I've got three things to say to that, one, I've never made myself out to have an amazing body in this thread, I've referred to myself as big and at other times mentioned that I'm fat because I'm around 20% bodyfat and still have a stomach to get rid of. And I've never had any problems at my gym, I get on with all the regular members and all of the staff, my gym is huge and they must have over 20 members of staff and I reckon I talk to almost all of them, and they're usually sorted with me, it was just this one incident. Also my weight has gone up and down a lot over years, I went back up to 128.6kg at of 29th april 2011 after bulking on high carbs, I did feel I put on some size but also a lot of fat, but now I've decided to just cut and to stick to low carb diet until all the fat has gone once and for all, so from 29th april 2011 I've gone from 128.6kg to 115.9kg.
Also you wrote my name wrong, lol, its SkScotchegg, thankyou!
I've been keeping record in a sticky note on desktop of my weight:
I'm trying to get to 17st and 17st is about 108kg so I believe I can get their in next few months depending on if I hit any walls or it slows down, I wasnt doing any cardio at first but I've started doing cardio in past 3 weeks, slowly introducing it again, just trying to do 30 mins 4 times a week.
I dont know what you guys think when I say words like "because I'm big" you take it as me saying "because I have an amazing body and best bodybuilder in world"...I think thats a little bit strange, what gives?
EDIT: I just uploaded two new pics in pics section =
http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17895672&page=174 but they from 29th april 2011 and at the end of a bulk so obviously high fat and water retention. I'm going to upload more maybe next month as I dont have any since I started cutting and I've lost a lot of weight recently, need to lend digital camera off my friend again.