*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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4 May 2007
West Midlands
I think living life on a cocktail of PED's and party drugs is never going to play well with your heart. Also heard a lot of people calling bs on the story.

He has an impressive physique though.
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Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
If ever there was an advert to living a cleaner life and training without the use of chemicals - this is it. Shame it had to take someone's death as notorious as him to hopefully start making people realise that these things are dangerous...
13 Mar 2008
Yesterday was the most exhausting day I've had in years.

My recovery is going rather slowly, I recently hurt my back again simply getting out of a chair of all thing.

Other then that slight delay everything is slowly progressing, I can not squat how ever. Even just 70kg on my back causes severe pain in my lower back.

Yesterday was as follows.
55kg x5
75kg x5
95kg x3
105kg x1
115kg x3
115kg x3
115kg x3

Latpull downs
150kg x5
170kg x3
170kg x3
170kg x3
130kg x5

Dumbbell Rows
30kg x10 Per arm
30kg x10 Per arm
30kg x10 Per arm

Dips with belt
BW x5
10kg x5
20kg x5
30kg x5
40kg x3
45kg x3
45kg x5
45kg x5

Cable rope push downs

25kg x5
30kg x5
35kg x5
35kg x5
35kg x5

Calve raises on aerobix box with dipping belt
20kg x8
40kg x5
40kg x5
60kg x10
60kg x10
60kg x10

Stretching and mobility for 30 minutes.

Spin Class 50minutes with 10 minute "warmup"

Up comes my friend and off we go to my very first spin class. What I wasn't told was that it was NOT a beginners one, it was an advanced class.

The warmup alone has my hands and face covered in sweat. My legs were pounding full of muscular exhaustion and pain.

Half way through I couldn't even get into the stnading postion off the seat, my legs were too tired, my arms were too tired to try and keep me up. Specially since were doig this type of push up with out arms while going.

50 minutes later and thank the lord I lasted it we were done. To my relief how ever, I had no sweat marks on my shirt at all. Just a wet face and hands hahaha.

The stretching was extremely basic and not even a challenge for me though.

5 minutes after that it's time for a shower, then time to go swimming for another Hour.
Swimming 1 hour

I had not swam or touched a pool in a decade, I've also not cycled in over 6 years.

My friend who goes spinning twice a week and swimming 3 times barely beat me by 15cm in a swimming race in laps.

Although she has far better lungs, in a challenge to see who could get the farthest under water in one breath she beat me by 4 metres.

I have to admit though, the pool did wonders for my back. I had no pain what so ever during of after it all. Even just walking laps in it felt pretty darn good on it.

So after 4 hours of training and some pool fun, I could barely walk. My legs haven't been this wrecked since my first week of squatting 2 years ago.

We sat in the sauna for about 20 minutes, although I can't say I enjoyed it much. It's not my cup to tea really.

Worst part of the entire day/night was the changing rooms. There is seriously an age where men just lose all form of shame and walk around naked, flinging powder and drying bits with hairdryers.

I never understood that at all though.
20 Aug 2006
Loving smoothies now I'm really into weights - when i say smoothies I mean blended with all the bits still in
Breakfast one:
1 1/2 cups of whey, 400ml of water, 150ml of Pink Grapefruit juice, 1 banana, 3 cups of rolled oats
that plus one single yoghurt keeps me going most of morning - before I used to eat lots of toast and honey etc
+ smoothie:* 1 1/2 cups of whey, 400ml of water, 100ml of Pink Grapefruit juice, 1 banana, 1 apple
loverly - this last one, the tang of the pink grapefruit juice, the thickness from the banana, and the tang from the granny smiths apple (with skin) - is very refreshing indeed
I'd never ever buy flavoured whey for myself now - after tasing how nice your own mixes can be
21 Jun 2006
If ever there was an advert to living a cleaner life and training without the use of chemicals - this is it. Shame it had to take someone's death as notorious as him to hopefully start making people realise that these things are dangerous...

as far as i am aware, he never once did cardio, in fact he bragged about never having to do cardio yet remaining ripped, he also partied a lot, combine that with the drugs, then yeah.

still dont believe he is dead though, huge chance of it being a hoax
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Should doing cardio really matter though? His heart 'should' be healthy from all the exercise.

In his case going from what he was to how he ended up and staying that ripped without the use of cardio just points to massive abuse of PEDs which is going to place massive strain on the heart. That's not even taking into account any party drugs.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Should doing cardio really matter though? His heart 'should' be healthy from all the exercise.

Not really cardio or HIIT type of training hits a certain aerobic training zone you don't get with weight lifting. Cardio is v.important in my eyes - jsut for the whole CV fitness - lifting weight stresses the body a lot, keeping a good CV health will help minimise that stress.

In his case going from what he was to how he ended up and staying that ripped without the use of cardio just points to massive abuse of PEDs which is going to place massive strain on the heart. That's not even taking into account any party drugs.

Indeed - not just that though, cardio is just as crucial to health as a healthy diet.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Not really cardio or HIIT type of training hits a certain aerobic training zone you don't get with weight lifting. Cardio is v.important in my eyes - jsut for the whole CV fitness - lifting weight stresses the body a lot, keeping a good CV health will help minimise that stress.

Indeed - not just that though, cardio is just as crucial to health as a healthy diet.

Definitely I feel so much better generally since really increasing the amount of CV I do.
Just had a message saying the gym won't be open tonight due to the threats of rioting :(
18 Dec 2004
NE England
First gym session back tomorrow, actually dreading it. Not been since 29th July, been on holiday and really suffering with food poisoning at the same time. Gone from being 78kg down to about 71kg at my worst. Weighed myself this morning, in at 11st7lbs, so lost a fair amount :(

Appetite isn't entirely back yet, but fajitas tonight should kick it back in to gear :cool:
21 Jun 2006
Should doing cardio really matter though? His heart 'should' be healthy from all the exercise.

its two completely different forms of exercise.

one of them makes your muscles bigger/stronger, the other makes you fitter, healthier, etc.

cardio is more important than lifting weights, health wise.



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
Lifting weights pushes you hard and gets the heart going quite a bit, that to me is exercise which is making you healthier. Cardio is undoubtedly healthier, but that's not to say you aren't healthy because you lift weights.
21 Jun 2006
Lifting weights pushes you hard and gets the heart going quite a bit, that to me is exercise which is making you healthier. Cardio is undoubtedly healthier, but that's not to say you aren't healthy because you lift weights.

im talking about the "heart" here and your cardiovascular system.

lifting weights does practically bugger all for your heart and cardiovascular system.

i have seen guys who are huge and can lift heavy, stick them on a treadmill and they will be having a cardiac arrest within 3 minutes.

two other people have said the same thing above, if you don't want to believe this then don't.

lifting weights has very little affect, cardio on the other hand does. when your lifting weights, do you honestly think it pushes your heart to the same level cardio does?
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