I wouldn't say I become depressed or feel upset over it, but it does bother me
For example, the missing meals or workouts thing, if I miss a meal, especially if it's a rest day then I'll get a bit uncomfortable and try to make a point of getting something. Missing workouts, again, sounds stupid, but if I'm sick, sick enough to be off work but it's a workout day, I'll go to work (as the gym is by work) just so I don't miss the gym. But if it's on a rest day I don't mind being off
I certainly don't let it ruin my social life or relationships with family/friends, I mean I will stick to my diet and plan, but I don't see that as any different as someone who smokes having to take fag breaks etc, it's just part of my lifestyle now
Overtraining thing bothers me most, I've mentioned this example before, but I like cleaning my car, but at the moment training for the show, I just won't do a proper clean of it now, just because I'm worried the work in your arms will ruin the rest period from my bi/tri workouts.
I think once this show is over I'll be a lot better, but I just so want to do well in this
And thanks for making me feel a fruitloop Benny with the psychiatrist recommendation