*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Back day! YEAH!

Going to break the 90KG barrier today hopefully :)

Can anyone recommend a nice back workout? Currently I'm starting with BOR's and BOR's laying on an incline bench....I can do pull ups at home but not at the gym sadly (Literally no where to do them) Theres good mornings I guess? I just seem to be doing my lower back a hell of a lot more...Also going to do rear flys and varients of that.

Oh, and no cable machines, so it's got to be all bodyweight / barbell / dumbell
ha, cool :)

My usual back day is:

Pullups (assisted and negs in my case)
Pull downs (just to get burn after the above)
Rear flyes

Though will swap out stuff for the following (except for DLs and pullups/downs) every other week/when I feel like it:

seated rows
cable rows
vertical rows
one arm DB rows
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ha, cool :)

My usual back day is:

Pullups (assisted and negs in my case)
Pull downs (just to get burn after the above)
Rear flyes

Though will swap out stuff for the following (except for DLs and pullups/downs) every other week/when I feel like it:

seated rows
cable rows
vertical rows
one arm DB rows

Fair game, basically what I do really...minus the cable stuff.

I should get in to the habbit of doing pullups when I can at home, that will help no end
There was a good T-Nation article recently called 2 weeks to shredded, bit late for you now but was a good read.

Bring back the mass FF!

Quite like being leaner. I still look powerful enough. I'd like to gain a little more mass but lose a bit more BF if I'm honest but I'll worry about it when I'm back from hols. :)

Ta :)

I really wasn't on track today, no idea why. I got to 80kg and went...Hmm, this is heavier than expected... :(

How much are they supposed to work the upper back? As I don't get much from it...? I posted a video a while back and people said form was okay.

But yeah, pushed myself a fair wack today, going to sleep like a babeh tonight!
Upper back not a huge amount. Most of the work will be coming from the erector spinae and glutes. The traps get worked because they are holding the shoulders back, as are your lats keeping the weight toward you - but they should be as still as you can keep them, so it's not much work :)

Rows (in their various forms) are upper back work. :)
Upper back not a huge amount. Most of the work will be coming from the erector spinae and glutes. The traps get worked because they are holding the shoulders back, as are your lats keeping the weight toward you :)

Rows (in their various forms) are upper back work. :)

Cool, I can stop panicking now.

I need to find a row movement that targets my back properly and hard. Will experiment :)
Cool, I can stop panicking now.

I need to find a row movement that targets my back properly and hard. Will experiment :)

Barbell/Pendlay rows. Visualize your forearm & hand as a giant hook, and focus on pulling your elbows up to your body, not the bar. Sounds stupid but it totally works.

You could also try assisted pull ups with a bar on a rack, the flatter your body angle the more of your weight you'll be lifting. Like this http://exrx.net/WeightExercises/BackGeneral/BWSupineRow.html
Knee is still occasionally hurting after Monday's session. :mad: Hope it's OK by Monday.

Feels like I've missed loads of sessions and it's only actually been 2! Might book a massage.
Another good deadlift session.

170kg x 5 followed by 190kg x 3 :)

That's me done with strength for a while. Going to focus on mass for my honeymoon in 3 weeks.

Grip is improving without straps. Managed 170kg x 5 followed by 190kg x 1 on deadlifts today. Chalk is amazing.
Lost 4 kilos in the last 2.5 days through illness although some of it will be dehydration (first 24 hours I stomached a single banana...)
Still not 100% but manned up and went today anyway, did a nice chest session and threw in some squats as I missed a leg workout 2 days ago - surprisingly wasn't as weak as I expected despite being very depleted - happy bunny!
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Just got a quick question, I posted about my sardine situation few weeks ago about the shortage, well things have gone from bad to worse because everywhere in leeds has stopped selling them now so I need to find a new source of protein thats cheap.

Just wondered if theres anything you guys can think of for me as a pesceterian, I'm taking this very seriously because I've been on a strict cutting diet since 29th april as I mentioned to you guys before, so I just need something to replace those two meals.

I was eating 4xsardines each day, 2 for each meal, and the ones that I got, it worked out at 40g protein and 20g fat so I need to replace these two meals with something.

I dont want to eat cottage cheese because I know its cheap and would probably fit perfectly into this slot, but I cant stand the taste, and secondly I dont want to eat tuna because of the mercury, you can see here on this list that mercury in tuna is quite bad:

Enjoy these fish:
Crab (Domestic)
Croaker (Atlantic)
Haddock (Atlantic)*
Mackerel (N. Atlantic, Chub)
Perch (Ocean)
Salmon (Canned)**
Salmon (Fresh)**
Shad (American)
Sole (Pacific)
Squid (Calamari)
Trout (Freshwater)

Eat six servings or less per month:
Bass (Striped, Black)
Cod (Alaskan)*
Croaker (White Pacific)
Halibut (Atlantic)*
Halibut (Pacific)
Mahi Mahi
Perch (Freshwater)
Tuna (Canned
chunk light)
Tuna (Skipjack)*
Weakfish (Sea Trout)

Eat three servings or less per month:
Mackerel (Spanish, Gulf)
Sea Bass (Chilean)*
Tuna (Canned Albacore)
Tuna (Yellowfin)*

Avoid eating:
Mackerel (King)
Orange Roughy*
(Bigeye, Ahi)*

And its recommended on most sites no more then 2 tins of tuna per week, and I'd be needing 28 tins.

The only other thing I can thing of is mixed nuts, because I believe 100g of mixed nuts is around 35g protein, but its also got 30g fat and 30g carbs, so my fat and carbs would go up slightly which is a bad thing, but am stuggling to think of anything else.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance. :(
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