*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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21 Jun 2006
Whey and oats will almost definitely work out cheaper than any whole food, cal for cal. You'll be lacking in vitamins and minerals which you'll need to source from elsewhere, though. Here's my diet when I'm keeping things cheap:

Meal 1
50g pea protein powder (40g protein), 2 scoops of psyllium husks, 1/2 a scoop of vitamin B5
Ham and cheese sandwich (Burgen Bread)
5 fish oil soft gels
1 Multivitamin

Peanut butter (100g) sandwich (Burgen Bread)

Meal 2
50g Pea protein powder (40g protein), 2 scoops of psyllium husks, 1/2 a scoop of vitamin B5
2 Frozen chicken breasts wrapped in bacon
4 Sausages
2-3 Eggs
5 Fish oil soft gels
1 Vitamin B5 Super Complex

I haven't calculated the macros precisely, but should be around 200g protein, 50-60g carbs, maybe 80g of fats.

wow that is a lot of fish oils, i take roughly 3 a day.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
i dont know, there isn't much you can do with egg whites is there to make them taste good, i hate them, much prefer an omlette.

rice cakes are fine, nothing wrong with them imo but it depends on the fish how it tastes. but eating the same thing everyday regardless of what it is would make me feel sick.

variety is key imo.

I was being a bit tongue in cheek :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYHAR8Xzsyo
7 Nov 2004
I've been trying to bulk at the moment, and the extra size on my arms is feeling good, traps feel good and pecs feel like they're there and strong....... But the belly and added moob is a bit disheartening :) But I'm thinking couple of months of bulking, super cut, couple of months of bulking, should see me happy :)

Cool :)

Let us know how it goes, will be good to see progress buddy.

I'm bulking I guess, with what I can...Need to source some whey purely so I get more protein. I'm so poor at the moment it's unbelievable
21 Jun 2006
Cool :)

Let us know how it goes, will be good to see progress buddy.

I'm bulking I guess, with what I can...Need to source some whey purely so I get more protein. I'm so poor at the moment it's unbelievable

you ever thought of maybe doing an easy night job? your a teacher right? 9-4 teaching then 5-11 delivery driver for a takeaway (assuming you have a car) a few nights per week. it's mostly sitting about and driving. in that time your sitting about you could read books or watch tv/movies on a laptop/tablet.

if you do it every second day, you could train every 2nd day too.

also they should give you a free meal or something too at the end of the night, depending on who you deliver for. its not amazing money, but a lot better than nothing and it's an easy job, so long as you know the local areas, even if you dont most customers are regular, so after you have done them once, you remember for next time.

i think one of our drivers back in the day was a teacher.
20 Mar 2007
wow that is a lot of fish oils, i take roughly 3 a day.

Have a read of this, or at least a skim, if you get a chance.

This means that I recommend an intake of 2 g EPA and 1.5 g DHA per day, and it means that you should pay closer attention to the EPA/DHA amounts you get from your fish oil supplement.

From 10 soft gels I get 1.8g EPA and 1.2g DHA so I should really have a few more but this will do for now.
7 Nov 2004
you ever thought of maybe doing an easy night job? your a teacher right? 9-4 teaching then 5-11 delivery driver for a takeaway (assuming you have a car) a few nights per week. it's mostly sitting about and driving. in that time your sitting about you could read books or watch tv/movies on a laptop/tablet.

if you do it every second day, you could train every 2nd day too.

also they should give you a free meal or something too at the end of the night, depending on who you deliver for. its not amazing money, but a lot better than nothing and it's an easy job, so long as you know the local areas, even if you dont most customers are regular, so after you have done them once, you remember for next time.

i think one of our drivers back in the day was a teacher.

Well, I'm an IT Tech / Website Admin in a school. So it's 8:30 - 5:00

After that I'm practically brain dead...God knows how I do the gym after work anyway (Banana power!!! :p)

I could do more work after work...But I hate the idea of it, I really do...Why should I bust my balls throughout the day to only not get paid enough in the long run :p...It's daft, probably hand my notice in soon no doubt
20 Mar 2007
Wise, it is rather long! Most well-informed guys in the fitness world recommend around 2g EPA and 1.5g DHA like Martin, whether it's because they get their data from the same scientific studies I don't know, I haven't looked into it in that depth. But I do look and feel better for ramping up my intake.
15 Jul 2010
I've been doing Marks Rippetoe Strength Training programme since April about 3 times a week, I feel a lot stronger and my muscle mass has improved quite a lot so I'm really impressed with the work out, only problem is apart from giving me big arms/chest/legs it's not doing anything for my tummy and I wanted to know what the best way to cut so I can see my abs would be? How much cardio should I do and what type of cardio?
20 Mar 2007
EPA and DHA are both fatty acids that you find in fish oil, usually in the ratio of 1.8:1.2

A large part of cell membranes are made up of fatty acids, therefore highly dependant on the fat composition of your diet. The incorporation of EPA and DHA into the cell membranes help modulate signals between the membrane proteins that shuttle nutrients into the cell and the cell itself. So the more fish oil in your diet, the greater EPA and DHA composition in all of your cells' membranes.

Basically it helps the transport of nutrients into your cells, pretty vital for.. well, everything. Bear in mind it takes 4-6 weeks after supplementing as I suggested for your membranes' fatty acid composition to change (i.e. less mono-unsaturated fatty acids and more EPA and DHA).

Other bodily improvements:
- Positive influence on cardiovascular health
- Positive effect on chronic inflammation
- Can improve brain functions
- Can aid fat loss in overweight people
Last edited:
3 Oct 2009
Sad. Asda have taken the beef i started buying out of the 3 for £10 and made it 2 for £7. Not a big difference in price but way more awkward when it comes to buying it.

Think i am going to buy a 5kg bag of whey and have an extra 2 shakes with milk and a handful of nuts everyday to replace a tuna+pasta meal. Less carbs but i already get plenty as it is and it will work out about half the price which is excellent :) Just gotta get unflavoured as its so much cheaper :o
7 Nov 2004
EPA and DHA are both fatty acids that you find in fish oil, usually in the ratio of 1.8:1.2

A large part of cell membranes are made up of fatty acids, therefore highly dependant on the fat composition of your diet. The incorporation of EPA and DHA into the cell membranes help modulate signals between the membrane proteins that shuttle nutrients into the cell and the cell itself. So the more fish oil in your diet, the greater EPA and DHA composition in all of your cells' membranes.

Basically it helps the transport of nutrients into your cells, pretty vital for.. well, everything. Bear in mind it takes 4-6 weeks after supplementing as I suggested for your membranes' fatty acid composition to change (i.e. less mono-unsaturated fatty acids and more EPA and DHA).

Other bodily improvements:
- Positive influence on cardiovascular health
- Positive effect on chronic inflammation
- Can improve brain functions
- Can aid fat loss in overweight people

Thank you :)
4 May 2007
West Midlands
Prepare your angus:

21 Aug 2003
Guys I need some help. Feel like I am loosing direction and motivation at the moment. I have just bought a flat and spent a couple of weeks solid doing diy, lugging a tonne of flooring up the stairs and then around the rooms. As a result I have done something to my lower back. It's just above my glute, do obliques go around ones trunk? Anyway, the area had a twinge for the last month or so after squatting. Does anyone have any good support exercises for squatting? I feel like I am going backwards at the moment.

I have found as I progress I become more concerned about injury and it makes me hold back some what.

Also looking for a structured routine. I have always tended to just do what I feel like. I have done 5x5 strength stuff and types of gvt which was great but exhausting.
21 Jun 2006
Guys I need some help. Feel like I am loosing direction and motivation at the moment. I have just bought a flat and spent a couple of weeks solid doing diy, lugging a tonne of flooring up the stairs and then around the rooms. As a result I have done something to my lower back. It's just above my glute, do obliques go around ones trunk? Anyway, the area had a twinge for the last month or so after squatting. Does anyone have any good support exercises for squatting? I feel like I am going backwards at the moment.

I have found as I progress I become more concerned about injury and it makes me hold back some what.

Also looking for a structured routine. I have always tended to just do what I feel like. I have done 5x5 strength stuff and types of gvt which was great but exhausting.

sounds like you may have upped the weight too much, take some weight off and just do more reps, it works out to be the exact same thing. this should help build your support muscle also.

lower back is deadlifts, roman chair or GHR. cable row's, etc.

could add in a lot more back exercises in general, lat pull downs, barbell rows, pull ups, etc.

i suggest you post in icecolds mobility thread ;)
21 Aug 2003
Yeah I actually pulled it doing deadlifts in the end. I spend quite a lot of time on my core these days. I Spend a whole day on core doing different holds pallof press and things like that. I also spend a whole session on upper. Ghr is a nice idea though, might pop that in to my support day :)

I have been backing off my weights generally in the persuit of better form. I am reluctant to drop it any more really. I worked up to 3x7 at 140kg on my squat maybe a month ago with a modified stance and getting full depth. But I don't feel very explosive, when I drop it down to 100kg it doesn't feel much different and it's hard to move it any faster. I used to pop up with 100kg like it was nothing. Perhaps I was cheating before. The movement just feels awkward.



18 Oct 2002
Well the membership at my old place has finally expired.

Off to DW this afternoon to sign up...hope those hexagon plates dont **** me off too much.
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