*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Online advice probably, or he's in it hoping he can sort himself out along the way and say 'I did it, so can you'.
Had a little accident with my barbell earlier.

Yep upstairs, the noise was incredible. I was about to squat so loaded 60kg onto one side of the bar and as I walked around to load up the other side, the bar tipped up, slid off the catchers and obviously thought it'd try having sex with my floor. Which it did. Successfully. Luckily it's just through the first layer of floor boards, it didn't go all the way through, that certainly would've required some fixing!

I've got matting either side of the rack where the barbell makes contact, just not everywhere else as, prior to this, I didn't really think it was necessary! It's because I'm used to training with my mate so we load the bar up simultaneously but I was on my own today and forgot about gravity.
Yep upstairs, the noise was incredible. I was about to squat so loaded 60kg onto one side of the bar and as I walked around to load up the other side, the bar tipped up, slid off the catchers and obviously thought it'd try having sex with my floor. Which it did. Successfully. Luckily it's just through the first layer of floor boards, it didn't go all the way through, that certainly would've required some fixing!

I've got matting either side of the rack where the barbell makes contact, just not everywhere else as, prior to this, I didn't really think it was necessary! It's because I'm used to training with my mate so we load the bar up simultaneously but I was on my own today and forgot about gravity.

thats why when i load my bar i do 1 plate on each side at a time.

your very lucky it never went all the way through, if there was anybody underneath you at the time, you could have caused some serious damage.
If the big 25s didn't hit the wardrobe it most definitely would've gone all the way through. I usually do the plates 1 at a time, laziness just got the better of me. Never again that's for sure!
If the big 25s didn't hit the wardrobe it most definitely would've gone all the way through. I usually do the plates 1 at a time, laziness just got the better of me. Never again that's for sure!

it shouldn't cost too much to fix, labour will be the biggest thing, unless you do it yourself, its a very simple job.

could have potentially cost you thousands though, if it had went through it would have destroyed a lot of stuff downstairs too.

at least you wont be making that mistake in a hurry.

was it a brown trouser moment, or were you cool as a cucumber?
At first I thought it was just superficial damage to the plastic draws so apart from the loud crashing of metal plates I wasn't too phased. It wasn't until I tried lifting the barbell up and it was stuck I began touching cloth.

I'll do it myself most probably, I need to rip the carpet up later to see exactly what I'm dealing with.
Sorry I mean they just don't feel they are being hit. I just got home from a pretty heavy shoulder sesh but the front never feels tired.

Ohp 50kg for a few sets today which is about my heaviest
Lat raise I recommend as well. They're *really* hard, so keep the weights low, but they're really good too, especially combined with other exercises, like the standing Barbell Press recommended above.

Kind regards,

If you're feeling like they're not being hit hard enough, superset.

50kg Overhead press supersetted with front lat raises - not sure what weight would be good for you; 12 - 14kg?!
Oh really? How did you correct it, and did it go away? (Try no to turn it medical)
I went to a physio. Lots of stretches just like the ones found on mobilitywod for scapula mobility. It's still tender, and I haven't started lifting again yet (3 months :() but it's getting there. The main culprit for these problems is impingement from off-form and/or bad posture. If you're pushing your shoulders forward when benching, this will probably be why it hurts. Keep shoulders back (try and pull your shoulders together with your traps, but keep them "down" not up to your ears). :)
Ok thanks, I think ill try that superset idea. My shoulders have been neglected and its only last 6 weeks I've been doing them I guess.

Ive been getting 5kg dumbells then doing like a front raise.. then move it out to side and down.. then back up sides and across to front again. Kinda like 2 in 1 . Not sure what it would be called !
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