*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Ah, I missed the pescetarian part.

Even then though, still a few options including lentils, beans, nuts and that long list of fish that you posted.
I think I've had like 10 replies and not a single shred of help...thanks for that, really amazing there guys, wicked! You must be really proud of your so called gym ratz thread where you "help people" with "advice", I'm not even sure I expected anything different to be honest because its been this way for years.
You gave a massive list of possible fish substitutes so surely you answered you own question? And if not then i and others gave other suggestions of common other foods yet somehow thats not a shred of help. Seriously what more do you expect
eating fish is kinda cruel, i mean each fish is a life form right? But yet you gotta kill at least 1 for a meal, in the case of sardines you gotta kill loads. At least with cows and chickens each death serves more mouths. Why do people feel its ok to kill a fish but not a cow or chicken. Moreover why can we wipe out entire populations without a new acronymical organization launching a protest? But someone eats a dog and the worlds up in arms.

I despise humanity sometimes. [/aimless rant]
I've eaten dog 100+ times. Tasty protein. Pretty cheap too, as it costs £6.70 for a 10kg dog. Obviously a lot of that gets wasted unless you use all the bones, skin and organs.
the Whey protein eating seems to be working quite well (around 6 weeks in) - its certainly helping my free weights gains anyway

started on free weights 6 weeks ago (previously machines person ...)

flat bench press - 6 weeks ago max weight 18kg dumbells, today - 30kg :)

only problem is I have so little fat on my upper legs that resting the 30's on it is actually quite painful (I put them down on my hips the other day and was like metal on metal :( )
Why not make the batch without whey then just add a scoop before you drink it? :)

that's... Uhh... Sorta what I said, wasn't it? :p iwas just trying to explain to Buckster why I'd do it that way rather than adding the whey before serving in to a glass :)
there have been quite a few studies recently looking into how much protein the body can actually use.

i think an indian study (india actually has some really good doctors, world class ones in fact as well as some really bad ones, the population is 1 billion remember) which ran multiple tests stated the body can only use between 20-40g of protein a day.

this website also confirms the theory


as you know a lot of the information out there is from supplement companies or bodybuilders who are either sponsored by or own supplement companies, therefore they want you to use as much of their product as you can so they tell you, you need 200-400g of protein per day 10 times what is actually needed according to these studies.

anyone know any more on this? i cant find the actual indian study but there was a lot of jokes made about it on the misc (strong racism among many members on the forum against indians and coloured people as well as jews, i have found), such as omg i just drank a protein shake with 50g of protein in it, shall i call an ambulance, am i going to die of kidney failure, etc.

it does sound plausible, without the use of chemicals, how much muscle do you think your body can build in a month? 1kg? so thats 250g in a week, roughly 35g of muscle per day.

how much protein, fat and carbs do you really think you need to make 35g of muscle a day?

could be a lot of substance to these new studies.
Psycho Sonny, please step away from the science.

If you're that convinced that you only need 40g of protein per day, experiment on yourself and see what happens.
there have been quite a few studies recently looking into how much protein the body can actually use.

i think an indian study (india actually has some really good doctors, world class ones in fact as well as some really bad ones, the population is 1 billion remember) which ran multiple tests stated the body can only use between 20-40g of protein a day.

this website also confirms the theory

Snipped for space

I'm not sure that website says quite what you think it does, there appears to be some evidence that an optimal amount of protein at any one time is around 30g (give or take depending on the person) as more will not be utilised efficiently at the time but that website doesn't say that is all you should take per day. I don't know what the Indian study says or what controls they were using and if I'm honest probably wouldn't have a clue about what is valid in such instances but if you keep reading that website it goes on to say...
•The more active you are, the more protein you probably should intake. Most average active people only need about 0.6g/lb of lean body weight. On the high end I would say only need to go 0.8-1.0g/lb bw, but that does not guarantee extra muscle especially when you can up calories from fat/carbs.

That's not suggesting only 20-40g of protein per day, in fact if someone has say 200lb lean body mass then they should be thinking about roughly 120g of protein per day - maybe not as much as some people take on but a distance away from 20-40g per day.

What I know about dietary science could be written on the back of a postage stamp though so anyone who knows more is welcome to correct me, that's just how I read the above website.
Psycho Sonny, please step away from the science.

If you're that convinced that you only need 40g of protein per day, experiment on yourself and see what happens.

im not convinced i just want other peoples opinions lol,

it's mainly because my fiancee and her whole family are vegetarian (no egg, no fish, no meat is allowed in their home), and when i am at her house i also therefore have to eat veggie and therefore may not get as much protein as i could if i stayed at home, was just wondering if you actually need high protein to gain muscles or could you do it on low protein diet. for instance i spent the past 4 days at her home or her close family's home, due to her close family having a wedding, therefore i got zero meat in me lol for 4 days.
Just get her to make paneer, tofu, lentils, beans etc!

oh, im also lactose intolerant and specifically cheese sets me off, so paneer, etc is out.

do try and have lentils, chickpeas, etc as much as i can at hers, i know what veggie stuff is high in protein, it comes with the territory.

for example i made myself a pb and jam sandwich the other day at hers, etc.

im going to see if she they can start buying in tofu and quorn though.
im not convinced i just want other peoples opinions lol,

it's mainly because my fiancee and her whole family are vegetarian (no egg, no fish, no meat is allowed in their home), and when i am at her house i also therefore have to eat veggie and therefore may not get as much protein as i could if i stayed at home, was just wondering if you actually need high protein to gain muscles or could you do it on low protein diet. for instance i spent the past 4 days at her home or her close family's home, due to her close family having a wedding, therefore i got zero meat in me lol for 4 days.
Oh ok, well you could have phrased it better! ;)

The amount of protein needed for maintenance is lower (assuming your calorie needs are met iirc), but for growth you do need...well, lots. For maintenance I'd want to hit 100g as a minimum to be safe (I think you need less though), but for serious growth I like to hit over 200g. For when I'm not really looking to put on weight but don't want performance progression to be limited I aim for 180-200+g or there abouts. I'm around 88kg and probably about 13-14% bodyfat at the moment.
Are you the same with Whey too?

whey doesn't seem to have too much of an affect on me, it's mainly cheese, for example if i eat a pizza within 30 minutes my stomach is making grumbling noises but it is actually the gas being moved around my body, you have 2 options you can either fart it out or burp it out.

but it all depends on the type and amount of cheese i eat, i think goat's cheese is particularly bad on me.

it also depends on how many lactose products i have digested that day. for example if i keep on eating stuff with lactose in it then it will kick in, but if i keep the amounts low, then no ill effects.

for example i ate 2 slices of pizza the other day and zero effect on me, possibly due to not having much else with lactose in it that day. than another day i ate a paneer wrap and it kicked in.

it's really hard to judge so if i can i try and avoid products with lactose in them, but little amounts here and there do no harm, so whey is okay as i usually only have a maximum of 2 shakes per day.
Totally forgot that my gym would be shut today on bank holiday so I went to this park near our house and had a little ghetto workout on the playground there. Dips, pullups, pushups and leg raises. Yeah buddy! :cool:

im not convinced i just want other peoples opinions lol,

it's mainly because my fiancee and her whole family are vegetarian (no egg, no fish, no meat is allowed in their home), and when i am at her house i also therefore have to eat veggie and therefore may not get as much protein as i could if i stayed at home, was just wondering if you actually need high protein to gain muscles or could you do it on low protein diet. for instance i spent the past 4 days at her home or her close family's home, due to her close family having a wedding, therefore i got zero meat in me lol for 4 days.

get a better girlfriend!? jesus find a fatty! They love the meat! Seriously how can you cope with that vegetarians are pretty annoying anyway, but for a bodybuilder? Thats like bodybuilder cancer, they will hate you when your covered in meat slabs, you will look like a walking steak dinner. What will you do then?
any tips to dumping dumbells after flat benchpress please ?

its my max-weight - low reps ones I struggle with ... up to about 26kg dumbells I can just about sit-back up ok - but 30s I can't

I've tried rolling them up on tops of knees but not working

I have to rotate arms as near to floor as possible before "dropping" vertical (ie onto ends of weights - its the smallest amount of drop) - but sometimes you can feel it pulling the tops of the shoulders/rotators

any help appreciated :)

gym instructor says just drop em - its only those that do it deliberately for attention that gets on their wicks - but wondered if any tricks I was missing please?
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