*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I loved HST and got some fantastic gains from it, but I'm back to training on an evening at the moment, and due to how busy it is compared to 6:30am, don't fancy having to fight my way through the equipment with 11 different exercises on my list.

Would I be able to do HST with fewer exercises, focusing on compounds?

Back squat
Shoulder Press
Low Cable Row
Pull Ups

Or is that not enough for HST?
Have you tried doing your normal HST routine when it's busier? It might be ok.

Have you looked into upper/lower or push/pull/legs type stuff? HST would still work with what you've posted though.
I've done it before, aiye. Some days it's fine. Some days it gets notoriously bad that you're having to chop and change the order you do things in so much that it puts you off and you can't complete sets.

I also like the idea of a full body workout again, really burn some calories whilst lifting! Would the intensity be high enough with what I've suggested?
Yeah I know what you mean, can get frustrating.

If you want full body, do HST with what you posted and add in the exercises you cut out when you can. When I'm rushed for time I cut out most of the isolation and it's never been a problem.
Gonna go try some complexes later. Will probably try something similar to what icecold posted above.
Romanian Deadlift
Bentover Row
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Although i've never power cleaned or romanian deadlifted before, so might skip those as i'm gonna be knackered as it is
I've only got time this week to do 3 days so my 4 day split won't work. I've decided that for the 3 days I can train I'll be doing some full body workouts. It's been a while so it will be interesting.
Tore a huge rip in my shorts doing squats today!.got a few weird looks at me when they suddenly went fffffffffffffffffffft and then ripped even more as i continued the set. Possibly because i was doing squats in the first place let alone deep squats. Amazing how changing your squat form can alter the amount of weight that can be lifted!.still managed a nice squat workout though

warmed up with the empty bar for 3 sets

60 x 8
70 x 8
80 x 8
90 x 8
100 x 6
110 x 1

A whole 20kg of what id normally reach! feels so good pushimg my knees out to get as paralel or deeper as possible :D Probly could have gone higher but my left knees started locked awkwardly and started to feel funny after the last rep, so i repped on on chest to finish up
Well i went to the gym at half 5, which is normally when it starts to get quiet. Got there and it was packed. Just my luck. So i did normal boring cardio instead of complexes as the bars were all used and no where to use them anyway. (Guy did 8 sets of curls in the squat rack yay)

Cycled pretty hard for 15 mins, then managed to run for 5 before my ankle gave up. Walked uphill for about 10 after that. Then did some core work and now im knackered. Legs tomorrow :cool:
Love complexes, hard and heavy...my god it knocks it out you too!. Skillmister your complex looks like the cosgrove one, best one iv ever used, just 60 seconds rest and onto the next set its raw!
decent workout for legs tonight

2X5X100 :D Goal was 5X5 by the end of the month so I'm hoping to crack that :)
2X10X60 to finish


Then some BOR's
Squats today went:
Front squat- 70x8
back squat 70x10

Doing 120 was a bit of a math fail on my part (wanted 115), but it felt ok and originally went for 3 but the 2nd rep was a bit of a struggle. I guess its a personal best too, although I need to increase my squat.
Not a bad little chest session just now..

Flat Bench -


Thats the first time Ive ever attempted 80kg reps. Was hard but enjoyed it.

Incline DB Press

26kg x 8 x 3

Pec deck -

67.5kg x 10 x 3, Supersetted with Wide armed Pressups. (this is a killer if anyone fancies trying them)

Cable Crossovers -

23.5kg x 10 x 3
Had first session at new gym today, quite fun although lost lots of strength. Did a few deadlifts up to a max of 140kg x 5 which is way short of the 170 x 5 I have done or 190 for a single.

I must have looked a right plank as I was wandering around trying to work out which machines did what. Even found one that is meant for grip and forearm strength, had a quick go but wasn't too convinced by that so I don't think I'll bother in future.

Some very nice looking ladies were training too which is always a bonus
Sooooo, this happened...


Slow and grindy as ****! I need to be an inch or so lower really, but I'm not bothered about that at this stage. Apart from being being bit lower, I need to not mess around getting my stance set as much, for some reason that was an issue all of today. It needs to be one step back and set. Also, not enough people came to spot properly :eek:, and when faced with the choice of safety or having it filmed, well you know... :o:D

The run up to this was horrible. Felt like crap today, posterior chain still roasted from complexes on friday and my abortion of a deadlift session on saturday. To make things worse we got kicked out of the gym early so my warm up was all over the place and I didn't get chance to mobilise as much as I wanted - was hoping to foam roll some of my hamstring DOMS away, but had to squat with it still burning. I almost didn't bother with the lift because I was so sure I was going to miss it, but obviously I'm glad I did. With this in mind, at the risk of being too cocky, I still think I have more in the tank, especially considering how fresh I felt afterwards which was bizarre.
Thanks guys :)

Yep that's my home until I head back to Oxford. There is a potential issue in that I might not be able to sneak in for free much longer but I'm sure it's fine, the other guys are fairly sure the owner won't mind as he's going to be heavily involved in the powerlifting club next year and I'm "testing the facilities" :p

edit: so yes, definitely do come down!

and thanks FF :)
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