*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Indeed, if that is the case start off ligther, try and get your body used to the range of motions it needs to do. It will help in the long run, and you won't cause more damage because of it! Last thing you want to do really.

It's the one reason I'm so cautious on shoulder / chest days really.

Annoying isn't it?

I think I just have to work out at say 85% rather than 95% and maybe save HIIT cardio stuff for non-weights days. Might right side can put up with it but the left is just not able (although the shoulder injury was due to sitting incorrectly on the bench and it does feel a bit better now).

On a side note I nearly put a barbell through a window today :o

lol, erm, your doctor kind of has the right idea, but no that won't help at all :D

Fear not, there is plenty you can do.

Have in look in this thread http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18268152
...in fact I've just made a post about thoracic spine and shoulder stuff stuff.

I'll post some more stuff for your shoulders, but I'll have to look into your pelvic tilt.

Thanks mate, really appreciate it. If you help me get myself so I look vaguely normal, I'll happily pay for a night of drinking. :D
Delvis I train at DW Fitness next to the MK Dons stadium.

Squatting went well tonight, did 140x5x2 140x7. Still very tight in the hips, at the bottom of the squat it feels like I have a ball in my hip joint that I'm pushing onto.
Annoying isn't it?

I think I just have to work out at say 85% rather than 95% and maybe save HIIT cardio stuff for non-weights days. Might right side can put up with it but the left is just not able (although the shoulder injury was due to sitting incorrectly on the bench and it does feel a bit better now).


Seems like a plan, see how things go after a few weeks and go from there :)

Heh yeah...I was lunging and the weight made me side step a little...And for some reason they've stuck the squat rack thing next to a window :o ah well

Delvis I train at DW Fitness next to the MK Dons stadium.

Squatting went well tonight, did 140x5x2 140x7. Still very tight in the hips, at the bottom of the squat it feels like I have a ball in my hip joint that I'm pushing onto.

Hmm...Not heard of it but then again I haven't looked much...Good? What are costs like etc? Would love a proper gym partner as training on your own sucks sometimes. However MK is 10/15 mins away from me, so unless I start working there I doubt I'll venture from my free gym :p
Thanks, will get the band out tomorrow and do this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRmT1mja4uk&feature=player_embedded

Hmm...Not heard of it but then again I haven't looked much...Good? What are costs like etc? Would love a proper gym partner as training on your own sucks sometimes. However MK is 10/15 mins away from me, so unless I start working there I doubt I'll venture from my free gym :p

Yea it's very good, I've been to pretty much every gym in Milton Keynes and found this to be the best so far. 10/15 is nothing really, where do you live?
Quick question guys, I'm working security at a festival this weekend I'll be there from Friday evening till Monday night and need some ideas for some decent food to take to at least supplement any of the crap I'll be able to pick up there.
Normally when I work festivals I'm on the bar and spend most of the weekend smashed so this is the first time I've really had to think about food.
So far I'm thinking a bag of oats and some whey which I can just stick in a shaker along with some nuts, but I haven't really got much further than that.
Any ideas?
Yea it's very good, I've been to pretty much every gym in Milton Keynes and found this to be the best so far. 10/15 is nothing really, where do you live?

Ahh but it's 10/15 pounds extra out of my wage ;)..Sadly trying to spend as little as possible due to my current income :(

I'm south of Buckingham by about 10 minutes in the car along the A413
Quick question guys, I'm working security at a festival this weekend I'll be there from Friday evening till Monday night and need some ideas for some decent food to take to at least supplement any of the crap I'll be able to pick up there.
Normally when I work festivals I'm on the bar and spend most of the weekend smashed so this is the first time I've really had to think about food.
So far I'm thinking a bag of oats and some whey which I can just stick in a shaker along with some nuts, but I haven't really got much further than that.
Any ideas?
That's what I'd be taking too, possibly some MP meal replacements for convenience. If there was anywhere to store some cooked meat then that would be good too.
That's what I'd be taking too, possibly some MP meal replacements for convenience. If there was anywhere to store some cooked meat then that would be good too.

There won't be anywhere I could store it but I'm thinking I may take some to keep me going for the first day or 2 at least, or maybe even grab a cool bag and just box up some of my normal meals for the first couple of days.
There won't be anywhere I could store it but I'm thinking I may take some to keep me going for the first day or 2 at least, or maybe even grab a cool bag and just box up some of my normal meals for the first couple of days.

A cool bag could work, otherwise make up some home made bars / flap jack type things?
Lots of MRP's Tom_e.

Alternatively have it as a working holiday and get ****ed :p

I've only just moved into a new flat (woop 10 mins away from the gym) so currently settling in, and aiming to get leaner soon. Got wrecked last night and have been eating junk all day today though! :p

Going to be a pain paying my food bill though! Hopefully getting another big freezer and that will be able to hold a lot of extra chicken/frozen veg/fish for me :p
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The working holiday idea did cross my mind but I had a week and a half off at the start of the month and I've got this weekend and another festival the weekend after and then my graduation which I want to be on top form for so I'm having to work in all my sessions between the work and trying to keep my diet as clean as I can manage :D
There won't be anywhere I could store it but I'm thinking I may take some to keep me going for the first day or 2 at least, or maybe even grab a cool bag and just box up some of my normal meals for the first couple of days.

Last year at leeds fest i took quite a few of these which were pretty good and also a bag of cereal that i just ate with water. Was bran flakes or something. If you took that plus whey and then got something like a burger in the evening im sure it couldnt be too bad :p
Well I don't even think they had anything as far as I could see apart from you know those plastic blocks you use for barbell step ups, you can pile them on top of each other and make it as high as you want, and then you put a board across the top, well if thats what they wanted me to use that would just be stupid because the minimum distance from the floor with that would be like 6 inches or something, and that would just ruin the whole point of the deadlift, for me anyway, because I like to lift from the floor, not from 6 inches and not from my knees.

I have done other types of deadlifts before like stiffed legged deadlift but I prefer to just do the traditional deadlift off the floor most of the time.

So I like I said above, after the conversation I didnt feel like we really came up with a solution, so the whole conversation was just pointless, because they just stressed me head and I'm still going to be deadlifting next week regardless. But I was thinking maybe I should try speak to the top manager of the gym tomorrow when I go in and explain the situation and try and be reasonable and civil with him/her and see if they can see my point of view and come to some reasonable solution.

If they have some sort of board or mat or whatever fair enough but I'm not going to deadlift from higher of the ground.

tell them to buy some 17mm thick rubber gym mats.

the virgin active i used to go to had a special dedicated free weights section and it was fully matted, the rest of the gym was normal, whether it was weight machines or cardio machines.
I've managed to just eat mine when I can't get proper food or simply get the munchies during the night randomly, so far I've got through a box in about a month and a half so that's not that bad.

Even if you do eat them all in a week there are worse things than can happen. :p
tell them to buy some 17mm thick rubber gym mats.

the virgin active i used to go to had a special dedicated free weights section and it was fully matted, the rest of the gym was normal, whether it was weight machines or cardio machines.

The thing is, you know the flooring where I do it anyway, it does have big thick cushioning matt anyway, its all over the entire weights section, probably underneath is concrete but it has these squares all over, I never liked it really, I'd prefer to squat and deadlift on solid floor, but it has these square matt things all over the shop, they all joined together and prob stretch over 200-300 feet of flooring, its a massive gym.

So to put more matting on top of that, seems kinda pointless, but if thats what they want to do fair enough. I've got gym today anyways so am just going to try speak to them and sort it out.

I still think for some reason though that they only moaned at me, and they wont moan at smaller people, not trying to be arrogant, but thats what I think.
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