*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Hey guys, was wondering what you think of Reg Park's 5x5 routine?

I'm going to start on it and it sounds great, making big gains without doing all the isolations, and if any of you have ever seen a picture of the guy, he was jacked out of his mind. I know the 3x5 deadlift sounds more muscle building than mass gaining, but apparently with this program you can get both.

Muscle building and mass gaining in this situation would be the same thing, it looks similar to a stronglifts style routine which is suited more to strength than mass but obviously with extra strength you will end up gaining some mass.
20 May 2011
Aberdeen, Scotland
Muscle building and mass gaining in this situation would be the same thing, it looks similar to a stronglifts style routine which is suited more to strength than mass but obviously with extra strength you will end up gaining some mass.

There are more advanced routines, this is just the beginner Park one, he does more brutal stuff later on when you're ready for it. But looking at the guy, it works. He had a combination of the grittiness of John Grimek and the symmetry of Steve Reeves, whilst being strong as a horse at over 600lb deadlifts. Sounds perfect. :p



15 Oct 2007
Have very little freezer space so would end up having to walk to asda (1 hour round trip) every couple of days. Then i'd need to eat even more to up the calories :p I think its like £5.50 anyway so isnt that much better value. And its the stuff pumped full of water.

1.4kg steak for £10 is much preferred :p

I need to look at my own spending of this; i only buy fresh meats maybe this is my problem

3 chicken breast pack - 3 packs for £10 x2 (18 chicken breast £20.00)
3 Steak medilions pack - 3 packs for £10 (9 steaks £10.00)
1 T-Bone x1 - £5
250g Turkey Mince x 2 - £2
Fresh Coin Loin Fillet x2 - £3

£45.00 quid easy :rolleyes: without brown rice, broccoli and sweet potato to last me the week
13 Mar 2008
So I got the results of my MRI today.

I've a bulging disk that's pressing against the Spinal and nerve stem. Causing all my pain and problems.

I'm being reffered to an Orthopeadic Surgeon to see if I need surgery at this point, specially since I've been getting pins and needles in my right leg from the pressure in my spine.

Also here's a little photo of some of the meds I picked up yesterday and today on my prescription.


As you can see I've an aweful lot of pain medication Lyrica and Solpadeine for pain, Difene and Arcoxia for Inflammation in the spine and plenty of Diazepam as the muscle relaxant.

Suffice it to say, this would all have probably been unneccesary if my orginal doctor sent me for an MRI when I went to him.

Yet the bugger kept insisting up until I left him that an MRI would be pointless and that it wouldn't show anything. He kept saying it's just a pinched or hurt nerve that would clear up in a week or two.

Time to get ready for the long haul it seems.
3 Oct 2009
I need to look at my own spending of this; i only buy fresh meats maybe this is my problem

3 chicken breast pack - 3 packs for £10 x2 (18 chicken breast £20.00)
3 Steak medilions pack - 3 packs for £10 (9 steaks £10.00)
1 T-Bone x1 - £5
250g Turkey Mince x 2 - £2
Fresh Coin Loin Fillet x2 - £3

£45.00 quid easy :rolleyes: without brown rice, broccoli and sweet potato to last me the week

Thats a lot of meat. You eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner? :p



15 Oct 2007
Thats a lot of meat. You eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner? :p

No, thats the worrying thing :) That is last weeks shop but should last me 7 days - on average will consume around 3.5 breast per day plus someting like some turkey mince or a steak in the mix as well.

All i seem to be doing lately is eating, hate this clean bulk lark so much prefer cutting.
12 Feb 2006
i have to admit, i don' understand half of what people are saying in this thead :p e.g. "hate this clean bulk lark so much prefer cutting" what does this mean? lol

i'm just starting to go to the gym properly and i have weights/bench at home. this is the first time i've ever felt like working in in my life never seen the point before so not used to it but enjoying it. just wondered what peoples suggestions would be for a good initial work out then how to progress.

i'm trying to understand the below but don't quite get the 5x5 bits
Workout A

Back Squats 5x5
Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 5x5
Dips or Bench Press 5x5
Wrist Work 2x10
Calves 2x15-20

Workout B

Front Squats 5x5
Rows 5x5
Standing Press 5x5
Deadlifts 3x5 (2 warm-up sets and 1 "stabilizer set")
Wrist Work 2x10
Calves 2x15-20

Week 1: A, B, A
Week 2: B, A, B
Week 3: A, B, etc
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
No, thats the worrying thing :) That is last weeks shop but should last me 7 days - on average will consume around 3.5 breast per day plus someting like some turkey mince or a steak in the mix as well.

All i seem to be doing lately is eating, hate this clean bulk lark so much prefer cutting.
To be honest, I also find it pretty tedious eating clean. There is so much prep involved in getting 250g of protein in without the food quickly getting boring. These days I just smash down some protein shakes (90g worth at breakfast) and then enjoy my food.

I've been doing this for months and it hasn't had any negative affect.
3 Oct 2009

That session of 15s was quite literally my toughest hour in the gym ever. Didnt help that it must have been 30+ degrees in there, my tshirt has changed colour completely due to sweat :p but near the end i was feeling dead even on 10kg db press!! 15" arms with dat der pump yeaaah buddy. man it feels good to be back in there :D
25 Oct 2003
i have to admit, i don' understand half of what people are saying in this thead :p e.g. "hate this clean bulk lark so much prefer cutting" what does this mean? lol

i'm just starting to go to the gym properly and i have weights/bench at home. this is the first time i've ever felt like working in in my life never seen the point before so not used to it but enjoying it. just wondered what peoples suggestions would be for a good initial work out then how to progress.

i'm trying to understand the below but don't quite get the 5x5 bits

the 5x5 thing is how many times you do the specific movement (reps) over how many sets.

so 5x5 = 5 reps of movement over 5 sets (so a short break inbetween each set)

The clean bulk/bulk/cut talk just refers to peoples targets, cut (losing weight), bulk (putting on weight and hopefully muscle), clean bulk (doing the best to stay lean but put on muscle)

You'll get the hang of it soon.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007

That session of 15s was quite literally my toughest hour in the gym ever. Didnt help that it must have been 30+ degrees in there, my tshirt has changed colour completely due to sweat :p but near the end i was feeling dead even on 10kg db press!! 15" arms with dat der pump yeaaah buddy. man it feels good to be back in there :D

Got that to look forward to in an hour, hope it miraculously get cold in that time!
13 Nov 2006
Not quite sure what happened today.

Took one scoop of Jack3d on a fairly empty stomach then did a ~20 min warm up.

Started working out, didn't feel much different to normal although I'm not sure, perhaps I did feel something? I certainly didn't feel weak at all.

Cooled down, stretched etc, came home, made a shake and then I started feeling a bit buzzy, I put it down to endorphin release but I'm now thinking that maybe it was the Jack 3d kicking in? Felt a bit more intense than normal endorphin release. Could it be that the Jack3d took over an hour to kick in? It was probably closer to 1hr 20 - I didn't time it though.

I'm not quite sure which flavour it was but it tasted bloody lovely, I could drink it all day for taste alone. :D Might try 2 scoops next time.
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13 Nov 2006
The chap at the gym made it for me with very little water, probably less than 200ml at a guess.

The more I think about it the more I think it was the Jack 3d, it actually kicked in when I sat down to drink the PWO.

I'll take a bottle of water with me next time.
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