Aye, sucks! I stopped dead, and did nothing for about 3 months as evening something as trival as pushing a door open would hurt like hell! And don't even get me started on ironing
Mines probably slightely less than yours..As on the whole mine is 'okay', I can feel it most of the time, then other times its worse than other days...Possibly due to the rest? I don't know
I haven't has anyone apply pressure to it so i'm not sure about pain when being pressed...Main thing is now if I do a slow reverse windmill type action the shoulder will make an almighty 'clunk' noise, lovely eh?
What has the physio got you doing out of interest? I have some light weight work I can do to mine, need to get back into it if I am honest!
@Icecold: Ta for the link, going through everything and reading it all currently