Hey, first time posting here.
How do you guys maintain your motivation to go to the gym? I'm really struggling at the moment. I've just finished university and gone straight into fulltime employment working 10-6. I have been going after work, getting home around 8.30, and then cooking dinner etc and it's already 9:30ish by then and I feel like I have no time to just chill
I haven't been since this time last week because I just cant be bothered. I have bringing my gym stuff to work everyday with the intention of going but it just doesn't happenThe thought of just going home and relaxing is too tempting.
I'm 22 and this is my first 9-5 monday to friday job, only ever worked part time during summer etc before, and only been at it 2 weeks so think I'm still getting use to it.
So yea, how do you get motivated?
Going after work is depressing imo, it start to feel part of the working day.
Find a better time to go, a time that you can enjoy the gym and feel that it is part of your relaxing time. Learn to enjoy it rather than forcing yourself.
Also, as always, set yourself some goals.