*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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14 Oct 2008
May do tomorrow, however learn to read when things are a joke ;)

yeah fair enough, I am one to get defensive quite quickly, lol.

Ultimate_Extreme said:
ephedrine to my knowledge is not restricted in distribution or usage outside of professional sports, it still exists in quite a number of otc drugs. Since im quite sure we can discuss caffeine pill and asprin use i cant see why ephedrine would be treated differently. But im sure Freefaller will decide.

I hope so!

disclaimer: I'm not trying to promote discussion on the stuff, but more for awareness; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephedrine
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14 Oct 2008
I much prefer the standard "eat less and do more cardio" fat loss routine. ECA makes my hands shake even at the minimum dose (18mg eph, 20mg asparin and 50mg caffeine) and I never really saw much fat loss at those levels.

I'm taking 1:10:3 dosage (24mg/200mg/75mg), needless to say after 30 minutes of taking it, I feel like I could fly to the moon, like right now! Am taking this at 9AM, and 4PM daily as of yesterday, coupled with 2.5k cals/days (guna stick with it for 2 weeks and see how I get on), 3 days weight lifting w/ 20 mins cardio each session.

Starting weight; 195-197lb @ 16/17% BF% (most of which is on my mid-section :(

abs WILL be visible eventually lol
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
ephedrine to my knowledge is not restricted in distribution or usage outside of professional sports, it still exists in quite a number of otc drugs. Since im quite sure we can discuss caffeine pill and asprin use i cant see why ephedrine would be treated differently. But im sure Freefaller will decide.

I love ECA fantastic way to cut, all the dodgy ones that i wont mention work, at best, as well as the stack, but often far worse side effects.

FF has already stated in the past he would rather we didn't discuss it, personally I see no problem with it but the boss has spoken :p
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
I know you guys are mainly discussing it in terms of awareness of its affects rather than advocating its use, but as has been said in the past it's not what this thread is for so I'd rather not see it being discussed at all.

If you carry on I'll tell Daddy Bear and he won't be so nice :p
14 Oct 2008
I know you guys are mainly discussing it in terms of awareness of its affects rather than advocating its use, but as has been said in the past it's not what this thread is for so I'd rather not see it being discussed at all.

If you carry on I'll tell Daddy Bear and he won't be so nice :p

Point taken, I'll stop all discussion from myself on the subject.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
I try and do a few things yes, however I can't do anything with resistance bands as I can't afford the expenditure at the moment
If you're getting constant pain from your shoulder you're going to have problems.

Have a look through some of the videos from MWOD, soft tissue work/myofascial release could actually fix some of the issues in your shoulder. You only need a ball, should cost £5 or less.
7 Nov 2004
If you're getting constant pain from your shoulder you're going to have problems.

Have a look through some of the videos from MWOD, soft tissue work/myofascial release could actually fix some of the issues in your shoulder. You only need a ball, should cost £5 or less.

Had the issue for a year I guess? After I did some benching then went clay shooting the next day...Just did some damage...Physio gave me some odd moves to perform and it comes and goes.

I have a small ball (think it's a doggy ball actually :p) I try and do what I can...Would you advise doing these things daily/weekly/when I have issues?

It's an odd sensation, when I first did it I couldn't push open the fire doors at work without it hurting like hell, let alone lift my arm up high.

Meh :(
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
A dog ball is find, it just depends on how hard it is.

If it "comes and goes" then it isn't really going. Look through this http://www.mobilitywod.com/?s=shoulder and find techniques for doing soft tissue work on your self. In it's most basic form it means just smashing the ball into the painful areas using a wall or the floor, but different arm positions expose different tissues and adding movement will give you a new definition of pain (in a good way...).
7 Nov 2004
A dog ball is find, it just depends on how hard it is.

If it "comes and goes" then it isn't really going. Look through this http://www.mobilitywod.com/?s=shoulder and find techniques for doing soft tissue work on your self. In it's most basic form it means just smashing the ball into the painful areas using a wall or the floor, but different arm positions expose different tissues and adding movement will give you a new definition of pain (in a good way...).

Cheers buddy :)

The ball is of reasonable hardness, not solid like a gold ball on the outside, however it is basically a gold ball hardness with a layer of rubber around it...So it has some cushioning I guess :p Worked last time I had a knot anyway :)
18 Oct 2002
I hate the "magic lights" and "circus mirrors" they have in the gym. Was actually quite pleased with how I looked in the mirror for a change. Nice shoulder pump, lots of visible stritations, feeling good.

Got home 30 mins later and jumped in the shower, looked in the mirror and thought 'do you even train!?'

Its amazing how much difference 'favourable' lighting can make.

One minute i'm Ronnie Coleman, the next im Jarvis Cocker! :eek:
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22 Aug 2004
I hate the "magic lights" and "circus mirrors" they have in the gym. Was actually quite pleased with how I looked in the mirror for a change. Nice should pump, lots of visible stritations, feeling good.

Got home 30 mins later and jumped in the shower, looked in the mirror and thought 'do you even train!?'

Its amazing how much difference 'favourable' lighting can make.

One minute i'm Ronnie Coleman, the next im Jarvis Cocker! :eek:

sucks m8 but the reality that you, me and everyone not delusional about their self image, is that the you at home after training is more the real you than the pumped up version you see after a session under gym lights.

Make improvements to the post rest/shower look and you'll be way better under optimum conditions.

I try not to do much 'checking myself out' after or during gym time as i think it fuels the already skewed body image I, and almost anyone else here has, its what drives us to train.

Try to always look your worst in the mirror, this will keep you hand out of the cookie jar and into the protein bag, works for me so far anyway.
20 Aug 2006
crickey - anyone else find the moreexercise you do - the more you want to do - its far too addicting- even if hard work

I run to gym now (1km each way)

and yesterday was 55 mins chest/biceps in gym at lunch
9.5km run in evening

today: lunch time

30 mins cardio on crosstrainer (high intensity)
25 mins back/triceps/shoulders


1 hr Boxercise (great fun,does exercises I'm sometimes too lazy todo lots of - such as situps etc)
12 Jun 2004
I finally found a decent gym where I live and signed up this week. What do people wear to the gym? I don't have any suitable clothing. I'll mostly be doing free weights and I don't know what shoes would be best for that? Obviously I don't want a pair of trainers that'll squash when I lift some weights and they must be quite supportive.

Any help would be appreciated. :o
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