get proper equipment.

Same with me. Sadly i forgot to cancel my membership so it will restart in june and i'll have to make use of it for a month before cancelling it. Then i'll either join another better gym or use my friends home one.
4 sets of 8... hence why the build up from 40%.

That sounds insane and should also give the spotter quite a workout when you get to the high %!

Had a good Back/Bi session today and for once blew my forearms up rather than my back.

Only slight problem I have noticed is that my right lat is bigger than my left and still going! I think it could be down to the movement dictated by my left shoulder after my broken and surgically plated collar bone.

Next week is all change in the routine, might focus more heavily on chainsaws and using arms idividually if possible to even things up.
Ugh. Awful back day, worked up towards my working set, got to 100kg (dl) but just didn't have my head in the game so stopped early before I hurt something. Depressing. Rest of workout was ok, finally cracked 205lb narrow pull down but other than that, meh.

Think I might take next week off, my heads all over the place with exams and presentation etc. for the end of my degree.
It really sparks my interest FF.

If I had more time with free weights and a squat rack I'd certinly give it a bash. Sadly once the summer hits I'm stuck with a smith's machine again for squats, even for the bench. Ugh.

Those are easy though. I find deadlifts and cleans+presses far easier then squatting or benching.

Sorry I meant when I get to 90% it'll be interesting - several seconds between reps methinks! :D

140kg for reps is a piece of cake :)

This progression has worked REALLY well for me in the past when I had last lost interest and it helped focus me back in and get the form right - DOMS start kicking in properly at around 60%.

For me clean and press kills me, had a couple of mini black outs doing those with 100kg in the past! Squats I can deal with, benching is ok - but just difficult.

That sounds insane and should also give the spotter quite a workout when you get to the high %!

Had a good Back/Bi session today and for once blew my forearms up rather than my back.

Only slight problem I have noticed is that my right lat is bigger than my left and still going! I think it could be down to the movement dictated by my left shoulder after my broken and surgically plated collar bone.

Next week is all change in the routine, might focus more heavily on chainsaws and using arms idividually if possible to even things up.

I'm going to try and give my spotter the least amount to do as possible! :D

The imbalance could be postural, and a lack of flexibility which is altering your ROM when doing the exercises. Have you checked with a physio or really more appropriately a kinesiologist? might be able to spot an overcompensation and help you rectify your body posture etc...
Trapped my thumb between a 25kg plate and a wall today, rather hard aswell. Instant blood blister under half my nail and could no longer grip anything with it :(

Anyway sqauts;

Suprised i could manage both sets at 80 considering my 1rm is 100.
Decent session tonight after not being able to get onto the weights at all last night because of the number of people there :(


and 3X110kG another PB :)

upped to 110kG but could only manage 3 :( mainly due to a sweaty grip to be fair :o


Still weak for me :(
Seated bb press 3set of 10
Cleans 3 sets of 10

Bb complex 3 sets of 6 reps on each exercise
Deadlift,bor, front squat, rear squat, upright row, curls

Man that killed me never realised how much it take out of you.
It turns out hayfever + Cetrine( For Hayfever ) + Nurofen( for tendon pain ) =very bad nosebleeding.

Was sitting with friends earlier when I felt a drop at my nose. Thought it was a sniffles since I get that with hayfever. Turns out I had a small stream of blood coming out my nose very fast; ruined my shirt as well.
Looked like I got hit in the nose.

I haven't had a nosebleed like that since I got hit in the face by a cricket ball years ago.

Took a good 10 minutes before it stopped. Seems
I find I tend to get nosebleeds during hayfever season as well. Pretty sure the nasal spray I used to use made things worse because it weakened my inner nose lining, or something like that. Luckily I haven't been too bad this year so far. If you find you're getting them frequently there are creams and stuff to help. Remember using some stuff (can't remember what it was called) when I was younger because I got them alllll the time, used to wake up covered in blood thinking wtf is going on here?!
Decent session tonight after not being able to get onto the weights at all last night because of the number of people there :(


and 3X110kG another PB :)

upped to 110kG but could only manage 3 :( mainly due to a sweaty grip to be fair :o


Still weak for me :(

I could probably match you in the deadlift, BOR and OHP, but damn you are racing away with the squat! Mine seems to be stuck at 60kg! :( Although I was pretty pleased yesterday when I did 5x5 @ 60Kg. It seems a slightly wider stance than I have been using helped quite a bit. I also feel my bad back is having a negative affect on my lifts. It doesn't hurt while lifting, but I end up being overly cautious in trying to protect it. Trying to get a physio referral so hopefully that might begin to fix it.

Am thinking of switching to HST in a couple of weeks though just to mix things up a little. I'm also doing an increased amount of cardio in preparation for a 10K run in July, then the half marathon in September. Pretty pleased with my last long run. Did 10K in 52 minutes, although my heartrate did sit between 180-190 the whole time, lol.
I find I tend to get nosebleeds during hayfever season as well. Pretty sure the nasal spray I used to use made things worse because it weakened my inner nose lining, or something like that. Luckily I haven't been too bad this year so far. If you find you're getting them frequently there are creams and stuff to help. Remember using some stuff (can't remember what it was called) when I was younger because I got them alllll the time, used to wake up covered in blood thinking wtf is going on here?!

I'm trying to stay away from the nasal spray because it usually just makes it worse.

Hopefully I won't get a nosebleed squatting today. I don't want it to look like I'm going all out on light to medium weight hahaha.
I also feel my bad back is having a negative affect on my lifts. It doesn't hurt while lifting, but I end up being overly cautious in trying to protect it.

I damaged my back a good few years ago (L2-L3) and have suffered with random cramps in my right leg ever since, particularly when getting out of bed for some reason.

Since starting training they are occurring less and less which I can only assume is due to the increase in core strength giving better protection to the back. The extra strength is also giving me more confidence to push on with heavier weights so it's a bit of a win-win at the moment :)

Really disapppointed with upper body strength however, that's not progressing as I'd hoped. However, there are a couple of big guys in the gym (apparently one of them used to compete in Scottish power lifting) and they're starting to give me tips on how to adjust the training, correcting form etc. I'm hoping to see some major improvements over the next 3-6 months.
Wonder if anyone could advise to whether I'm eating correctly - or there abouts - as I've been waking up (twice this week so far ) - at 3-4am with a massive food urge, normally a yoghurt, or a small piece of bread cures it. I don't go to bed hungry.

I exercise most days - although I have 1 to 2 days off completely during the week.

so most days I do 1 hour of exercise of heavy weights in the gym at lunch - no cardio, then every other day (as takes a day for legs to recover) in evening after work, and before dinner a run as cardio - distance depends on my goals for that day - sometimes it'll be a fast (for me) - flat out 10k (maintaining 160+bpm HR) - other days a slower 10 mile run (normally takes about 1 hr 20 or so)

but this waking up for food in the night is concerning me - although I'm quite a light sleeper anyway

I've lost the weight I need to/want to - I'm now just trying to maintain or thereabouts my weight whilst putting on further muscle mass

this is my normal intake on a full exercise day - I'm guessing its around 2800 calories or so - I weigh around 61kg or so

Normal breakfast

2 x Pita Bread - with honey to dip into
Pint of a Mix of Orange/Mango Smoothie (pure fruit no added sugar) 1/2 with other 1/2 water

Snack 1hr before lunchtime workout
1 banana + 1/2 a nutri-grain bar


2 brown rolls with 1 pack of lean ham (occasionally cheese)

After work snack (before run)

1 yoghurt
1 piece of fruit
Orange/mango smoothie + water mix


Fresh fish (salmon or cod)
lots of veg - normally:
Sweet Potatoes
Green beans
Fresh sweetcorn

After Dinner Snack

2 apples or a yoghurt
New PB on squats this afternoon. Powered up 186kg (previous best 180kg) with surprisingly little effort. Ok, it felt like I was going to pass out and I was close to throwing up a few times, but the sucker went back up. Was going to go for 190kg but there were no weights available. A few milfs snagged the 2kg barbells away and I packed it in. Been pouring Creatine into me the past 10 days and it's starting to pay dividends. I'd like to think 190 is a given next week.

God I love training legs. Really toughens you up in the mind.
Buckster, it looks like your diet is comprised mainly of carbs. Most of your calories should be coming from protein and fat, then introduce some carbs should you need to make up your calories for the day.

The pitta bread, honey and fruit smoothie in the morning, while may seem healthy, will be causing a big insulin response as the glucose enters your bloodstream. Substituting this for some eggs on maybe some seeded bread would be a good start (though generally you should be trying to stay away from grains i.e. bread). Or fill the pittas with some meat or something (I usually have a couple packed with coronation chicken most days).
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