*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Going go try and beat my bench press 1RM of 150kg tonight :)
Good luck! But also, video!

Supposed to be front squatting 120kg for 10 tonight. I really hate front squats for high reps! :(

However I'm also doing my heaviest bench session of the 10 rep phase, AND I'll go for a heavy deficit deadlift with chains :cool:
Fairly mundane workout tonight :(

Inclined db
Hammer machine press
Inclined cable flyes
Low cable crossovers

Inclined close grip bench
Db pullovers
V bar press downs
Reverse curls

Toes to bar
Knee tucks
V sits on bench
Going go try and beat my bench press 1RM of 150kg tonight :)
Good luck! :)
Supposed to be front squatting 120kg for 10 tonight. I really hate front squats for high reps! :(

However I'm also doing my heaviest bench session of the 10 rep phase, AND I'll go for a heavy deficit deadlift with chains :cool:

sounds fun, let us know if you need a lift to the hospital afterwards. :p
Still got the niggle in the shoulder/trap so decided to just stick to hitting the legs with machines today followed by some HIIT cycling.

Holy **** :eek: my legs were wobbling whilst walking for about an hour afterwards. Even the drive home was hard work. :o
Nice! That looked erm.....heavy. :eek:

I was well chuffed with myself on a calf raising exercise earlier because I was lifting 75kg then a bloke came and loaded up the other side of the machine with 220kg :eek:

Edit - bloody knee is hurting now :mad: I'm falling to pieces! :o
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I buy an organic one. Costs over £1. No idea if it's better than normal PB but it does tastes nice.

peanuts are peanuts, i doubt organic ones are any different to normal ones, we aren't talking about something like milk which in some countries the cows are injected with all sorts.

sure organic has it's benefits in some foods but in others it's pointless.

we also buy the organic one, but mainly because it is so cheap, like £1.50 a jar and sometimes it is £1 a jar on offer.

but tbh the difference is going to be negligible on the grand scale of things.

Bad posture, no chest to speak of, scrawny/fat arms. Got a lot of work to do over the next year.
peanuts are peanuts, i doubt organic ones are any different to normal ones, we aren't talking about something like milk which in some countries the cows are injected with all sorts.

sure organic has it's benefits in some foods but in others it's pointless.

we also buy the organic one, but mainly because it is so cheap, like £1.50 a jar and sometimes it is £1 a jar on offer.

but tbh the difference is going to be negligible on the grand scale of things.

Not so.. Organic food hasn't had synthetic pesticides used on it, nor can it be GM food (GM prob not relevant to peanuts but you never know.) They also aren't fed "synthetic" plant food. The stuff crammed with ammonia, phosphates, sulphates and so forth is not permitted.
One of staff at gym yesterday came over and said to me "can we put something under the weight your lifting when you're deadlifting because its banging on floor and some of our staff have offices below this floor" and this is first time anyone has said anything to me in about a year so I was surprised as I deadlift every week, but I was half way through my workout and 5 sets in to my exercise and I'd litterally just finished my set and was still out of breath and feeling a bit mental and so I was like "well, am not been funny mate but I'm half way through my exercise, got two sets left to go and I dont really want to stop now" to which he replied "ok then but I'll have to just let the manager know that I've told you thats all" so I was like "ok yeah sure, if he wants to come and speak to me he can but I've been deadlifting for years at this gym and I dont think I'm really effecting anybody"

Maybe bad choice of words on my part I dont know, but I was angry as I always make myself angry to lift weights, I go to the gym with that kind of mentality, like ready to fight.

Anyways 5 mins later and again literally as I finished my 6th set and put the bar down the manager speaks to me immediately without letting me get my breath back or giving me 30 seconds to recover or anything and is like "I've just come over to have a word because my manager has asked me to have a word about the banging from the deadlifts" and again I was like "look mate, I dont really see the problem, I've been doing this here for years, am just doing deadlifts, everybody does deadlifts, am not dropping the weight, am putting it down slowly but it still bangs a little bit and makes a little bit of noise but theres not much you can do about that and am not the only person who deadlifts in here and nobody has ever said anything to me before about this in 2 years that I've been training here".

Anyways I guess he was kinda sorted and we spoke about it for 5 mins, but in the end after the conversation I still felt annoyed about the fact that two of them had mentioned this to me, and felt a bit singled out and maybe even discriminated against, or maybe thats taking it too far.

I think with me personally these things just really annoy me, I've read on bodybuilding forums before other people having same situation in their gyms all across the world where staff moan at them for getting protein shakes on floor, or taking them in swimming pool, or chalk on floor, or dropping the weights or whatever, theres loads of examples.

The thing is we didnt even come up with a solution and so I'm just thinking well what happens when I deadlift next week, someone is going to come over to me again? not really sure what they want me to do about it.

At the end of the day I just want to go to the gym, do my workout, have nobody speak to me, have no stress, and just go home, thats all I want, but now I just feel like they're going to stress my head out from now on.

I was thinking of maybe speaking to manager tomorrow but depending on what type of person he is that conversation could end up annoying me even more, pfff.

Anyways thats that, but have any of you lot ever experienced anything like this and how would you try and resolve the situation?

This whole situation made me think of those youtube videos in american at planet fitness where when you make any noise when your squatting or whatever they turn on a "lurk alarm" and people get told off and get told to leave the gym.

Also I often think that staff at gyms world wide forget that their members are paying customers, and they shouldnt speak to us or disturb us or stress us out in any way, we pay to use their gym, so they should let us get on with it, the whole thing is just getting ridiculous.
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