*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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What type of gym do you go to? I used to go to a place which was more tailored towards fitness than weights and they didn't like deadlifts either. Maybe change gyms?
What type of gym do you go to? I used to go to a place which was more tailored towards fitness than weights and they didn't like deadlifts either. Maybe change gyms?

Virgin Active, its really big one though, close to my house and convenient and they got all the equipment I need to get the job done, so for those two reasons I dont really want to leave.

Plus I've been deadlifting for years and they never said anything before, and on top of that I just think its wrong that they make this my problem, I'm a customer and they've annoyed me, and I just think it should be other way around, it should be their problem and they should resolve it, they could do this by making a designated area for deadlifts and putting some extra mats or boards down, something like that, but surely the last thing they should be doing is coming to me and complaing as I am a customer.

I just think its really stupid and I do honestly believe that they've singled me out all of a sudden, I'm always sorted with people in gym, I've never been rude or disrespectful or done anything wrong, I've always helped people out so just think its unfair to stress my head when I do deadlifts for 10 mins per week.
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You need to understand that you are an undesirable m8, a big, sweaty, loud, intimidating man. They dont need you, they dont want you. You upset the balance, confuse the herd. Your a fly in the ointment of humanity and the world would be a smoother place to be without you, me, any of us. You must conform, you must be mr average, dont make waves, dont upset anyone. Just slide along, glide yourself as carefully as possible from cradle to grave and hope no one notices.

Or dont ;)
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They're not telling you you can't do them just asking if they can put something down to lessen the noise from the sound of it. Yes they could have picked a better time to come and mention it but I don't see your problem to be honest.
They're not telling you you can't do them just asking if they can put something down to lessen the noise from the sound of it. Yes they could have picked a better time to come and mention it but I don't see your problem to be honest.

Everything that involves free weights will make some kid of noise, what do they expect from a gym? I cant see deadlifts being worst either considering the height some people drop dumbells from at my gym.
Yea the guys who drop dumbells from a shoulder press make the most noise. I'm convinced they only do it to get attention.
I agree but at the end of the day it's their gym and it's not as if it's a massive ask or inconvenience.
They're not telling you you can't do them just asking if they can put something down to lessen the noise from the sound of it. Yes they could have picked a better time to come and mention it but I don't see your problem to be honest.

I agree but at the end of the day it's their gym and it's not as if it's a massive ask or inconvenience.

Well I don't even think they had anything as far as I could see apart from you know those plastic blocks you use for barbell step ups, you can pile them on top of each other and make it as high as you want, and then you put a board across the top, well if thats what they wanted me to use that would just be stupid because the minimum distance from the floor with that would be like 6 inches or something, and that would just ruin the whole point of the deadlift, for me anyway, because I like to lift from the floor, not from 6 inches and not from my knees.

I have done other types of deadlifts before like stiffed legged deadlift but I prefer to just do the traditional deadlift off the floor most of the time.

So I like I said above, after the conversation I didnt feel like we really came up with a solution, so the whole conversation was just pointless, because they just stressed me head and I'm still going to be deadlifting next week regardless. But I was thinking maybe I should try speak to the top manager of the gym tomorrow when I go in and explain the situation and try and be reasonable and civil with him/her and see if they can see my point of view and come to some reasonable solution.

If they have some sort of board or mat or whatever fair enough but I'm not going to deadlift from higher of the ground.
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Some wobble in the arm and head up a bit, but JUST got it :D

:eek: huge lift mate! Well done :cool:

I have kicked the spotter in the balls for touching the bar though

Also to be picky, you really need to touch your chest. You probably still would have made the lift.

Bad posture, no chest to speak of, scrawny/fat arms. Got a lot of work to do over the next year.
Very bad posture. It looks like you have posterior pelvic tilt, which could make deadlifting painful. Your shoulders are rotated forwards too and it looks like you have slight pectus excavatum. Also, your thoracic spine looks like it's completely locked down. Your arms are the least of your worries, you're actually looking at a injury quite soon if you're hitting the weights in the gym.

ASAP you need to do a LOT of upper body pulling movements to strengthen your upper back and fix your shoulders.
:eek: huge lift mate! Well done :cool:

I have kicked the spotter in the balls for touching the bar though

I know, wasn't pleased. Don't really know the guy but I was sharing the bench with him so he spotted. I'll be asking someone I trust next time. Lucky he didn't take the weight even though it was going up slowly.

When I spotted him doing 140kg it was pretty shocking. I was taking quite a bit of the weight, and on the 3rd rep I went to rack it because it was getting pretty bad, but he went for a 4th rep instead. He then asked "You were taking much of the weight?"... how he couldn't tell is beyond me.
I know, wasn't pleased. Don't really know the guy but I was sharing the bench with him so he spotted. I'll be asking someone I trust next time. Lucky he didn't take the weight even though it was going up slowly.

When I spotted him doing 140kg it was pretty shocking. I was taking quite a bit of the weight, and on the 3rd rep I went to rack it because it was getting pretty bad, but he went for a 4th rep instead. He then asked "You were taking much of the weight?"... how he couldn't tell is beyond me.

Personally unless i have agreed overload reps with a spotter beforehand i dont see any purpose in going for another rep after a fail, i mean heres no way its going up and someone benching 140kg should be plenty experienced enough at this point to know this.

This is why i only spot with people i know or people i am training.

Epic lifting tho m8, closing on double bodyweight? Thats serious power-weight ratio i dont know anyone lifting double BW at all.
Thanks :)

Yea plenty of idiots in the gym :p I think the reason he was benching 140 was an ego thing. He followed the same set/weight structure as me even though I told him I was going for a PB.
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Very bad posture. It looks like you have posterior pelvic tilt, which could make deadlifting painful. Your shoulders are rotated forwards too and it looks like you have slight pectus excavatum. Also, your thoracic spine looks like it's completely locked down. Your arms are the least of your worries, you're actually looking at a injury quite soon if you're hitting the weights in the gym.

ASAP you need to do a LOT of upper body pulling movements to strengthen your upper back and fix your shoulders.

Hmm i'm the opposite, ive got pretty bad anterior tilt. Still terrible posture but it's slowly getting better
Some wobble in the arm and head up a bit, but JUST got it :D

Nice lift buddy, will be amazing when I reach that :)

EDIT: Hmm, what gym do you go to? Just realised you're in MK

Nice! That looked erm.....heavy. :eek:

I was well chuffed with myself on a calf raising exercise earlier because I was lifting 75kg then a bloke came and loaded up the other side of the machine with 220kg :eek:

Edit - bloody knee is hurting now :mad: I'm falling to pieces! :o

Sorry to hear about the knee, sadly this is why I've never gone past a few months of doing any exercise routine, my body just falls apart...

Luckily doing squats and legs workouts seems to help support my knee and ankle issues :p
Yeah I had anterior tilt along with lordosis, which is quite common. Made it seem like my hamstrings were constantly tight.

After about 2 months of working at it I'd say I'm around 60% cured, which is a massive improvement in terms of functionality.
Sorry to hear about the knee, sadly this is why I've never gone past a few months of doing any exercise routine, my body just falls apart...

Yeah, I'm taking a few days off and re-evaluating because I have had an injury after my last 2 sessions. :rolleyes: My whole left side just can't handle going to big weights too soon so I'm going to take it a bit easier (last session was mental) and let the body adjust. :\
Very bad posture. It looks like you have posterior pelvic tilt, which could make deadlifting painful. Your shoulders are rotated forwards too and it looks like you have slight pectus excavatum. Also, your thoracic spine looks like it's completely locked down. Your arms are the least of your worries, you're actually looking at a injury quite soon if you're hitting the weights in the gym.

ASAP you need to do a LOT of upper body pulling movements to strengthen your upper back and fix your shoulders.


I saw a doctor and she said simply to focus on putting my shoulders back more. Will this cure it?

Looks like I have a myriad of problems! What would you advise would be my best plan of action to take as I'm not growing anymore and I'd like to fix this problem whilst I still have the flexibility to do so.

Thanks, really appreciate someone else can see the problem.
Yeah, I'm taking a few days off and re-evaluating because I have had an injury after my last 2 sessions. :rolleyes: My whole left side just can't handle going to big weights too soon so I'm going to take it a bit easier (last session was mental) and let the body adjust. :\

Indeed, if that is the case start off ligther, try and get your body used to the range of motions it needs to do. It will help in the long run, and you won't cause more damage because of it! Last thing you want to do really.

It's the one reason I'm so cautious on shoulder / chest days really.

On a side note I nearly put a barbell through a window today :o

I saw a doctor and she said simply to focus on putting my shoulders back more. Will this cure it?

Looks like I have a myriad of problems! What would you advise would be my best plan of action to take as I'm not growing anymore and I'd like to fix this problem whilst I still have the flexibility to do so.

Thanks, really appreciate someone else can see the problem.
lol, erm, your doctor kind of has the right idea, but no that won't help at all :D

Fear not, there is plenty you can do.

Have in look in this thread http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18268152
...in fact I've just made a post about thoracic spine and shoulder stuff stuff.

I'll post some more stuff for your shoulders, but I'll have to look into your pelvic tilt.
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