*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
I have the same issue with chest, and am at the same level weight wise. Try giving flys a go, they really destroy my chest :D

:edit: Oh and don't forget dips. They rock.
29 Jul 2004

Good leg session on Monday. But yesterday I ended up walking around like John Wayne, and having issues with sitting down due to the doms. And today, the pain has eased a little, but I feel like a Centaur or something with my legs rock hard and pumped! :D

Today's chest/tri session though didn't go as well. Hitting the triceps I'm ok with, but I really struggle with my chest strength. I have been going to the gym now since the start of the year and I'm doing ok on Squats and I'm fairly pleased with my Deadlift. But the Bench Press I really struggle with. I think my PB is like 55Kg, but I really struggle to press any sets of anything more than like 47.5Kg! I don't know if it's technique or pure weakness, but I think the fact that I don't have a spotter makes me a little over cautious. Anyway, what other exercises isolation should I use to help build up chest strength?

http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=19854765&postcount=7339 :cool:

The day I finally cracked the setup of benchpress my strength jumped a good 5-7.5kg, suddenly my chest was doing the work not my front delts. Also worth finding the chest exercise which actually uses your chest, that you can really really feel. For me these are decline bench & cable x-overs. Oddly, flyes feel uncomfortable on my shoulders but cable x-over is bang on.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007

Good leg session on Monday. But yesterday I ended up walking around like John Wayne, and having issues with sitting down due to the doms. And today, the pain has eased a little, but I feel like a Centaur or something with my legs rock hard and pumped! :D

Today's chest/tri session though didn't go as well. Hitting the triceps I'm ok with, but I really struggle with my chest strength. I have been going to the gym now since the start of the year and I'm doing ok on Squats and I'm fairly pleased with my Deadlift. But the Bench Press I really struggle with. I think my PB is like 55Kg, but I really struggle to press any sets of anything more than like 47.5Kg! I don't know if it's technique or pure weakness, but I think the fact that I don't have a spotter makes me a little over cautious. Anyway, what other exercises isolation should I use to help build up chest strength?
Bench is the best exercise to do to get strong at benching ;)

It looks like you need to remember to use weights that you can actually do a decent amount of repetition with. If your max is 55, I wouldn't go over 40kg while you work on technique.
I've just one thing to say today, I love barbell shrugs. Rippetoe has an awesome video about more 'explosive' shrugs and I found them really really good this morning.
Powershrugs? Awesome exercise, showed them to my american football mates in the gym and one of the guys is constantly raving about them now :cool:



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
Just had a look on GBPF website and for my weight the record British number to beat on bench press is 172.5kg... that's only 12.5kg more than me. Kind of makes me want to try for it...
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7 Nov 2004

Good leg session on Monday. But yesterday I ended up walking around like John Wayne, and having issues with sitting down due to the doms. And today, the pain has eased a little, but I feel like a Centaur or something with my legs rock hard and pumped! :D

Today's chest/tri session though didn't go as well. Hitting the triceps I'm ok with, but I really struggle with my chest strength. I have been going to the gym now since the start of the year and I'm doing ok on Squats and I'm fairly pleased with my Deadlift. But the Bench Press I really struggle with. I think my PB is like 55Kg, but I really struggle to press any sets of anything more than like 47.5Kg! I don't know if it's technique or pure weakness, but I think the fact that I don't have a spotter makes me a little over cautious. Anyway, what other exercises isolation should I use to help build up chest strength?

Aye, chest I find is one of the hardest things for me to work properly as well, I just cannot hit it properly...

I find flys hit my chest more though in generally...I thought I had pretty decent form but I'm going to go through the EliteFTS videos and re evaluate
21 Jun 2006
Just had a look on GBPF website and for my weight the record British number to beat on bench press is 172.5kg... that's only 12.5kg more than me. Kind of makes me want to try for it...

whats the record on squat for someone weighing 100kg?

also do you guys like motivational pictures? take a look at this


i just made the exact same thing for next to nothing, by ordering 90 photos from comet's photo service for 99p plus £1.50 delivery. use code "99PRINT" at checkout (order up to 99 photos for 99p).

now i just need the photo's to arrive, cut off the borders and stick them to my wall.

i do have a colour laser printer at home, but i didnt want to use up my own ink, for the sake of £2.50 i just ordered photos.

make a rasterbated pdf file, then use an online site to turn the pdf into jpegs, then upload jpegs to photo service and order them.



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
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18 Feb 2007
Hello folks, not directly related to the gym but there seems to be plenty of people here who knows about diets.

I've been googling and failed to find something that I can use so hopefully someone can help.

I teach science and as part of a lesson I want students to work out their daily allowance of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

I've found plenty of calculators etc online however allowing them to use a single computer would take hours. Is there some way they can calculate their recommended intake based or their weight? (or maybe a calculation to work out their calorie intake and work it back from there). I've found stuff that gives the general amounts for teenagers and whatnot but I would like to make it personal to them if possible.

So far I've got protein intake should be 0.75 x body mass but I can't find something like this for fat/carbs.

Thanks in advance.
21 Jun 2006
Hello folks, not directly related to the gym but there seems to be plenty of people here who knows about diets.

I've been googling and failed to find something that I can use so hopefully someone can help.

I teach science and as part of a lesson I want students to work out their daily allowance of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

I've found plenty of calculators etc online however allowing them to use a single computer would take hours. Is there some way they can calculate their recommended intake based or their weight? (or maybe a calculation to work out their calorie intake and work it back from there). I've found stuff that gives the general amounts for teenagers and whatnot but I would like to make it personal to them if possible.

So far I've got protein intake should be 0.75 x body mass but I can't find something like this for fat/carbs.

Thanks in advance.

teenagers are still growing naturally and will be growing at the fastest rate in their lives.

some grow faster than others or more than others, there is no single calculator on the planet that can account for the variances.

tell them to eat as much as they can tbh without putting on too much bodyfat
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Hello folks, not directly related to the gym but there seems to be plenty of people here who knows about diets.

I've been googling and failed to find something that I can use so hopefully someone can help.

I teach science and as part of a lesson I want students to work out their daily allowance of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

I've found plenty of calculators etc online however allowing them to use a single computer would take hours. Is there some way they can calculate their recommended intake based or their weight? (or maybe a calculation to work out their calorie intake and work it back from there). I've found stuff that gives the general amounts for teenagers and whatnot but I would like to make it personal to them if possible.

So far I've got protein intake should be 0.75 x body mass but I can't find something like this for fat/carbs.

Thanks in advance.

You can work out their BMR and RMRs using formulas which can be found online but as far as I'm aware apart from the crap government RDAs there is no set rule when it comes to macro intake as it is very much down to the individual and their body.
18 Feb 2007
teenagers are still growing naturally and will be growing at the fastest rate in their lives.

some grow faster than others or more than others, there is no single calculator on the planet that can account for the variances.

tell them to eat as much as they can tbh without putting on too much bodyfat

Thanks for the reply.

I'm not looking for something that is going to give them a strict diet, to be honest they'll forget it before they've even left the classroom :p

The idea is that they can work out some information for themselves that is relevent to them rather then just being told the RDA.

Edit: The specification says they need to be able to calculate a personal RDA for protein. It may just be more interesting if they could do a similar thing with carbs/fats.

Edit2: Doh as if I managed to miss the sticky at the top....
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21 Jun 2006
Thanks for the reply.

I'm not looking for something that is going to give them a strict diet, to be honest they'll forget it before they've even left the classroom :p

The idea is that they can work out some information for themselves that is relevent to them rather then just being told the RDA.

Edit: The specification says they need to be able to calculate a personal RDA for protein. It may just be more interesting if they could do a similar thing with carbs/fats.


use that, type in a typical age, height and weight, then work it out for yourself
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Just had a look on GBPF website and for my weight the record British number to beat on bench press is 172.5kg... that's only 12.5kg more than me. Kind of makes me want to try for it...
You're going to have to do some paused bench before you really know how far away you are from cracking that. Also, in your last bench vid you didn't touch your chest.

When you have some spotters you trust try some paused bench to your chest, but work up slowly because it's quite different.

I'm sure with some training you'll get it, although having a bigger bench than squat will be amazing it all senses of the word :D

whats the record on squat for someone weighing 100kg?
A lot. Have you squatted to parallel properly? Get some vids up!



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
I will definitely do some paused bench next time round on my strength training, it will help massively with the bottom of the lift where I think most people struggle.

Speaking of squat, it's coming along nicely with all the hip stretching I've been doing. Cracked out 120 x 10 x 3 tonight and it felt good.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Good work!

I'm actually quite strong off my chest, when I fail it stops half way up. It'll be interesting to see what my max is now that I seem to have shaken off most of my shoulder problems.
3 Oct 2009
Good work!

I'm actually quite strong off my chest, when I fail it stops half way up. It'll be interesting to see what my max is now that I seem to have shaken off most of my shoulder problems.

I get this. Power through the first half of the rep then suddenly ive got nothing left in me. Same with sets, get to about rep 5/6 feeling fine and next rep can barely lift it :D
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