*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Wish i took my phone in the gym today, someone used the 'pussy pad' on the smith machine... while benching! I was in hysterics while trying to do standing press, never a good idea
Wish i took my phone in the gym today, someone used the 'pussy pad' on the smith machine... while benching! I was in hysterics while trying to do standing press, never a good idea

:confused: HOW!? If I for some twisted reason wanted to try this I can just imagine the pad and the bar spinning away as I tried to unrack it
I've just joined the Oxford Brookes gym in Headington. Seems like a fairly well kitted out place, must have at least 6 bars and a lifting platform. Oxford United football squad were in there training yesterday... oddly enough, I didn't recognise them :p

Parking there appears to be a nightmare, so I'm going to have to cycle there... booo. Anyone else go there?

I've currently just finished a cut that lasted from January to May, it was hard work but damn, there have certainly been results! Really pleased, now onto a lean bulk :)
Why wouldn't you join the Oxford Uni gym? Why train with douchebags when you can train with slightly more sophisticated douchebags?

Brookes is ok, but remember all the stories of stupid people in the gym that I told you about? They train there :p

Seriously though it's fine, it's where I train when the OU gym is closed.
Well just back from the back doctor. I filled in my forms and the first thing she looks at is sports/hobbies and goes " OH, you're a powerlifter then. "

Off goes my shrit for the scans so.

She couldn't believe how and tense my erectors and traps where. Like visible cables running down my neck and back.

They were also far far more tense then the average person, although that's attributed to my powerlifting she said.

As you can see they're very tense, all the way in the high. The problem is that some are more tense on the one side as well, which is slightly attributed to having my left leg slightly shorter then and right , and sitting with my wallet in my right back pocket. Twisting the spine slightly.

Here's the nerve scan, which shows the areas the nerve as going mental at.


My lower back is going crazy with those nerve clusters there, you can tell it's basically twisting my entire spine as it causes some muscles to spasm and other not. It's a huge difference compared to the "Ideal" nervous actions.

We spoke for ages and I'm happy she knew a lot, one thing she brought up early was if I was wearing proper lifting shoes, given that normal runners have padding and how it is and all that. I mentioned Converse and she said they're "ok", but proper shoes with a hard base are essential for keeping the balance.

So bla bla bla, put me down checked how my body reacts to pressure on certain muscle and nerve points. Got a few cracks in my lower back, and a little massage for the tense muscles. Then she take this little spring loaded rod, and basically "taps" my vertebrae in my lower back where it hurt and then twisted my hips putting her full pressure on. Heard a click and waited a few minutes then asked to get up and walk around.

Low and behole ZERO pain. She said it'll be a little tender for a few more days from the muscle and that I'll be sore a bit later from it as the spine and muscle adjust to being in a better position.

Best thing to do, is use my foam roller gently daily, then slowly add more pressure till I get back to where I was. Hot bath for 15 minutes with epsom salts to relax he muscles, then 15-20 minutes of ice on the lumbar area to help reduce the inflammation.

I can start lifting again Monday if I feel very good, although nothing over 60 for deadlifts or squats and only the empty bar for standing presses, along with light benching.

Also strengthen my core even more.

Well wall of text is over, time for BBQ chicken wings!
You wrote that when you had wings to eat?! priorities fella, sort them :p

sounds like she is a gem! appreciative of your hobbies, happy to advise and definitely helps you!
Don't worry Morba, the wings were done and cooked just as I finised up haha.

Also she's very nice, American as well. Even gave me a referal to the a friend of hers that works in the town where I go to college.

She was happy how informative I was, specially since most of her clients don't have a clue about even the basics. She even said I shouldn't bother reading her reccomended exercises since it's laughable for me hehe.

Also eat well and plenty of water.

I was also surprised that she recommended using the Ab Wheel for core training, most people have something against it as they can feel some pain in the lower back.
Which is actually just the muscles engaging for under real pressure for the first time.

That and get an physio ball and just sit on it for a while upright, so slightly moving it to just gently activate my stabalizers and core as to slowly get the muscles going again in the lower back.

So if I still have problems after Monday, specially after getting back to training I should call her and see if I need another appointment.

The best part was they're having a special deal with my gym and since I'm a student today only cost me €40, even though I was there nearly 2 hours. My next adjustments are only 35 euro as well. Also if I need another set of scans that's only 55.

So later paying 85 is saving me loads off the normal 150 fee for just the basics.
Just had a TERRIBLE session :(

I'm doing SL 5x5. Today was 67.5KG Squats, 57.5KG Bench, 47.5KG Barbell row

Managed to do the squats but nearly DIED on the last set, found them so hard I think i squeaked at one point trying to push myself back up

Benching - Managed 2 sets and nearly couldn't get the bar back up on the last rep of the second set, then I couldn't even lift the bar off the rack for the third!!! I dropped it down to 50KG (i know you arn't supposed to drop weight on 5x5) and I was struggling so much with just 50kg!! Normally I have no problems at all with 50kg.... what the hell?!?

Finally was 47.5KG barbell row, I managed 2....thats right 2 reps until I couldn't even pull the bar up?!?! Last time it was 45KG and I found it 'ok' and could complete the full sets!!

What the hell is going on?!?
Maybe you were just particularly tired and worn out during this session? ^

I've been doing a pitiful amount of exercise recently :p so I've started doing the plank every night in order to build some core strength so that when I hit the gym I'll have a good base to start off with. All the big exercises - squats, chins etc build up core strength, so surely by building core strength, I'll make myself better at these exercises?
Icecold is correct but still do them because you don't want to reach a point when your core is limiting you. That's when injuries happen.

I downloaded Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 ebook the other day and I'm thinking of trying it as my new program. Each cycle is 4 weeks long so they are nice and short so I am thinking I'll just give it a go to see how I get on. I can always take the bits I like and try to implement them in my next program if it goes wrong :).
Well i went to go to the gym this afternoon, sat down, and then I found myself waking up 1.5hrs later! lol! I guess I was tired then. Lost the mood for for the gym though :(
Calf raises - wow! Just done my first proper set with a 10kg dumbell and they feel good. You can really feel it all the way through your leg.
A couple of questions though... Should I be dropping my heel down as far as it will go on the negative or just so the foot is flat? And should my knee be locked out or slightly bent?

I've been working on the below program for a bout four weeks and it seems to be doing me ok (though today was the first time I did the leg day properly :o). I'd be grateful for any tips or improvemnts anyone has. I'm 5'10" & about 68kg at the mo. All done with dumbells.

Flat chest press 3x8
Pressup 3x10
Seated dumbell shoulder press 3x8
Lateral raises 3x8

Bent 1 arm rows 3x8
Bicep curls 3x8
1 arm hammer curls 3x8
Bent lateral raises 3x8
Pressups 3x10

Lunges 3x8
Calf raises 3x10
Deadlift (as much as you can with dumbells) 3x8
Situps 3x20

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