*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
i'll try it out, but i will probably end up completely messing it up lol

im thinking i should show you, 70kg, 120kg, 150kg and 170kg, i think my max was 180kg with bad form, so you can see when and if my form breaks.
Sounds good, I'd be happy to take a look
they're probably at about 60 degrees - maybe still too bent though ?

btw to be fair the 24kg is only around 5 reps - for a full 10 reps I'd have to drop to 22 or 20

my body only seems to react to shock treatment - so have to push it at heavier weights at low reps - for that to then become the new weight for 10 reps 3-4 weeks down the line
Honestly don't bother with low reps and heavy weight for things like flys (or tricep kickbacks!) because your form will break before you get any stimulus in the muscle. If your forearm is at 60 degrees to your upper arm then you're basically emulating a pressing range of motion. You could keep adding more weight and all that would be happening is that you'd compromise the form (subconsciously) without getting stronger. Don't forget, things like flys aren't actually meant to improve your strength, they're used as a finishing (or pre-exhaustion) exercise to encourage a little more hypertrophy.
4 May 2007
West Midlands
I love flys...I really do.

Know of any videos that show decent form on them Ice?

Yes! Search Bodybuilding warehouse videos on dumbbell flyes. Didnt really like them before but can totally feel the muscle stretching now after finding a video off BBW's youtube. Just bending your elbows inwards really helps.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Nope! ;)

I haven't done them in years as they don't aid my goals.

Just keep the same very slight bend in your elbow throughout the ROM, and my intuition would be to slightly emphasise bringing "pinky finger" (official gym parlance) side of the DB up to avoid being internally rotated. Nice slow eccentric until you get a stretch in your pecs, then a fast but controlled concentric movement.

Some random thoughts about DB pullovers...

My physio told me that the cartilage and the ends of your ribs and around your sternum doesn't actually fuse until your mid 30s. This apparently means that the "chest expanding" pullovers in the Squats and Milk program actually have some merit. This *could* mean that pullovers are actually a really useful, especially for people with shallow chests or that struggle with chest activation.

Also, given that you do them hanging off a bench and end up with a DB at the end of outstretched arms I can see them being useful for freeing up some thoracic mobility.

Also, kenmare, I haven't forgotten about your program. I stop being busy next week...
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
Thought I'd treat myself to a chocolate the other day.

Wish I didn't know because I am getting cravings. :(

Sigma - resident chocoholic. :o

I hear ya. I struggle with the addiction too. Proud to say that I'm now about 3 months clean with only one fall from the wagon when I had a bit of chocolate cake the other day. I'm getting to a point now where I can allow myself to have one chocolate a week and not fall back into the habit. And I tell ya what, it has made a MASSIVE difference to my body. I basically cut out 7 chocolates (sometimes more) a week and my midsection have tightened up tremendously. I'm almost happy with it now.
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18 Dec 2004
NE England
Some random thoughts about DB pullovers...

My physio told me that the cartilage and the ends of your ribs and around your sternum doesn't actually fuse until your mid 30s. This apparently means that the "chest expanding" pullovers in the Squats and Milk program actually have some merit. This *could* mean that pullovers are actually a really useful, especially for people with shallow chests or that struggle with chest activation.

Also, given that you do them hanging off a bench and end up with a DB at the end of outstretched arms I can see them being useful for freeing up some thoracic mobility.

Really interesting theory, have you had a chance to see if there's any merit of what your physio says? Don't have the time to have a google til later, just wondering if you've done any preliminary research :)
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
I hear ya. I struggle with the addiction too. Proud to say that I'm now about 3 months clean with only one fall from the wagon when I had a bit of chocolate cake the other day. I'm getting to a point now where I can allow myself to have one chocolate a week and not fall back into the habit. And I tell ya what, it has made a MASSIVE difference to my body. I basically cut out 7 chocolates (sometimes more) a week and my midsection have tightened up tremendously.

Cutting out chocolate/sugar/sweets has made an enormous difference to me to. I wish I cut it out years ago :(
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
btw- how satisfying is it as you go up the weights :)

only 3 weeks ago - on my flat benchpress 28s felt VERY heavy for the 5 reps I had to do -and I could only just about manage the 8-10 "light" reps with the 20s

today - 24s felt quite easy for the 8-10 light reps, and the alternate low rep 5s - with the 30s also felt relatively easy :)

32kg dumbells end of next weeks the target :)

That's actually very good. When I started out many years ago, it was my dream to get to the 30's and it took me about a year. The 30's looked so heavy and cool. :p I was stuck on the 26's for a good while. But back then I didn't really know what I was doing.

I wised up and managed to push myself to the 42's within another year of training. It's amazing what a difference a bit of knowledge can make. I'm on the 50's right now and eying the 55's. That's the next jump which will be quite severe. I'm going to do it at 5am before work so I don't look like a total mug when I fail on it :p
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Really interesting theory, have you had a chance to see if there's any merit of what your physio says? Don't have the time to have a google til later, just wondering if you've done any preliminary research :)
No I haven't looked into it, but to an extent I trust my physio as he knows his stuff. Of course he could be wrong, but I think pullovers might be worth a look for the potential benefits to your thoracic spine anyway. If you find anything I'd be interested in reading it :)
21 Jun 2006
after seeing Zulu's huge delts (one of them anyway), i feel like mine need some work

whats the best way to hit them, i do shoulder press with barbell and dumbell, i do lat raises and front raises also.

anything else?
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I'm going to be controversial and say on your shoulder day, stick to side raises and front raises, and any rear delt movements only

I've left out presses now from my shoulder days, as you're front delts get a fair workout on your chest day from bench pressing and other pressing movements.

I've had much better shoulder workouts and development since doing this
21 Jun 2006
i hate to say this, but i dont think there will ever be anyone like arnold to ever grace the planet ever again.

nowadays they are using far too many chemicals and ruining their bodies and they look terrible.

also factor in the how arnold completely changed the movie industry, before him all actors looked terrible with their tops off, especially the action hero's, the only exception maybe being lou ferrigno that i can think of. after him hollywood started to take notice, and hollywood now changed their opinion on muscles.

he brought bodybuilding to the masses, nobody since has even had 1% of the impact he had on the world.

he was and is a character, loved to have a laugh, joking, smiling, dodgy accent, he was the complete package.

if you ask the average guy on the street who dorian yates, jay cutler or ronnie coleman is they wouldn't have a clue.

everybody loved arnie, children, women and men (no homo).

i will put a picture up of my rasterbated picture when it arrives and i build it.
22 Aug 2004
I'm going to be controversial and say on your shoulder day, stick to side raises and front raises, and any rear delt movements only

I've left out presses now from my shoulder days, as you're front delts get a fair workout on your chest day from bench pressing and other pressing movements.

I've had much better shoulder workouts and development since doing this

spot on although i love standing shoulder press.

To clarify, standing shoulder press is a great full body compound, but a few side and front raises coupled with some reverse flyes will have the delts in tip top shape.
16 Mar 2004
Can't find the supplement thread anymore but can anyone recommend something like myprotein in USA? Just want to get myself some cheap whey with no bells or whistles.
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