*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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3 Oct 2009
Second session of 15s. BRUTAL! Went later so the gym wouldnt be so hot, which was a success. Problem was it was packed full of bicep boys pumping up before their friday night club sessions... Over half of them were wearing those ******* super baggy vests and were no bigger than me. Idiots :rolleyes:
Almost had a chunky yawn after my second set of squats @52.5kg :p The rest went well. Lateral raises give such an intense burn with a low weight near the end!

Time for steak + sweet potato chips :)
21 Jun 2006
Shopping :p £18.64 for;

steak/chicken for 6 meals x250g
eggs/bread/muesli for a week
milk for 4-7 days depending how much i drink
pasta isnt wholegrain but its 18p for 500g, i cant complain

didnt buy potatoes, tuna, bacon, bananas as i have enough to last a while.

under £30 is gonna be close when i have to buy a full weeks worth :D

DOMS from yesterday kicking in :o

you might wanna take a look at mysupermarket.com, im amazed at some of the stuff it does on there, like recommend you cheaper options, tell you which supermarket is cheaper, etc. or tell you whether or not it is cheaper to buy in bulk.

also tells you all the latest offers, etc.
21 Nov 2005
Just had a mixed session. Wanted 100kg seated shoulder press for 5 reps but after asking two randoms to help me get the weight above my head so I could start pressing it they continued to help for all 5 reps. Even held it above my head after the 2nd and said I was fine on my own! :mad:

Then did a deadlift challenge with a few mates involving lifting your weight in stone x 10kg x the amount you weigh for reps. Mine was 18st = 180kg for 18 reps but failed at the knee after 16. One of my mates managed 21 reps at 13 stone so battered me :o
3 Oct 2009
you might wanna take a look at mysupermarket.com, im amazed at some of the stuff it does on there, like recommend you cheaper options, tell you which supermarket is cheaper, etc. or tell you whether or not it is cheaper to buy in bulk.

also tells you all the latest offers, etc.

Will do. The problem with anywhere other than asda though is its quite a bit further to get to meaning i'd need to get the bus back which would end up negating most of the savings :o I'll check it out though
21 Jun 2006
Will do. The problem with anywhere other than asda though is its quite a bit further to get to meaning i'd need to get the bus back which would end up negating most of the savings :o I'll check it out though

they deliver for a few quid, i take it you walk to asda? depends on the savings offered, lets say tesco is £5 cheaper and delivery is £3, then you have saved yourself £2 and the hassle of going to asda and back, unless you like the cardio/walking aspect of it.

for me asda is a 10 min drive, sainsbury's is a 5 min drive and tesco is a 10 min drive, therefore it's worth just paying the £3 for delivery.
21 Jun 2006
Can someone help me fast forward time please?

Psycho - did you see that I tired Jack3d? Took over an hour to kick in the first time (Weds) and today it did pretty much nothing whatsoever!

sorry mate, ive not really had time to look through the gym threads on here as of late.

so i scanned a few posts here and there today, but too much to look through on what ive missed.

first of all, jack3d needs to be taken on an empty stomach, for it to as effective as possible, therefore, dont eat anything for at least an hour before or after taking it.

say if you had a huge meal, it may take several hours to go through your system, which is going to diminish jack3d's effects.

the 1,3 dymeth is basically like taking meth, it's really effective, it should work but coupled with the other ingredients makes it a lot more effective. it's banned in several countries and in most professional sports, for example footballers cannot use it.

its perfectly legal though unless your competing, so nothing to worry about unless you are.

try taking 2 scoops 30 mins before your workout, on an empty stomach, the only thing you should take during your workout is water or water + BCAA.

if it still doesnt work then either you have a dud batch (can happen if its a dodgy seller) or your extremely stim tolerant.

oh and another thing, the tub may have been sitting in a warehouse gathering dust for a long time, make sure you shake the tub thoroughly before using it, some of the ingredients will settle down and therefore all the good stuff may be at the top or bottom.

it should work, it's not number one for no reason, if it doesn't, then it could be a dud or you have a high tolerance due to being a regular caffeine drinker or drug user.

like i say 1,3 dymeth is basically like cocaine and what makes jack3d so effective.
3 Oct 2009
they deliver for a few quid, i take it you walk to asda? depends on the savings offered, lets say tesco is £5 cheaper and delivery is £3, then you have saved yourself £2 and the hassle of going to asda and back, unless you like the cardio/walking aspect of it.

for me asda is a 10 min drive, sainsbury's is a 5 min drive and tesco is a 10 min drive, therefore it's worth just paying the £3 for delivery.

20 min walk each way. its a nice break from work other than the gym. especially when the weather cools down. we'll see
13 Nov 2006

I ate at 10:45 and took the jack3d at 13:13 with water.

Did nothing. :(

Was one scoop that I bought in the gym so I think it was probably quite fresh.

I had one scoop on Weds too, I felt that but it took over an hour to kick in!

I was tempted to try 2 scoops next time but then I can see it only getting worse, needing 3 scoops after that.

Think I'll stick to a banana and the occasional coffee, not that they do anything amazing.

I think I just have a high tolerance.
Last edited:
21 Jun 2006
20 min walk each way. its a nice break from work other than the gym. especially when the weather cools down. we'll see

if you like the walking aspect, then just keep on doing that, but in scotland, its impossible to walk outside without getting wet, terrible weather, sainsburys (my closest supermarket) is like a 30 minute walk each way, even on a sunny day in june you wouldnt risk it in scotland.

but in the winter months, it may be better for you to check out mysupermarket.com, if you put something which costs say £3 in your basket, it sometimes say why not try this and its only £2.50 for the same thing, etc.

i have also noticed some stuff is cheaper to buy in smaller jugs (like milk) than bigger ones, which is odd. and muller rice is cheaper to buy singly than in a multi pack, which is also odd.
15 Jan 2005
sorry mate, ive not really had time to look through the gym threads on here as of late.

so i scanned a few posts here and there today, but too much to look through on what ive missed.

first of all, jack3d needs to be taken on an empty stomach, for it to as effective as possible, therefore, dont eat anything for at least an hour before or after taking it.

say if you had a huge meal, it may take several hours to go through your system, which is going to diminish jack3d's effects.

the 1,3 dymeth is basically like taking meth, it's really effective, it should work but coupled with the other ingredients makes it a lot more effective. it's banned in several countries and in most professional sports, for example footballers cannot use it.

its perfectly legal though unless your competing, so nothing to worry about unless you are.

try taking 2 scoops 30 mins before your workout, on an empty stomach, the only thing you should take during your workout is water or water + BCAA.

if it still doesnt work then either you have a dud batch (can happen if its a dodgy seller) or your extremely stim tolerant.

oh and another thing, the tub may have been sitting in a warehouse gathering dust for a long time, make sure you shake the tub thoroughly before using it, some of the ingredients will settle down and therefore all the good stuff may be at the top or bottom.

it should work, it's not number one for no reason, if it doesn't, then it could be a dud or you have a high tolerance due to being a regular caffeine drinker or drug user.

like i say 1,3 dymeth is basically like cocaine and what makes jack3d so effective.

Oh come off it, it's nothing like amphetamines!
21 Jun 2006
I ate at 10:45 and took the jack3d at 13:13 with water.

Did nothing. :(

Was one scoop that I bought in the gym so I think it was probably quite fresh.

I had one scoop on Weds too, I felt that but it took over an hour to kick in!

I was tempted to try 2 scoops next time but then I can see it only getting worse, needing 3 scoops after that.

Think I'll stick to a banana and the occasional coffee, not that they do anything amazing.

I think I just have a high tolerance.

i would not trust a gym like that, who knows what has happened to the tub, if it was accidently left open and moisture got inside it could ruin it. if it is your own stuff then you are more likely to take better care of it, etc.

i have noticed my purple wraath get moisture inside the tub and the stuff at the top has slightly clumped together whereas the stuff underneath is fine., so i now only open it for a split second then close it again.

powders will absorb a lot of water from the air just like a tv attracts dust, this is natural, because those powders will have had a lot of water in them in their original form. reason why i never dip wet hands (after washing them) into a tub of protein powder.

its £20 for a tub, you may be better off buying 1 tub from a reputable source to give it a proper trial.

or try something like LG Sciences ASGT (more natural ingredients).

a coffee is good as well, but i find jack3d as that extra boost you simply cannot get from just caffeine.

pre-workouts are not really needed, only for people with bad drive / motivation tbh, like some days i can never be bothered, so i will force myself to take jack3d then that will put me in the zone within 30-45 minutes.
7 Nov 2004
Well, did back today, slightely surprised in all honesty :o

Was doing deadlifts for reps and upping the weight....and just kept.going....ended up on 97kg :p hehe! Felt quite easy as well! Ph was 92kg before that :)
21 Jun 2006
Oh come off it, it's nothing like amphetamines!

Although intended by Eli Lilly to be used as a nasal decongestant, methylhexaneamine has been marketed by certain companies as a dietary supplement in combination with caffeine and other ingredients, under trade names such as Geranamine and Floradrene, to be used as an OTC thermogenic or general purpose stimulant. Methylhexaneamine itself has not been studied intensively and its pharmacological profile has not been evaluated since Eli Lilly filed its patent in 1944, stating that the stimulant effects on the CNS are less than that of the related compounds amphetamine and ephedrine.[9] Despite not being a catecholamine, methylhexanamine exhibits structural similarity to other monoamines such as phenethylamine and amphetamine, which may account for its similar mode of action to these compounds. The only structural difference between methylhexanamine and amphetamine is that methylhexanamine lacks the phenyl or benzene ring which is present in all phenethylamine derivatives, including all amphetamines, containing only 4 of the 6 carbons of the phenyl ring. The difference between geranamine and propylhexedrine is that is lacks two carbons that create a cyclohexyl ring in propylhexedrine and a methyl group on the amine group. Despite these differences, it has a similar mode of action, being a stimulant and having norepinephrinergic effects.

In New Zealand, methylhexanamine (under the name 1,3-dimethylamylamine or DMAA) is an emerging active ingredient of party pills.[10] Side-effects including headache, nausea, and stroke have been reported in recreational users of these products.[11] In November 2009, the New Zealand government indicated that methylhexanamine would be scheduled as a restricted substance.[12] The New Zealand government has not banned methylhexanamine, however, its Ministry of Health has banned bulk powder purchases, but its sale in the form of capsules and tablets is permitted.

In 2009, the World Anti-Doping Agency added methylhexanamine to the 2010 prohibited list.[21]

Methylhexanamine was implicated as a stimulant used by five Jamaican athletes in 2009. JADCO, the Jamaican anti-doping panel, was initially unable to determine whether it was prohibited by the rules,[22] but subsequently decided to impose sanctions on some of the affected athletes on the grounds that the drug was similar in structure to the banned substance tuaminoheptane.[23]

During the 2010 Commonwealth Games, Nigerian athlete Damola Osayemi was stripped of her gold medal in the 100m after methylhexanamine was detected during drug testing.[24] Subsequently, another Nigerian athlete, Samuel Okon, who finished sixth in the 110m hurdles, also tested positive for the drug.[25]

In October 2010, two Portuguese cyclists—Rui Costa and his brother Mario—tested positive for the substance. The samples were taken during the Portuguese National Championships at the end of June.[26]

In October 2010, nine Australian athletes have been found by Australian Sports Anti-doping Authority to have tested positive for the substance. These players may include NRL and AFL players.[27]

In November 2010 two South African rugby union players, Chiliboy Ralepelle and Bjorn Basson, were found to have tested positive for the substance on their annual tour of the Northern Hemisphere, and were immediately sent home from the tour by the South African Rugby Union, although it is possible that the players may have ingested the substance inadvertently in the form of medication for flu symptoms.[28]

In 2010 Belgian National Amateur Masters Champion Rudy Taelman was suspended for one year for a positive test for methylhexanamine. He successfully defended himself from accusations of willful doping by proving that a supplement called "Crack" had caused the non-negative test. It should be noted that he was an active anti-doping advocate, and ironically the one to call for the doping controls to which he was submitted.[29]

In January 2011, the Greek basketball team Iraklis indefinitely suspended Matt Bouldin after he tested positive for methylhexanamine.[30]

American pro tennis player Robert Kendrick was disqualified from the 2011 French Open, and banned from tennis for 12 months by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) after testing positive for Methylhexaneamine at the event. The ban is currently being appealed by Kendrick, as he claims he took a pill to cope with jetlag without knowing it contained the substance, and the ITF wrote in their summary that it did not believe that Kendrick took the substance as a performance enhancer. However, it is the long stated practice of the Tennis Anti-Doping Program that the players are responsible for ensuring that no prohibited substances enter their body, unless they hold a valid exemption for therapeutic use, which Kendrick did not.

In August 2011, American sprinter Mike Rodgers tested positive methylhexanamine, claiming he drank vodka with an energy drink at a club two days before a meeting in Lignano, Italy, which supposedly caused the positive test.[31]

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylhexanamine#Uses
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
been extremely busy for the past 2 weeks, 13 hour shifts for 10 days straight. had to cover for someone on short notice. then had family come and stay from abroad.

not had a workout since i recorded those videos for icecold, still not had a chance to upload them due to how busy i have been.

i did take a chance to look through them, the form was terrible, probably due to the fact i was rushing them (fiancee came late and i had a party to go to).

i will re-do them lol, i will upload one or two of the bad form ones for icecold to look at anyway, until i can get proper ones up where im not rushing to do them for the sake of it, but i wasn't going deep enough.

i also dont know whether to get a reverse hyper machine or a glute ham developer or a normal hyper machine




the other alternative is to do good mornings, but obviously with one of the above machines, i can do the same exercise but a lot easier and safer, but then again they do cost a lot.

im really liking this one https://www.strengthshop.co.uk/equipment-and-bars/miscellaneous/glute-ham-developer.html which ain't too bad at £250 i have looked at some others which cost up to £1K such as


but that is far too much for home use.

also has anyone bought http://www.gymratz.co.uk/anabolics-10th-edition or know where i can get a pdf online? i think i have the 9th edition and dont want to pay £50 for the 10th edition, will probably get leaked within a few months when the price goes down in america.


also managed to get a trojan in an email which looked like a real one, i had ordered a few things and someone spammed me with a UPS delivery tracking thing, i thought it was from one of the companies i ordered from, downloaded the zip file and inside was a trojan, i do not usually get caught out and was in a rush so just rushed through everything. if i had stopped and thought, arent these usually online links instead of zip files, i would have caught it before it was too late, anyway, had to re-install windows, tried all sorts to get rid of it but could never be sure with trojans, anyway lesson learned not had a virus in ages anyway, probably several years in fact.

need to install office, nokia software, printer drivers, etc. such a pain, worse than people curling in racks.
No worries, just send them when you're ready. The bad ones will be useful too.

Also, I think you should get the GHR https://www.strengthshop.co.uk/equipment-and-bars/miscellaneous/glute-ham-developer.html

You can do reverse hypers on them too.
Second session of 15s. BRUTAL! Went later so the gym wouldnt be so hot, which was a success. Problem was it was packed full of bicep boys pumping up before their friday night club sessions... Over half of them were wearing those ******* super baggy vests and were no bigger than me. Idiots :rolleyes:
Almost had a chunky yawn after my second set of squats @52.5kg :p The rest went well. Lateral raises give such an intense burn with a low weight near the end!

Time for steak + sweet potato chips :)
Fourth for me, but it was my "easy" day. Wanted to die after deficit deadlifts. Front squats felt ok today, might be able to up the weight a little more for the last session. Bench is feeling good, despite my shoulder doing some crazy things.
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