*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Haha yeh, the constant sweat dripping down your face and then flying all over the place whenever you breath out heavily isn't very appealing, but it doesn't bother me :p

Final day before having a rest day tomorrow, I use it as a big compound day, 5x5 of power cleans/bench and squats
Haha yeh, the constant sweat dripping down your face and then flying all over the place whenever you breath out heavily isn't very appealing, but it doesn't bother me :p

Final day before having a rest day tomorrow, I use it as a big compound day, 5x5 of power cleans/bench and squats

Pffft being the sweaty mess I am I can manage that in the depths of winter :p summer training is like sticking me in a wet room and turning on the shower. Yummy :D
*High Fives*

Chucks all the way. My other nike flats have been obliterated from squatting :eek: :D

There's a reason we own so much for being small fellows.
Genes? Nah
Natural talent? Nah
Supplements? Nah

Converse All-Stars!
Chuck Taylors are for pro's only hahaha!

Also I never knew so many people here were wimps!

It's 28 degrees where I am, I still went and did my leg day. My shirt is stuck to me from allthe sweat and it looked like I had my head under a shower from all the sweet.

We have no air-con and only 2 windows that can open. Suck it up lads and get training.
Also I never knew so many people here were wimps!

It's 28 degrees where I am, I still went and did my leg day. My shirt is stuck to me from allthe sweat and it looked like I had my head under a shower from all the sweet.

We have no air-con and only 2 windows that can open. Suck it up lads and get training.

Never said i wasnt training :p Although looking at my post i forgot to write 'forward' so it may have sounded like i wasnt. Off in half an hour cant wait to be dripping with sweat :) It's just the people around me who might not appreciate it!
Good chest session in the gym just now. Managed a 115kg bench for a single so shouldn't be long to get back to 120kg for reps.

Legs tomorrow which i'm dreading already as I know i'll be useless lol. Anyway, knee seems to have rcovered from the injury I had so i'll se how it goes.
Never said i wasnt training :p Although looking at my post i forgot to write 'forward' so it may have sounded like i wasnt. Off in half an hour cant wait to be dripping with sweat :) It's just the people around me who might not appreciate it!

A small townl is your friend. Also whipe down after you use a bench.

No one likes a minger that leaves pools of sweat on equipment.
Final day before having a rest day tomorrow, I use it as a big compound day, 5x5 of power cleans/bench and squats

Pretty good session tonight

Warmed up on the rower for 5 minutes.

Power clean (Only to my chest/neck, didn't push them above my head)


3x70kg (Failed last rep)

Then I did 3x50KG squats, but using a smith machine, It hurts my lower back so I packed it in, can't wait till I get back to my normal gym with a power rack!

I am getting stronger, but I arn't getting any bigger :(. It was only two months ago my 1rep max at benching was 45KG, it's now 80KG, and my 1rep max at deads was 50K, it's now 110KG!!

On normal days I go to 8or10 reps, but today was a strength day.

Love this weather. Makes me train like a beast :cool:

You are a beast..... ohh errrr :o
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Pffft rubbish, more effort needed :p

Do any of you get shoulder pain when benching or afterwards? It's started to happen to me recently, it doesn't feel like my muscles, more like really deep inside my muscle close to the bone?
There's a reason we own so much for being small fellows.
Genes? Nah
Natural talent? Nah
Supplements? Nah

Converse All-Stars!
Chuck Taylors are for pro's only hahaha!

Also I never knew so many people here were wimps!

It's 28 degrees where I am, I still went and did my leg day. My shirt is stuck to me from allthe sweat and it looked like I had my head under a shower from all the sweet.

We have no air-con and only 2 windows that can open. Suck it up lads and get training.
Ah the orchestral words of truth.

Here's 2 different pairs of my nike's - Wrecked from squatting thousands of reps:


2 pairs of chucks to the rescue in the background :D

I've noticed hardly anyone sweats in the gym. It is air con'd but I'm the only one that has a soaking t-shirt after every session :confused:
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