*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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20 May 2011
Aberdeen, Scotland
i have to admit, i don' understand half of what people are saying in this thead :p e.g. "hate this clean bulk lark so much prefer cutting" what does this mean? lol

i'm just starting to go to the gym properly and i have weights/bench at home. this is the first time i've ever felt like working in in my life never seen the point before so not used to it but enjoying it. just wondered what peoples suggestions would be for a good initial work out then how to progress.

i'm trying to understand the below but don't quite get the 5x5 bits

Basically, 5x5 means 5 sets of 5 repetitions.

So for example a squat, I will do 5 full squats, take a 3-5min break and then begin another set, for a total of 5.

The workouts are groups in category, so A for the first and B for the second.

If we made our workout days Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then week 1 would be doing routine A on Monday, routine B on Wednesday and routine A on friday, and from then on it is easy to figure out.

Bulking is to eat more calories than you require per day in order to pack on a lot of muscle mass. You get larger, but also fatter from the excess calories.

Cutting is done after bulking, and you lose the bodyfat by eating less than you require. As a result, your muscles will become more defined the lower bodyfat you go. As a side effect, you will lose some strength but it's nothing to worry about.
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13 Nov 2006
Are you laughing at me, Delvis? :p

You should get someone to check or form, or take a video. I followed the how-to that you last posted up with that bloke who seemed pretty ****ed off and I felt pretty comfortable with it!
7 Nov 2004
Are you laughing at me, Delvis? :p

You should get someone to check or form, or take a video. I followed the how-to that you last posted up with that bloke who seemed pretty ****ed off and I felt pretty comfortable with it!

I do it how EliteFTS do it, the same in the vid i posted...Sometimes I hit the pecs other times I don't :(

It's weird.
6 Jan 2005
Normally after a chest workout then dips then rope pulldown my triceps are destroyed

I'm currently doing chest and triceps on different days because I'm going five times a week to the gym.

My schedule is currently:
Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Shoulders
Thursday - Triceps
Friday - Back/some biceps
and Legs/Abs on whichever day I have extra time.

Do you think that if I did chest and triceps on the same day, but twice a week, I would see a much greater improvement?

So it would be this:
Monday - Back/Biceps
Tueday - Chest/Triceps
Wednesday - Shoulders/Legs/Abs
Thursday - Chest/Triceps
Friday - Back/Biceps
Weekend - Rest/Die

Or would there be a better way to arrange it?
20 Mar 2007
More time on legs, less time on arms. They're proportionally larger, so spend a proportionally longer amount of time on them.

Monday: Legs (quads and calfs)
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Back
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday Legs (hams and calfs)

That's what I do if I were going 5 days per week. Though to be honest I'd probably just do resistance training mon/tue/fri and spend the other 2 conditioning, mobilising and some cardio.
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6 Jan 2005
More time on legs, less time on arms. They're proportionally larger, so spend a proportionally longer amount of time on them.

Monday: Legs (quads and calfs)
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Back
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday Legs (hams and calfs)

That's what I do if I were going 5 days per week. Though to be honest I'd probably just do resistance training mon/tue/fri and spend the other 2 conditioning, mobilising and some cardio.
Ok I will start doing legs more often. I don't do any cardio at the gym as I'm cycling 6 miles each way to get there everyday, so I don't really want to do any more :)
I always like to finish the week with an intense deadlifting session, so back/biceps will always be on Friday, takes the weekend to recover :D

Maybe this:
Monday - Back/Biceps/Legs (quads and calfs)
Tueday - Chest/Triceps
Wednesday - Shoulders/Abs
Thursday - Chest/Triceps/Legs (hams and calfs)
Friday - Back/Biceps


What do you currently do in terms of tricep work? If you're not already doing it then close grip benchpress might be worth it for you.

Triceps Pushdown and Dips, it's my only day that is lacking really, which is why I'm after a good routine :)

For close grip bench press, what percentage of normal bench press weight would you recommend? I will have a go tomorrow.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Ok I will start doing legs more often. I don't do any cardio at the gym as I'm cycling 6 miles each way to get there everyday, so I don't really want to do any more :)
I always like to finish the week with an intense deadlifting session, so back/biceps will always be on Friday, takes the weekend to recover :D

Maybe this:
Monday - Back/Biceps/Legs (quads and calfs)
Tueday - Chest/Triceps
Wednesday - Shoulders/Abs
Thursday - Chest/Triceps/Legs (hams and calfs)
Friday - Back/Biceps

You will have problems trying to do deadlifts after working your hamstrings the previous day. In fact the whole routine is a mess. You don't need a super complicated program like a pro bodybuilder might have, just keep it simple. Mansize's example was good.

Also, if you want to do much else after you've done your legs, you haven't done your legs.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Yeah same, it wasn't until I got home that I was properly able to drink!

Again, I forgot how hard the 15 rep phase is :o

Funny thing happened though. I'd set up a bench for my incline DB press and while I was recovering between sets a guy brushed passed me and the several other unoccupied benches to get to the one I was using. He then set it flat and proceeded to do a pretty serious set of wrist curls with 5kg. I waited until he finished his very important set and asked him if he could use one of the other benches, and he got a little hostile and said that he was using it first.

Granted, I may have used some creative license with the word "funny" there, but he amused me anyway. He had left the room for several minutes before I started on the bench, so he must have just forgotten to clear the sand out of his vagina.
6 Jan 2005
You will have problems trying to do deadlifts after working your hamstrings the previous day. In fact the whole routine is a mess. You don't need a super complicated program like a pro bodybuilder might have, just keep it simple. Mansize's example was good.

Also, if you want to do much else after you've done your legs, you haven't done your legs.
Ok, cheers.

I don't think it's that complicated, just doing everything twice a week, would that be a much greater improvement than doing it once a week or is it worth the week rest? That routine could be improved definitely, I agree.

I normally can't walk out of the gym properly after a leg session :)
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