*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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20 Aug 2006
one last one for now - for flat dumbell benchpress - do people recommend normal benchpress grip - ie with the dumbells at 90 degrees to you - or the other way with dumbells length wise along your body

instructor seemed to imply the 2nd is more natural - and that it didn't really matter - in factI think he said he used a half way house -sort of 45 degrees orsomething
3 Oct 2009
You can do suicide grip on a smith machine, just set the spotters so it cant kill you if it slips. Obviously a smith machine isnt ideal but i'd never ever use suicide grip on a free bench even with a spotter.
21 Jun 2006
Hmm the EVA roller is made from the same stuff as the 66fit on ( EVA ).
It could be worth getting the cheaper one, it's probably just not made by 66 fit. Also the cheaper ones usually have an inner core which is normal PE foam. So they usually get compressed quicker.

Since I've never used that Ebay one I wouldn't be able to tell you if it's got the cheaper core or not.

I know the physioIreland one is a solid EVA one, it's two halves together.

Also I'd recommend getting the ice packs. They work wonders!

yeah i know it was made from the same stuff, i just wanted a second opinion as you probably looked into it a bit more than i have. will most likely go with the ebay one, hopefully it is the exact same as yours.

yeah the ice packs everyone should have really £6 for 2, and you can use them for lunch boxes as well as injuries, etc. ive seen people using them all the time for little niggles, etc, so they should come in good use.

really need to stop spending money constantly, i think i'll wait til next month and get those power perfect shoes and this stuff all together.
29 Aug 2005
Nah, i'm extremely self conscious, so going to the gym is a no no for me currently :p

I was in my garage three times a week without fail in the old house
I've been like that in the past so know exactly where you're coming from. In the end I actually quite missed a public gym environment.

I ****ing love it. If i was here for longer than just a month i'd buy an oly bar and some full size plates to put in there. It's insane how cheap he got all that gear for though, all from 1 guy off ebay for a couple of hundred quid :o
Thats not a bad price for all that lot.
13 Mar 2008
True buddy, I think it's probably more of a sense of I might know people there..ie prats I used to go to school with.

Rather be going somewhere i don't know anyone

You can be my gym buddy!
We can mix shakes together, bake protein biscuits and make awesome protein pancakes!

Then you can spot me real good like, and I would return the favour.
Hell I'll even give you a lift off with the Benchpress, so you don't have to waste energy pushing it off yourself.

Then we can go back to your old public gym and crush the plebs with our awesomeness.
7 Nov 2004
You can be my gym buddy!
We can mix shakes together, bake protein biscuits and make awesome protein pancakes!

Then you can spot me real good like, and I would return the favour.
Hell I'll even give you a lift off with the Benchpress, so you don't have to waste energy pushing it off yourself.

Then we can go back to your old public gym and crush the plebs with our awesomeness.

Haha, would love a gym buddy, but I don't think I can go to ireland three times a week :p
29 Jul 2004
FAO BennyC / Other IF peeps.

Now I've started full time work I fancy giving this a go, I've never really thought about it before but here's how my training / diet looked while I was a lazy student.

11am - Get up
1200-1300 - Gym, fasted weight training. Whey as soon as I get home.
1330-1400 ish - 'Lunch', generally 600-800cals
1800 ish - Snack of some description, or protein shake depending how I feel/rest of my food looked like that day
2000-2100 ish - 'Tea', generally 800cals or so.

All together I was cutting on 1700-1900 a day, though sometimes as high as 2200 and as low as 1600.

So, looking at that I'm not that far off IF! In terms of fasting/feed windows anyway. So now I'm at work I figure I might aswell do it properly, plan looks like this.

0800-0900 - Gym, fasted weight training. 10g BCAA before (during aswell?)
Consume rest of 30g total BCAA between now and lunch.
1230-1300 - 'Lunch' at work, still about 600 cals. Tough to get dem proteenz in this one but generally aim for 30-40g.
1730 - Snack/whey
1930-2000 ish - 'Tea', same cals etc. as before.

Looks ok to me, but would appreciate IFers thoughts. What BCAA supp is best? I've been eyeing up xtend scivation but its looking expensive if I'm taking 9 scoops a day to meet the recommended 30g of BCAA before/during/after training! Any recommendations?
18 Dec 2004
NE England
I used to take 10g BCAA's as soon as I woke up, once I got to the gym (about 45 minutes later) then 10g about an hour after the gym........ I also just bought a 2.5kg bag of BCAAs I think, if you want to use a pre-workout, you could always mix a scoop of Jack3D or something in with the second batch of BCAAs - may be the cheapest option?
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