*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Obviously not enough takeaways after nights out.

You animal you

Haha, i eat so much **** i should be classed as medically fat. Trying to consume like 3000cals and 80g of protein a day atm.

Thorpy I weight 70kg, it's the best area to be ahaha.

I'm only interested in gaining size this summer since I'm limited to light weights.

I'm just over 6foot, what about you?

edit: There you got skillmister ^
Haha, i eat so much **** i should be classed as medically fat. Trying to consume like 3000cals and 80g of protein a day atm.
Does not compute :confused: that's only 320kcals coming from protein, if you're going to eat that many kcals at least get in 150-200g protein.
80g of protein? Thats nothing, should be more like 200. I get that from 1 meal some days. Been on 3000-3500 cals since september, its been doing good :D

I'm 5'11 and a tad, 79.5kg this morning.
What :(

Meat isn't cheap :(

That extra 9kg on you over my 70kg makes such a difference. I just want to get rid of visible ribs it's not attractive :D
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The **** is whey :p

Eggs, tuna and nuts aren't cheap either! Had all three today though. Plus a protein shake.
whey = protein shake

eggs are cheap. buy tuna when its on offer. its not that bad :p

unless youre expecting to spend £15 a week on food and have this work out, in which case think again :D
I stocked up recently when it worked out at 60p a can, bought about 20 :p Just gotta spot the offers. Tell me about skint, couldnt find a job at all this year and my loan is gone after rent. Fun times indeed.
Baked beans MOFOS!

Good carbs and good protein amino chains, eat that stuff and go squat. Let out a silent one and no one will be bothering you at the gym anymore.

Also shop at aldi and lidle, fiver for 4 cans? lol mentle, try 30p for a tin of tuna there.

It's win win!
Just had baked beans on toast haha :p

I looked 'good' when i was 11st9lbs, would like to get back to that. Currently 11st1lb :(

Ha yes, Aldi and Lidl :p Non near me
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