*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Haven't been a while since the mental move up here.

Joined Pure Gym and although pretty good, the 25min walk each way into town is relaly quite annoying tbh. Going to join the Nuffield 5mins from my House after the summer to keep up the pressure.

And I'm weak and flabby after a boozy and Tapas filled sun holiday last week with the Mrs.

Whining :D
I dunno if this fits in here or not.

Been going to the gym now for the past 5 weeks and I have put on weight ! The thing is, i have not used any of the weights, i just go there to do 20min on the cross trainer and then run 5km, then i go home. I do that twice a week and I have put in at least 4Ibs...

I know muscles weights more than fat but bloody hell, 4Ibs from running?
Totally depends on what you body composition is like to start with and running uses lots of muscles! Has your appetite increased?
Also Skillmister your legs are looking killer. I don't understand the way you have put your rep and set ranges though.
change the raisins for boiled eggs. Not only will they fill you up, but your colleagues will appreciate the aroma as you sit there cracking them on the desk :)

Do you think you look slimmer since starting? You should take photos or body measurements. Its a much better way to measure progress.

the misses legs :P
A little bit, and mostly snacking...I got some nuts and raisins that i keep at the desk at work now.

Nuts are very calorific, and raisins contain a lot of sugar - so potentially you are pushing your calorie intake too high and thus putting on weight.

I'm at a DeVere down in Southampton for the next few weeks (except weekends) they've got a little gym, and a pool... guess I'm going to have to leave my heavy work for the weekends! :( Ah well, I guess I just won't look that hot for Brighton - the boys will be disapointed! :D :p
Nuts are very calorific, and raisins contain a lot of sugar - so potentially you are pushing your calorie intake too high and thus putting on weight.

May be, but i am not eating lots of it.

I dunno, will have to watch what i eat even more.

side note, anyone want to come over and help me eat all my ice cream that i have made in the last 3 days? :p
I was talking about the Brighton meet! Wanted to be nice and pumped/buff for it ;) :p

I've got my birthday weekend down in London that same weekend and I've set myself a goal of 205lbs to hit and just generally looking rather large when I wack the top off.
It's all coming together :p
Scarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred...Going to the gym for the first time in aggggggggggggessssssssssssss

You'll do fine! Get into the zone and DO IT!!!!

I've got my birthday weekend down in London that same weekend and I've set myself a goal of 205lbs to hit and just generally looking rather large when I wack the top off.
It's all coming together :p

Haha - well I got a few comments at the London meet saying that I was rather well built (and jokes that it was all talk and no action ;)). Which was nice, because I honestly don't feel "big". I'm down to just below 210lbs - probably closer to 207lbs really first thing in the morning. Just hoping I look lean and mean for the summer - off to Cyprus in just over 5 weeks :cool:

Hahaha! :D Imagine deadlifting 200+ kg for reps in that tower!
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