They had some others for sale, it all depends what you are going to use the bench for to be honest, also, depending on your current goals / strengths id weigh up the cost against the amount the bench can take to be honest
But thats because im poor
cheap equipment especially from argos wont last long (both my benches have lifetime warranties). lets say you weigh 90kg and most people use a bench for benching funnily enough, you should be able to bench 60kg+ within a year of working out.
so that's 150kg+ right there easily, i would want a bench than can safely handle double that amount, just to be safe / sure. put it this way, i could buy a crappy bench from argos, but if it buckle's or breaks whilst im using it, i dont like the idea of being in control of 60kg+ above my body when it happens. of course the power rack (even more money) would help but not if im using dumbells.
people completely fail to understand its not worth getting a home gym (unless you have a lot of spare money and space), because to do it properly, it's effectively going to end up costing a lot more than a gym membership. people think its cheaper because they see a full setup in argos costing them £200, but they fail to understand, they will be limited in the exercises they can do and the equipment will be a false economy.
proper equipment holds it value extremely well and in some rare cases actually goes up in value, stuff from argos will most likely have to be thrown away or given away. therefore with proper equipment you can recoup most of your money if need be, with argos your just throwing it down the drain.
i did a lot of research before buying my home gym, i even made a thread on here, i also researched on for several months. there is no way i could recommend anything from argos, unless your only doing it to mess about with and not train properly.
people who want a home gym, should join a proper gym for 6 months minimum, if they are still training hard after 6 months and still want a home gym, then they should start putting a few £K a side. put it this way matting for a home gym costs several hundred pounds, never mind the equipment.