*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Not sure if I said, but I did some type flips / medley with discus Ben and GPT... pretty tough! :eek:

Apparently DB hurt his back on his third event today and had to stop competing, balls :(
Yep that's what I'm looking for :cool:

What's your routine at Brookes at the moment? I've completely lost track...

I'm sure the big man will be fine, but still a shame especially considering the drive. I was hoping to go and see him in action as well, how could he be so selfish :mad:
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Currently it stands at:

Day 1: chest, shoulders, triceps
Bench 5x5
Military Press 5x5
Incline Bench 5x5
Arnold Press 4x10 (usually to 'fail' to be honest, gets really hard on those last reps!)
Either decline bench or narrow grip bench as dips seem to hurt my chest at the moment
"Euro-Scotts" (;)) 4x10
Core work out

Day 2:
Barbell complexes
20 minute row

Day 3: legs, back and biceps
Squat 5x5
Deadlift 5x5 (I know, I know!)
Leg press 4x10 (I was doing lunges but they started to hurt my knees, might go back to them)
Pull ups 3x5
Chin ups 3x5
Bent over rows 4x10
Controlled bicep curls 4x10 (or to fail, usually dead at this point)

Day 4:
30 minute row - death

Day 5:
As day 1

Day 6: rest

Day 7: as above but starting with the legs day instead.

I'm really enjoying it and I'm still improving. Eating very strictly at 200kcals above maintenance and I'm consuming ~280g of protein a day :)eek:). I've given up on running, just a really good way to get an injury. Plus I thought rowing would be good for my infamous core.

Wouldn't worry too much about seeing him... it was up north :p
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13 Mar 2008
Like I said too much info, you have every tom dick and harry throwing in stuff at times.

It can be confusing, takes a while for one to understand and put it into practice in a gym, on your own and see results, no doubt you did it all by being the big man in the gym with loads of mates and help.

I aint even mad, I look better, feel stronger, am fitter and most of the info from a book :p

First post back and I am like

Why the hate?

Like I said I got back on topic after my outburst, I am here the same reason as everyone else, lift more, look better, feel better.

Loads of mates?

I'm an immigrant student, I went alone and walked into the gym at 5'8 and weighing in at only 56-58kg two years ago.

I was terrified! Didn't know anyone and got no help. I started reading and adapting from there. Mark Rippetoe's work changed everything for me.

Also don't worry mate, there's no hate. Also lol at Eddy Murhpy.

If it works for you, stick to it. Not everything works for everyone and that's a fact.

Also being bombarded with info just means people here care. There's a few silverbacks here you would be smart to listen to, others not so much.

Best of luck mate, although with commitment it's not needed.

Just remember:
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Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Currently it stands at:

Day 1: chest, shoulders, triceps
Bench 5x5
Military Press 5x5
Incline Bench 5x5
Arnold Press 4x10 (usually to 'fail' to be honest, gets really hard on those last reps!)
Either decline bench or narrow grip bench as dips seem to hurt my chest at the moment
"Euro-Scotts" (;)) 4x10
Core work out

Day 2:
Barbell complexes
20 minute row

Day 3: legs, back and biceps
Squat 5x5
Deadlift 5x5 (I know, I know!)
Leg press 4x10 (I was doing lunges but they started to hurt my knees, might go back to them)
Pull ups 3x5
Chin ups 3x5
Bent over rows 4x10
Controlled bicep curls 4x10 (or to fail, usually dead at this point)

Day 4:
30 minute row - death

Day 5:
As day 1

Day 6: rest

Day 7: as above but starting with the legs day instead.

I'm really enjoying it and I'm still improving. Eating very strictly at 200kcals above maintenance and I'm consuming ~280g of protein a day :)eek:). I've given up on running, just a really good way to get an injury. Plus I thought rowing would be good for my infamous core.

Wouldn't worry too much about seeing him... it was up north :p
That looks fine, although I'm assuming the bit you know, you know is that I think you should separate squats and deads...? If you like it it's fine though, but potentially as you start lifting more it's something to think about.

Also, I have a lot of love for your legendary core :p
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
So the last two weeks I've made some changes to my diet. Quite massive changes in fact. What I've done is to stop eating 6 times a day and reverted back to a normal 3 meals a day with one protein shake a day. That's it. Truth is, I got tired of always preparing meals and always making sure I'm stuffed with food. My protein intake was high and I also upped my fat intake slightly. The results were.

Height: 6'3

Starting weight: 112kg. Now. 109kg

Waist then: 38. Now 34.

Arms then: 18. Arms now. 18.

All other measurements stayed exactly the same apart from the fact that I've leaned out tremendously, almost shockingly so. Everyone is commenting on how much better I look. I also came off the creatine and all my water weight is all but gone.

The only cardio I've been doing is jogging to the gym instead of leisurely strolling there. I've started having the odd packets of biscuits or crisps again after denying myself for so long and if anything, it made me feel so much better and more happy to up my intensity in the gym.

Lesson learned. Listen to your body. Feed it when it asks for food, don't feed it when it doesn't want/need food.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
I've been doing exactly the same for the last 3 weeks, I got bored of constantly having to be in the kitchen and eating little snaky meals along with denying myself treats and eating like a more normal person.
So far I've been losing around 3lbs a week on average and even my housemate commented on how much more defined I'm looking, that along with the fact it makes life so much easier means I can see myself going back to be strict until I hit a level where that's the only way I'll lean out anymore.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Genuine question for all to answer, is it possible to lose ~3 a week whilst maintaining a good amount of muscle? I know it's probably possible if you are controlling your diet to the nth degree (maximum protein, minimal carbs from certain sources etc) but I would imagine quite a lot of the weight lost would still be muscle at that speed.

Please educate me :)
13 Mar 2008
Genuine question for all to answer, is it possible to lose ~3 a week whilst maintaining a good amount of muscle? I know it's probably possible if you are controlling your diet to the nth degree (maximum protein, minimal carbs from certain sources etc) but I would imagine quite a lot of the weight lost would still be muscle at that speed.

Please educate me :)

3 what?

Grams? Super easy?

Pounds? Veyr hard, unless it's mostly water mass.

KG? Not a chance, unless you have loads of wastage really.

So, yes that's usually a lot of muscle lost, specially if you a lot cardio.

Do have a look at Barbbell Complexes though, they can help strip fat off you, but help maintain if not build some muscle mass.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
^he does BB complexes already :p

But yes as above. I'm assuming you meant 3lb, which will be very hard to lose exclusively as "non-muscle" over a long period, especially if you're running.

Looking again at your routine, have you considered changing the 30 minute row to some HIIT rowing action?
13 Mar 2008
^he does BB complexes already :p

But yes as above. I'm assuming you meant 3lb, which will be very hard to lose exclusively as "non-muscle" over a long period, especially if you're running.

Looking again at your routine, have you considered changing the 30 minute row to some HIIT rowing action?

How can you do BB complexes and complain about not losing fat fast enough?!

Ah well yes, like you said put some more HIIT in there, swimming would be better though then rowing.
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
What Nightmare said. Losing weight too fast will result in muscle mass lost which is obviously what you don't want. Moderate cardio along with a clean diet is the way to go. Aim for a pound a week as that's totally possible.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Genuine question for all to answer, is it possible to lose ~3 a week whilst maintaining a good amount of muscle? I know it's probably possible if you are controlling your diet to the nth degree (maximum protein, minimal carbs from certain sources etc) but I would imagine quite a lot of the weight lost would still be muscle at that speed.

Please educate me :)

For me personally and obviously it's different for everyone it's certainly possible for me to maintain my lean mass while losing fat at an average weight of 3lbs p/w over 11 weeks at least, as that's what I lost in my Jan-Apr cut this year while gaining strength.
13 Mar 2008
Why? Same effort/heart rate= the same.

That's like saying why lift weights, running is the same effort/heart rate.

Swimming involves a lot more muscle, the same for barbbell complexes which are under resistence meaning you burn fat during it and keep burning afterwards unlike with normal cardio. It helps to boost your metabolism as well surely.

I barely lose weight with just regular cardio, but with swimming and complexes it's different story.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Thanks for the replies (and yes I meant lbs per week). My weight loss was about a pound a week and I maintained most of my strength. I think if I went any more I'd see bigger strength losses.

Anyway, trying to gain weight at the moment anyway :)

I quite enjoy the 30 min row, it's quite the stamina tester!
17 Aug 2005
Do you guys do any physically demanding jobs?
Started as a postman about 7 weeks ago, lost 20lbs in that time. Gone from 160 down to just above 140 now. Shocking!

I am shattered by time I finished, today 3 miles cycling out, 6 mile walk (plus some) 3 mile back.

I need to really boost my cal intake significantly.
Any ideas please? Breakfast ideas would be very helpful oats (with chopped nuts/almonds etc..) is not cutting it any more.
I take 2 slices of Soreen with butter, a banana, mixed fruit nut, sandwich out with me and have just bought some weight gaining stuff from MP to help boost my cals in the evening.
21 Aug 2003
My job means I stand up and walk about most of the day. Also the odd bit of heavy lifting. Over my time at work (8 hours) I eat a tin of salmon or 6 eggs a couple of pittas a couple of bananas and a 500kcal shake after going to the gym in my lunch break.

For breakfast I have 3 boiled eggs and a large bowl of porridge. Whole eggs are your friend!
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