*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Maybe all these women want a picture because they look ridiculous and aren't seen often?

I can see woman liking men with big arms and not caring about much else, but they all look like freaks (only watched ~20 seconds) to 99% of people who aren't after a particular physique.

i doubt it, the women dont exactly look like they are smart, they probably thinking wow strong arms. rather than "i need to get my picture taken with a freak", look at the blondie sitting beside the big dude, its most likely his girlfriend, the others are probably girls who wanted their pictures taken with a hench dude, just like the guys on facebook who go out clubbing and get their pictures taken with any hot girl who will let them.

its a sad state of affairs as i said above, but this is how the world works, my legs are huge anyway, so im just going to focus on other parts which need it and basically just maintain them.
I think 99% of these women would be easily attainable regardless of synthol arms and any decent chat anyway.

On a related note I was out at T in the park festival in a hulk hogan costume. Many hot wumenz wanted photos, is that because I'm uberrr hench or look very silly? :p (It is an easy way to start conversation with random people though)

On the festival related note I am feeling very bloated and fat after drinking for 4 days straight, prob. can start weighing in down to ~90kg soon then might look to start losing a bit off the lower belly, overall not feeling not to bad about it and need to relax on holiday!
I'd like to declare that the following is the best food known to man

300g cottage cheese, 30g USN Pure Chocolate, mixed together. Heaven!
At uni, I use a dipping belt and a heavy duty pullup bar.

Pullups are for a wide back as squats are for big legs.
While, lat pull down is the equivalent to leg press in my eyes.

They're alright, just not the best around.

I dont know why but my elbows really struggle on pullups and are almost fine on a pulldown machine. Tried to vary my hand position but nothing really works better than others. :( Not to mention i can only do about 5 bodyweight pullups lol
I dont know why but my elbows really struggle on pullups and are almost fine on a pulldown machine. Tried to vary my hand position but nothing really works better than others. :( Not to mention i can only do about 5 bodyweight pullups lol

Practice makes perfect, do one or two every time you get near a pull up bar.

I always do a few as part of my warm up, very wide pullups and wide chin ups, then hands together close grip chin ups and the same for pullups again.

Deadlifts destroyed my hands tonight. I've not got any callouses to rip off but I think I'll be getting there soon :o
Synthol arms = ****ing losers.

everyone who lifts knows that, but its extremely sad that the majority are misguided.

put it this way some guy could be lifting his heart out in the gym every week, then in comes mr synthol and the average bint on the street thinks he looks amazing and mr hard worker looks tiny.

the guys on the stuff are delusional, does it not in fact make you weaker? because your muscles are going to be full of oil. anybody who takes the stuff needs a good hiding to kick some sense into them.
i doubt it, the women dont exactly look like they are smart, they probably thinking wow strong arms. rather than "i need to get my picture taken with a freak", look at the blondie sitting beside the big dude, its most likely his girlfriend, the others are probably girls who wanted their pictures taken with a hench dude, just like the guys on facebook who go out clubbing and get their pictures taken with any hot girl who will let them.

its a sad state of affairs as i said above, but this is how the world works, my legs are huge anyway, so im just going to focus on other parts which need it and basically just maintain them.

lol...way to over generalise the female population.

So because my girlfriend is blood it means she has no sense? Righto :p

Fair game on your leg front, my legs have always been bigger than my arms just due to my childhood really. So I don;t blame you for venturing to other parts of your body...Just don't sit there and do bicep curls :p
Yeah you were lying on the floor for an extended period afterwards. Nobody cared enough to check on you or anything :p

I think this has possibly been the hardest HST cycle so far, the 15 rep phase is killing me.

For example, last night (all 2x15):
Front Squat 85kg
Deficit dead 135kg
Bench 80kg
BOR 75kg
Arnold Press 17.5kg per hand (was meant to be 20kg but I literally didn't care by this point!)
Close grip bench 65kg
Barbell curls 35kg

I'm already completely fried after the deficit deads, then I have the upsetting realisation that I'm not even half way through :(

Tried to take some "before" photos after the first session. Turned out to be a hilarious exercise as I couldn't tense anything properly :o

The weights seem light on paper, but for the last few reps it feels like I'm banging my head against some kind of cardio/blood sugar limit.
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