*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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13 Nov 2006
Gym was empty, it was brilliant :D

Nice, I sorely miss the days of having a gym all to myself! Might have to build my own in the future, it is nice to bump into friends though.

So.... does anyone else pose on here? I'm sure I can't be the only one. :p

Most of the time when I go to the bathroom or walk past a mirror at home I can't help but pull silly poses or 'flex'.

I always have a little chuckle to myself because I know I have next to no muscles so it's somewhat ironic that I'm posing but it is loltastic nevertheless. :D
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Just about to hit the gym for a heavy day, fingers crossed it won't be like an oven yet :D
Yeah same, seems a little cooler here though. Might get to see if my intercostal is healed enough to do some sprinting.
Yeah, but I'm pulling faces whilst doing them, that's gotta be worth an extra 10 man-points! ;) :p

Just about to head to the gym, hoping to take the jack3d properly this time. :o:o
Try it with 500ml of water this time.
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13 Mar 2003
Well I managed to equal my best ever deadlift last night. Last time I did it was November/December last year and was a real struggle I seem to remember.

Anyway, managed to pull 190kg and also did 180kg for three reps. Was pretty pleased with that. Not as good as a lot of you meatheads but i'm please none the less. Next stop for me is 200:)

What i did find funny is that when I was warming up 100kg felt very heavy which was odd. I even had to check the plates to make sure I had put the right ones on!

But when I moved up to 150 it felt lighter - weird. Must have been psychological.
13 Nov 2006
Try it with 500ml of water this time.

I took my own bottle of water with me and had approx 500ml.

I took it at 13:13 and am yet to feel anything! Warmed up, worked out, cooled down and have just finished my PWO.

It seems that I'm quite resilient to it and at this rate there's no point in buying any at all. If I can't feel anything after only the second time I've had it then I'll probably have to end up taking an additional scoop every time I have it.

Fail! :\
3 Oct 2009
You drink much coffee or other energy drinks? It used to take me 2 500ml cans of relentless/red bull before i even felt the effects :p Now i havnt had any in ages so a cup of coffee actually gets me going
13 Nov 2006
You drink much coffee or other energy drinks? It used to take me 2 500ml cans of relentless/red bull before i even felt the effects :p Now i havnt had any in ages so a cup of coffee actually gets me going

Not really, the occasional cup of coffee before a session, that's about it. I'm quite against 'energy' drinks.

Wusses. A good night's kip and hearty meals are all you need.


At 63kg I'm hardly Mr Muscles so if anything can give that little extra edge then I see no harm in it. Going by how highly people rate Jack3d I don't think any other pre-workout stimulant will work.

Glad I didn't buy a tub.
21 Jun 2006
been extremely busy for the past 2 weeks, 13 hour shifts for 10 days straight. had to cover for someone on short notice. then had family come and stay from abroad.

not had a workout since i recorded those videos for icecold, still not had a chance to upload them due to how busy i have been.

i did take a chance to look through them, the form was terrible, probably due to the fact i was rushing them (fiancee came late and i had a party to go to).

i will re-do them lol, i will upload one or two of the bad form ones for icecold to look at anyway, until i can get proper ones up where im not rushing to do them for the sake of it, but i wasn't going deep enough.

i also dont know whether to get a reverse hyper machine or a glute ham developer or a normal hyper machine




the other alternative is to do good mornings, but obviously with one of the above machines, i can do the same exercise but a lot easier and safer, but then again they do cost a lot.

im really liking this one https://www.strengthshop.co.uk/equipment-and-bars/miscellaneous/glute-ham-developer.html which ain't too bad at £250 i have looked at some others which cost up to £1K such as


but that is far too much for home use.

also has anyone bought http://www.gymratz.co.uk/anabolics-10th-edition or know where i can get a pdf online? i think i have the 9th edition and dont want to pay £50 for the 10th edition, will probably get leaked within a few months when the price goes down in america.


also managed to get a trojan in an email which looked like a real one, i had ordered a few things and someone spammed me with a UPS delivery tracking thing, i thought it was from one of the companies i ordered from, downloaded the zip file and inside was a trojan, i do not usually get caught out and was in a rush so just rushed through everything. if i had stopped and thought, arent these usually online links instead of zip files, i would have caught it before it was too late, anyway, had to re-install windows, tried all sorts to get rid of it but could never be sure with trojans, anyway lesson learned not had a virus in ages anyway, probably several years in fact.

need to install office, nokia software, printer drivers, etc. such a pain, worse than people curling in racks.
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